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[1.6.x] RasterPropMonitor - Development Stopped (v0.30.6, 29 December 2018)


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  MOARdV said:
I don't have any plans for integrated kOS support. The main problem I see is that input by clicking on the screen is very slow and tedious for any task like typing number / words - Unity has a tendency to treat quick clicks like a double click, which messes up targeting. The text input problem is why there is still no node editor in RPM. If the kOS programs were "pre-loaded", and all the user had to do was select the programs, that would be probably be feasible.

it's been attempted at least

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I think that it would still be useful to have a primitive input to kOS programs clicking one thing at a time. But yeah, I totally understand the big problem with keyboard input. Dealing with 'focus' in Unity is messy.

It may be prudent to wait until after 1.1 since SQUAD announced they're revamping their entire UI anyway. When it comes to things like ensuring the keypresses of a mod don't break the main game, it may exactly the sort of thing that would require editing the code anyway.

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Has anyone made a variation of the camera page that looks like a 50s-60s era tv camera signal?

How difficult would it be to add some kind of effect to that page make it look more like something on a screen? Is that something a code newbie could attempt?

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  theonegalen said:
Has anyone made a variation of the camera page that looks like a 50s-60s era tv camera signal?

How difficult would it be to add some kind of effect to that page make it look more like something on a screen? Is that something a code newbie could attempt?

I've got an open Issue on GitHub to add post-processing effects, which would / could include that. I haven't researched how Unity's built-in post-processing effects system works, so I don't know if I'll use that route or write my own shaders (which is something I am much more familiar with). As far as how hard it is, that depends on how Unity does things - if it has some canned effects like that, it might be comparatively easy to add.

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  Sharkman Briton said:
Is there a list of pages in IVA with RPM and what they do? In one of the screens on the OP theres a pic of an orbit map thingy, how do I access that? I kinda want to know what pages and things are in it.

Documentation's still on my to-do list. IIRC, the orbit view is one of the bottom buttons on the MFD (labeled "orbit" - you may need to press it more than once).

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  Sharkman Briton said:
Okay, thanks! Have you thought about adding a page on the IVA computer showing you your science? Like when you review data, but on the Iva computer!

That's another feature on my long list of things I haven't gotten around to doing. :)

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  Sharkman Briton said:
Okay, thanks! Have you thought about adding a page on the IVA computer showing you your science? Like when you review data, but on the Iva computer!

I'd started on a science page handler a while back, that would let you select each experiment and run, reset, view, and transmit data... but then I got distracted. I'll see if I can figure out how far I got on that. A look at the screen to set reference parts/manage docking ports will give you most of the clues on how to build it, if someone with more time digs in before I get back to kerballing in a few weeks.

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hello ,,,, i have this mod but ihave some bugg .... if i download it from the CKAN , the navball and the buttons is blurry .. but when i download it from the internet i thinks the butons is working because it have sound but the screens doesnt doing anything and the sas,gear,stage , and the other buttons is not light upp .... help meee ...

[but : 3 times] [i : 4 times]

hope you can read... and UNDERSTAND

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  Lyr3x said:
hello ,,,, i have this mod but ihave some bugg .... if i download it from the CKAN , the navball and the buttons is blurry .. but when i download it from the internet i thinks the butons is working because it have sound but the screens doesnt doing anything and the sas,gear,stage , and the other buttons is not light upp .... help meee ...

[but : 3 times] [i : 4 times]

hope you can read... and UNDERSTAND

It sounds like the mod is installed incorrectly. I can not help with CKAN, since I am not involved with it, but when you manually install it, you should merge the GameData folder in the .zip file with the GameData folder in your KSP installation. Other mods may also cause this mod not to work correctly, so without more information (such as the suggestions in this thread), I can not provide more specific help.

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hello i have bug . when i download this mod with CKAN the buttons and RPM navball turns blurry , but when i download it from the kerbalstuff the screen doest work . help mee

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  tkw said:
i still have this issue plane hud is black square

I need KSP logs at the very least before I can help. It is most likely incorrect installation of the mod or conflict with another mod, but without logs, I can't provide further help.

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A RasterPropMonitor v0.23.0 dev build is available on DropBox. Lots of internal changes, plus a few new features (undocking from a button/switch, having multiple conditional pages on an MFD, and experimental variable-triggered events). See the in-progress changelog for details.

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Hi moar, i have been using RPM for quite awhile now and i too, have gotten the black square problem, at least for the Mk1 inline and nose type cockpits

I have tested both the v0.22.2 and and v0.23.0dev versions, playing on Kerbal 1.0.4, fresh install, on 32 and 64 bit versions of the game, with absolutely no other mod except RPM.

may i know how do i give logs with the data you need?

attached below are screenshots of the debug menu and the black screen. Also note that the inline cockpit has the original stock HUD and the RPM HUD overlaid.








KSP: 1.0.4 Windows 7 64 bit

Problem: RPM HUD has a black screen (it rotates with the rotation of the plane though)

Mods installed:

RPM v0.22.2

Module Manager 2.6.7 included with RPM v0.22.2

removed all files in GameData folder and reinstalled

RPM v0.23.0 dev

Module Manager 2.6.8 included with RPM v0.23.0 dev

Reproduction steps:

Fresh install Kerbal 1.0.4 from steam, extract RPM zip file downloaded from GitHub into Kerbal root folder, ensure that all files are in GameData folder.

Open kerbal and go into SPH, put down Mk1 cockpit (inline or non-inline works), click fly

go into IVA and see black square on HUD

Edited by icecubecookie
forgot to mention it works on both 32 and 64 bit versions of the game
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  icecubecookie said:
Hi moar, i have been using RPM for quite awhile now and i too, have gotten the black square problem, at least for the Mk1 inline and nose type cockpits

I have tested both the v0.22.2 and and v0.23.0dev versions, playing on Kerbal 1.0.4, fresh install, on 32 and 64 bit versions of the game, with absolutely no other mod except RPM.

may i know how do i give logs with the data you need?

There are instructions on finding the logs in this post, about halfway down the file. I will need to see the full logs - it looks like there's something causing that particular texture to fail to load correctly.

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  tkw said:
i did correct installation

I will quote myself:

  MOARdV said:
I need KSP logs at the very least before I can help. It is most likely incorrect installation of the mod or conflict with another mod, but without logs, I can't provide further help.

It works for me, so I don't know why it is not working for you. Without logs, I can't do anything else. Please refer to this post if you need information on how to provide the logs.

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  Diddly Feelerino said:
Using RPM with Near Future Technologies (latest versions); any idea why the navball displays this instead of the actual navball? This only occurs on the IVA for this particular cockpit (the NFT MK 3-9 or something).

It looks like the MFD's config wasn't updated after RPM v0.21.0 was released. I made changes to the PFD/NavBall that were not backwards compatible.

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