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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Hi! Any way to add supplies to every command pod without finding and editing every single pod's cfg file?

ModuleManager. Install it and figure out how to use it (It takes some time but lets you do a LOT) and you can add them yourself. Bonus: Every other mod you install will - if you write the config correctly - just get supplies magically.

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Has anyone made a MM .cfg that adds a certain amount of supply storage to manned pods based on number of seats? Should be a base feature of the mod imo but until then an mm.cfg would be appreciated.

Is there a flowchart anywhere of how resources interact? Trying to figure out how to make a self sufficient base on say duna, but it seems supplies can only be recycled from mulch at a loss? How do I actually make more? Fertilizer seems to be impossible to make?

Edited by K3|Chris
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Has anyone made a MM .cfg that adds a certain amount of supply storage to manned pods based on number of seats? Should be a base feature of the mod imo but until then an mm.cfg would be appreciated.

No pod storage was by design as kerbals can go 15 days without supplies.

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Correct, not interfering with other parts by adding supplies was by design and as noted, you don't need supplies until the edge of the kerbin soi.

Also, not being closed loop is also by design. Anything beyond basic recyclers is left there for mods to fill the gap.

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Well has anyone made that MM.cfg? I have to strap supply storage to everything and it's somewhat tedious.

What mods fill that gap? Does any other mods than UKS/MKS interact with this one? Don't get me wrong, having self sufficient bases shouldn't be simple or easy or low tech, but at some point having to send supplies all around the kerbol system to bases and stations elsewhere becomes a massive undertaking making manned missions outside the kerbin SOI unfeasible. First post mentions stuff about combining water and substrate to make more supplies but I don't know what modules you need to make that possible or if it is.

I would assume that's intended behaviour. It's a bit difficult to eat noms when you can't open your helmet visor without dying.

Actually U2 pressure suits have a multi-layer grommet that allows the wearer to insert a straw-like plastic tube into their mouth and squeeze a tube of liquid or mushy food:

could work in a vacuum if thermally regulated (part touching your lips needs to be body temperature, food/drink needs to be +60c to +15c~ without some way to control the temperature either directly or by being stored in a controlled environment it would get too hot in the sun and too cold in the shade. Edited by K3|Chris
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RD, I hit a problem last night with USI LS. I have a small Mun base consisting of a Koala, an emergency shelter and a comms module, with a small Supplies tank (with several small supply paks attached to it), crewed by 1 orange suit and 1 white suit. I had resupplied it with approx 200d of Supplies.

On approach to the base with more parts, once I was in physics range, I got the message about crew going on strike. Imagine my surprise to see all of the supplies gone and the white suit sulking. I have other bases with similar supply levels, and they were fine, this one just blipped to zero.

Being undeterred by space shenanigans, I landed and bolted a full supply pak to the side of the supply tank. Imagine my further surprise at seeing a message about my white suit nomming the supplies, and then finding the entire new supply pak immediately empty.

It may be relevant to note that the Mun base is completely out of power?

Anyways, any ideas? I'd like to keep using LS but if they are going to keep mainlining noms like it's thanksgiving, they are gonna have a bad time.

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It may be relevant to note that the Mun base is completely out of power?

This IS the relevant part.

As noted in the OP

Kerbals require supplies. Kerbals also require EC.

If they run out of power they go crazy and supplies may get thrown out of the airlock.

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Well has anyone made that MM.cfg? I have to strap supply storage to everything and it's somewhat tedious.

What mods fill that gap? Does any other mods than UKS/MKS interact with this one? Don't get me wrong, having self sufficient bases shouldn't be simple or easy or low tech, but at some point having to send supplies all around the kerbol system to bases and stations elsewhere becomes a massive undertaking making manned missions outside the kerbin SOI unfeasible. First post mentions stuff about combining water and substrate to make more supplies but I don't know what modules you need to make that possible or if it is.

You only need to strap things on outside of the Kerbin SOI. I've found the larger canisters service most missions well, and if you want some serious extension, add one of the included greenhouses and pack fertilizer not supplies.

RD, I hit a problem last night with USI LS. I have a small Mun base consisting of a Koala, an emergency shelter and a comms module, with a small Supplies tank (with several small supply paks attached to it), crewed by 1 orange suit and 1 white suit. I had resupplied it with approx 200d of Supplies.

On approach to the base with more parts, once I was in physics range, I got the message about crew going on strike. Imagine my surprise to see all of the supplies gone and the white suit sulking. I have other bases with similar supply levels, and they were fine, this one just blipped to zero.

Being undeterred by space shenanigans, I landed and bolted a full supply pak to the side of the supply tank. Imagine my further surprise at seeing a message about my white suit nomming the supplies, and then finding the entire new supply pak immediately empty.

It may be relevant to note that the Mun base is completely out of power?

Anyways, any ideas? I'd like to keep using LS but if they are going to keep mainlining noms like it's thanksgiving, they are gonna have a bad time.

