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Can't complete suborbital tourist contracts: Tourists Need Crew (0/1) ?

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TL;DR: I apparently didn't wait until leaving the atmosphere before giving up on it. The message about needing crew is irrelevant to my problem, just means the pod is useless for control.

I've built this goofy contraption (haven't unlocked anything that seats more than one Kerbal yet)


I have Jeb in the top most pod, and all the others have tourists. I can fly the thing, put it on a suborbital trajectory clear of the atmosphere, but still won't complete the contract. I assume that error is the reason.

Can we not simply have the craft piloted by someone in a separate pod (or a probe, which was my first attempt) ?

Do we have to wait until we can get multi-kerbal pods / cabins before we can perform these contracts?

Edited by BioSehnsucht
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If the contract says sub-orbital on Kerbin and Itinary, than at least on recovery of the vessel the contract should be complete.

But I also had groups of tourists wishing for different flights - one wanting a sub-orbital the other a fly-by at Minmus.

Check the "flight plan" of every tourist in the contract.

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I have done those tourists contracts using multiple mk I pods, but I have stacked them differently. I doubt however that this is the case, because the one that is in line with your crewed pod would work for sure. Are you sure that the contract is to just bring kerbal to suborbital trajectory ? I believe that you have to bring them back as well.

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I can attest that they must survive. I can also attest that they can't pull their own parachutes :D

But yeah, if the contract says "sub orbital" then all you need to do is take him up, get him into space, and bring him back down safely (and recover). However if they want to go to Mun or something you have to do that. AND get them back home and recover them.

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I can also attest that they can't pull their own parachutes :D

Hehe they can however land on they own, if chutes are already deployed :). My first successful landing was in fact first 5 landings. I deployed chutes at around 12k alt and they torn my craft apart, so I had one vesel with 3 pods one on top of another and two single pods with their own chutes. Luckily they kept distance below 2,5 km form each other so they landed safely. At 300 m alt, when chute opened (the one attached to 3 pods stack) mystery goo containers fell apart, but luckily again I was over ocean so they landed safely as well. A cluster landing :)

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I'm having the same problem.


The probe is the root-part. The first try completed mid-air (I think), but then I decided to load two tourist in one craft and reverted the flight. After that, it won't complete. . . not even in the original ship.

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I haven't played much since 0.25, so I'm still fairly new to Contracts. Obvious, the Space Tourist thing is new to everyone.

Just to make sure, when it lists 4 people each wanting a bunch of different things, does that mean I need to send all 4 kerbins on a mission at the same time for each goal they want? Does it work if I just do one kerbin at a time, though it will take longer?

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Obviously a bug. I would build a two-seat abomination in the VAB, switch Val (before she tragically died) and her passenger around and presto! Engineer would tell me that I'd need crew. Switching them back wouldn't solve the problem, leaving the VAB and reloading the vessel did.

Hard to reproduce because it doesn't happen every time, haven't figured out what the trigger is.

- - - Updated - - -

I haven't played much since 0.25, so I'm still fairly new to Contracts. Obvious, the Space Tourist thing is new to everyone.

Just to make sure, when it lists 4 people each wanting a bunch of different things, does that mean I need to send all 4 kerbins on a mission at the same time for each goal they want? Does it work if I just do one kerbin at a time, though it will take longer?

You can do one at a time. At least, I was able to do that.

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Apparently I had never actually left the atmosphere, though I thought I had... or maybe I just needed to restart KSP. I just tried again and as soon as I left the atmosphere I got the completions. I came in backwards though and exploded quite rapidly since my re-entry was straight down... lol.

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Hehe they can however land on they own, if chutes are already deployed :). My first successful landing was in fact first 5 landings. I deployed chutes at around 12k alt and they torn my craft apart, so I had one vesel with 3 pods one on top of another and two single pods with their own chutes. Luckily they kept distance below 2,5 km form each other so they landed safely. At 300 m alt, when chute opened (the one attached to 3 pods stack) mystery goo containers fell apart, but luckily again I was over ocean so they landed safely as well. A cluster landing :)

The distance has been increased to 22.5 km now :)

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  • 10 months later...

For those that don't like to read, just try going over 70,000 meters.  For the rest, I had this issue with two passengers who both wanted the same thing; "Sub-orbital space flight on Kerbin" (so not the problem others have mentioned regarding different objectives).  In my case, I'd recently modified my passenger craft to add a third command pod, increasing the weight.  The Nav Ball says orbit somewhere near 30,000 meters, so I thought that was sufficient, but in the case of at least 2 contracts for 2 tourists each, I had to break 70,000.


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