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That New Mouse Cursor Tho


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  Fel said:
Do you deny that software can develop along side each and arrive at similar conclusions with no interaction what so ever? Or that "ripping off" UI elements is present across Windows, OS X, and various linux distros? It's a statement intended purely to push hate, nothing more.

Yes, I do. Especially when 'along side each other' happened over a period of MORE THAN A DECADE (1973 vs. 1985? Helloooo???). No, I don't - although once the typical Linux distro appeared on the scene, that stupid little cursor had cancerously made it's defective little way into the minds of the average consumer as being 'a mouse cursor/pointer'.

  Fel said:
So, on a dark background, the black mouse has to either use a white border or do some nasty colour changes; white border easily causes the same "problem" as before (and for an example of a dark background? Why not kerbalspaceprogram.com?) colour changing mouse simply draws more attention to the mouse than it needs.

Agreed that just reversing it fails to address the issue (as Apple does--granted their pointer has fewer places it's invisible in. Like forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com, microsoft.com, apple.com, en.wikipedia.com, slashdot.org, kernel.org, kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com, possibly facebook.com. Just not imgur.). It doesn't need some magical color changing system - simply making it three or more colors would make it visible in almost all contexts.

Note that microsoft acknowledged this limitation and created the drop-shadow system to make it a little less invisible (plus that accessibility thing that shows you where it is when you press a key).

  Fel said:
Since when have you been pro-microsoft? All you do is complain about them and use typical FUD to drive people away from them.

I see you've never taken their official courses. Also, FUD is pretty much a microsoft thing. A monopoly, if you will. (Busting out the false accusations of FUD isn't going to hide their long and disgusting history with them, but rather draw attention to it. Funny accusation from someone who lead in with a loaded question fallacy, by the way)

  Fel said:
Again, you're not saying why it is a bad feature, only saying "Not as important as what I want, thus it is bad"

I never said it was a bad feature - it's just so..trivial. Does the new pointer fail to click things? Can you not see it? So some people find it a bit ugly - it's not like it explodes rockets or makes flags always visible. It isn't impeding gameplay. Sure, yeah, user choice is cool - but given the amount of issues on Squad's plate, let's not task 'em with something users can simply override in their OS settings.

Anyhow, it's not a "never" thing for me, it's a "do it later" thing. They've fixed 300 bugs. Maybe it's time to work on the other 89,700 (or however many there are; I don't have access to the internal bug list)?

  Fel said:
Well... I think that the game needs life support. The game not having life support is more important than the minor bugs, any bug fixes are thus stupid and squad should just focus on life support.

Actually, life support is something they should be working on before silly little cursor updates, but speaking as a professional developer, bugs come first, automatically (actually, second and third too, and in between any two steps, and after everything is done). They aren't acceptable, they aren't excusable, and ARE fireable offenses. At least in real software houses.

Note also that the bugs I'm listing are: (at the top of MY list) AND (that I've discovered on my own) AND (that existed in a previous version) AND (are still present). I'm leaving aside (and NOT as unimportant) bugs that are NOT matching that exact criteria.

NB: Bugs are even less acceptable now as KSP is now a 'release' product so they can't wave it off with a "oh it's just because it's early access, we'll fix it up before release" disclaimer.

(by the way, have you noticed how off topic this is becoming?)

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I barely noticed it. I remember Spore had a similarly fat cursor (I do not care if it's cancer, I'm using the word) that sort of went with the style they were going for. I can see why people might not like it, but I myself don't particularly care. I have bigger concerns, like why Squad didn't add radiators when they added unforgiving heat management.

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  RedDwarfIV said:
I barely noticed it. I remember Spore had a similarly fat cursor (I do not care if it's cancer, I'm using the word) that sort of went with the style they were going for. I can see why people might not like it, but I myself don't particularly care. I have bigger concerns, like why Squad didn't add radiators when they added unforgiving heat management.

Eh, while it's not strictly correct terminology, we understand what you mean when you say 'cursor' here so good enough. ;)

I also barely noticed it. That suggests to me that it's working well enough.

(FYI: Dunno if you've seen this or not, but there's a radiator thread in the suggestion forum :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...
  lajoswinkler said:

And no, don't give me that: "But it says on Wikipedia, nyanyanya!" cause it's stupid.

How about "But Microsoft says...": https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646970(v=vs.85).aspx

A cursor is a small picture whose location on the screen is controlled by a pointing device, such as a mouse
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I like it because it's end actually points at things when in windowed mode, which was not the case in previous versions with stock Windows cursor. I always had to guess where it was pointing.

Also it's pretty and turns green when clicking!

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Would anyone who insists that it is a mouse pointer and only a pointer rather than cursor care to explain how that definition fails to cover the mouse input as well as a text input? (And it also covers visualized audio input as well.)

As for the KSP pointer, I have no complaints about it. Seems to work well enough, and I haven't totally lost sight of it while playing yet. Good enough. A toggle option to keep the default OS level pointer would be a welcome change, if not a full customization system so the user can set their own specific cursor.

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Im honestly kinda opinionless about it, as i never understood what was wrong with the stock windows cursor. That said, its here and well we have a new cursor, neither bad nor good as the stock one was fine imo, but its not liek the new one causes any real issues.

  steve58 said:
I like it....reminds me of a miniature Star Wars Destroyer :)

Guess thats a hint that we should try to get a star destroyer flying in stock aero, anyone up to the challenge :D

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  Temeter said:

I've seen this posted elsewhere and I respond with something like... Nothing wrong with making it an option somewhere. Imagine how KSP would be with no options... ;)


I didn't actually notice the new moving-user-interface-object-on-the-screen-that-moves-with-a-hardware-interface-device until I seen the Danny video. Umm, yea. Danny wants his system cursor back! Me? I dont really care but I see nothing wrong with "disable built in moving-user-interface-object-on-the-screen-that-moves-with-a-hardware-interface-device" option.

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I don't have any problem with the new pointer. It's far better than the one for Terraria (which does not scale with screen resolution and thus becomes invisible at any resolution above about 640x480), and is very no-nonsense (unlike the pointers in many games that have a completely useless little dongle of the game logo or something like that below them that's generally twice the size of the pointer itself).

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  Jovus said:
Look guys, tabs should be exactly four spaces long, and anyone who disagree

Haha! I have the "two space" discussion with exactly 4 people in the last two weeks.

Would make more progress with a moon-hoax believer...

Edit: I do like the new "part assembly tool!"

Edited by Pax Kerbana
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