Yep as noted elsewhere, power is required or horrible things happen.

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So, I just made a short trip to the Mun. Aboard were the 3 legends Jeb, Bob and bill. Of course I did not pack any supplies, it's just the Mun and back.

I was relying on the 15-day "grace period" without need for food, but also playing it safe as I'm still getting accustomed to the USI-LS mod so I sent the orange ones. This was my first Mun mission in this save game, and also with the mod activated (so a bit of experimentation).

The pod arrived at the Mun in 4 days, and stayed there until day 5. On day 6, the mod reports me "crew lost" in red. I can play with the kerbals normally as intended per design, but the question is... what happened here?? Wasn't it supposed to last full 15 mission days without supplies?

Yes, I have the most recent version.

A bit more information: I had to perform an emergency landing in full darkness. I had to wait for 6 hours for the sun to rise and continue the mission. I decided to warp, and during this time, the batteries depleted. Turned off all systems (and the warp) and waited for 3 more minutes until the first sun rays hit the panels and recharged the pod. Only 3 minutes without power. After this, I did not allow the energy to fully deplete again. Could this event be related to the starving of the crew, even if it was just day 4?

Or has it anything to do with the SOI and being too far from Kerbin?

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I think I have a similar situation, except it's a non-orange Kerbal occupying the vehicle that reports "crew lost", and now that the power is on he is perfectly happy to go EVA and otherwise work.

RoverDude, when you say you only need to pack supplies for trips out of the Kerbin SOI, do you just mean 15 days is enough for a round trip to minimus but supplies are still needed for bases and long missions?

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By default your orange-suits are immune to the negative effects of running out of supplies, and yep 15 days is pretty close to getting you back/forth from Minmus.

Yeah, but a crew lost on day 4? Could that be because of the power shortage? Is the mod designed that way?

The only eventuality on that mission was that brief moment. It could have happened at the same moment, but I'm not sure since I realized this later while at the Tracking Station---I was not worried because the "grace period" was supposed to be active. Had they been normal kerbals I would be planning a rescue mission now :confused:

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A stock drill will do that

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, but a crew lost on day 4? Could that be because of the power shortage? Is the mod designed that way?

The only eventuality on that mission was that brief moment. It could have happened at the same moment, but I'm not sure since I realized this later while at the Tracking Station---I was not worried because the "grace period" was supposed to be active. Had they been normal kerbals I would be planning a rescue mission now :confused:

hmm... power shortage should not have killed them off that fast... will take a look

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Stock drills only extract Ore don't they? Does ore convert to life support in some way?

They only extract Ore from planetary surfaces, but extract everything from Asteroids. It'S a little bit counter-intuitive.

Ore doesn't convert to life support, but if you have TAC-LS, the Water does (Water and Oxygen through the water splitter). If not, then you can use UKS to convert Substrate+Water into Organics, but then you'd have to bring *a lot* of gear just for that, plus, Substrate is not always there.

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@Kobymaru - given we're in a USI-LS thread they probably aren't using TAC-LS ;)

In that context, there are no USI-LS parts that can utilize anything that comes on asteroids. You would, as noted, need UKS for that. Though I expect if you did find an asteroid with the right stuff, it would be pretty lucrative (though not, obviously, infinite).

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hmm... power shortage should not have killed them off that fast... will take a look

I tried to take a look, but couldn't find the string "crew lost" anywhere in the 0.1.5 source.

My ship was also launched without supplies, still under 15d MET, and reads "crew lost" despite having one non-orange crewmember who seems to be completely functional (or at least willing to go EVA) since power was restored.

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I tried to take a look, but couldn't find the string "crew lost" anywhere in the 0.1.5 source.

My ship was also launched without supplies, still under 15d MET, and reads "crew lost" despite having one non-orange crewmember who seems to be completely functional (or at least willing to go EVA) since power was restored.

Hmm... it seems it's pretty common then. I tried to replicate the situation unsuccessfully. Something happened there. Maybe it's a bug.

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Man, it's like dream comes true :D I sent a letter to Kerbalcast which was about a similar topic. Kerbalcast Episode 20 (30/09/2014)

""...............I have a idea that might be nice for the game.

When we look around in the cockpits and crew habitation module, there is always a cabin/drawer/box that says "Snacks".

Wouldn't it be nice if Kerbals needed snacks to be in a good shape? Now, I'm not talking about that they would eventually die of starvation like in the Sims or the old Tamagotchi, instead they get disoriented, unfocused and Mad.

after each day and or maneuver, the snack "gauge" will decrese. This will set a limit of how many EVA you can do in a mission. If the stock gets empty, Kerbals become useless.

Refusing to maneuver the craft, won't do eva, won't take science readings etc.

wouldn't it be nice if we could send Snack rations to kerbals doing mission on a planet? I would love it""

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