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KSP #1 on Steam!

Hobbes Novakoff

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  MacroNova said:
I'm actually a bit surprised at the marketability of the game. Part of me was worried that everyone who might buy it already owned it.

There are a lot of people who got burned by Early Access scams in the past two years. It got so bad that the public opinion on the model changed from "this is a really awesome way to do it" of the Minecraft beta era to "this is a really obvious way to cheat people out of money and run". Just having something tagged "Early Access" makes a significant number of people automatically pass. Especially if they check a year later and see that the title is still in Early Access.

I'm fairly sure that Squad is very happy to be rid of this nowadays highly stigmatized baggage. And a lot of players who always said "looks kinda cool but I'm not falling for this again" now see that the title is fully released and will happily buy it.

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I still have the old reciept:

Kerbal Space Program

14.99 EUR

Date confirmed:

Tue Jun 24 04:50:28 2014

Based on the timestamp i'm guessing i was up late, likely drunk and on my way to bed.

Best "spur of the moment" purchase ever! So far i have clocked 333 hours according to steam

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  Streetwind said:
There are a lot of people who got burned by Early Access scams in the past two years. It got so bad that the public opinion on the model changed from "this is a really awesome way to do it" of the Minecraft beta era to "this is a really obvious way to cheat people out of money and run". Just having something tagged "Early Access" makes a significant number of people automatically pass. Especially if they check a year later and see that the title is still in Early Access.

One of the more annoying things I come across with "anti-early-access debates" is "Updates are too slow, I'll be 80 by the time the game finishes". A typical game takes well around 4 years to complete, sometimes longer; yet the children who buy the game act as if they're entitled to the developers releasing updates on their schedule; sometimes even going so far as to demand their money back and make a big fuss on the forums about it. While you do have the "take the money and run" syndrome, you also have the "I can't take this pressure anymore."

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Kerbal Space Program was great before the Early Access Program even existed on Steam. While I'm usually distrustful of anything that charges for early access any of sort; this game already had a demo out and later purchased it. Got a good investment out of it, especially with many playable test versions. :D

One could say Kerbal Space Program was one of the very few of the Early Access Program to succeed without shutting down (as many others have a way of shutting down or totally abandoning their projects). I salute Squad for perseverance on this project without ever giving up. ;)

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$23 (which was about £14 at the time). For the price of a cinema ticket and popcorn, I have had hundreds of hours of enjoyment, and am still playing it on a weekly basis nearly 2 years later. Can't give a better testament to a game than that. Worth every penny, and still would be if I'd paid £100 for it.

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I bought it during a steam sale for 18 euros if a rememerber well... And i never regret this purchase :) But it's a little bit strange because on steam KPS is now 40€ and on the KSP website only 30€ Why such a big gap between KPS site and Steam... Gaben ... ?

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It's great to see KSP on top, especially on such a massive site as steam. Funny to see it going for £30 though, considering I bought it for only £12.99!

Cheers, CP

I would definitely pay that £12.99 again, considering the 100+ hours I've spent playing this brilliant game.

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40$ seems to be a good price for such a game. It's not an alpha anymore. It's well featured and quite a long life game, even without mods.

Don't forget that many games start with a medium price but add DLC. Final price is much higher.

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  Nikola7007 said:
Yeah, nice "sale" we have going on there :wink:

The joke is that it used to cost 29.99 anyways.

Early acces/beta is cheaper, because you aren't getting a full product

  Fel said:
One of the more annoying things I come across with "anti-early-access debates" is "Updates are too slow, I'll be 80 by the time the game finishes". A typical game takes well around 4 years to complete, sometimes longer; yet the children who buy the game act as if they're entitled to the developers releasing updates on their schedule; sometimes even going so far as to demand their money back and make a big fuss on the forums about it. While you do have the "take the money and run" syndrome, you also have the "I can't take this pressure anymore."

No doubt a large part in this is kids seeing a new Call of Duty (or Assassins creed, or whatever) each year, and asume it only takes a year to make a game.

Not concidering that those games are build by gigantic studios, and probably also take longer than a single year

In related news, steamcharts reports a jump from the usual 2-3k people playing to 17k after launch.

The current lowest of the day is around 6k


Edited by Sirrobert
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