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1.0 Bug: A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S toggle not working with Action groups

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In my case, Airbrakes wont 'save' action group with toggle (As for now tested with toggle only). Open and close set separately on different AG works well.


Here other person have similar problem, but in his case AIRBRAKES wont deploy at all

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Same problem here. Made a 30s clip of my vessel to show it: https://youtu.be/cbTPW4oNAvo

Can´t toggel AND/OR deploy all four at once.

Attached them via four times symmetrie first.

Attaching them one by one also doesn´t work.

Tried "Breaks"-Group, binding them to a custom action group or deploying them via action menu.

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I experienced the same issue with the airbrakes.

I removed them from the 'brake' action group and assigned them to a custom action group to toggle.

Upon loading loading the craft on the runway, these two alterations to the actions groups got reverted.

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Hey guys, I'm on Windows 8.1 64 Bit using the latest Nvidia drivers. Toggling the new Air Brakes with Action Groups does apperently nothing. The Action Group entry seems to disapear after launching & reverting to SPH. Maybe a problem with saving it? With Action Groups I mean custom ones. They work with B or the Brake Toggle.

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