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Things to do while waiting for your rocket to patachute down to Kerbin


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  Venusgate said:
Now that parachuting hella early is almost mandatory in career mode prior to getting heat shields, and while the new chute drag numbers make it so you might be doing 200 m/s@ 20km up, I've noticed a spike in descent wait time where I can do nothing, except wait....


Things I've been doing in the new meantime:

-Doing the dishes

-Sewing a button back onto my jeans that have been resting on the back of the chair for a few weeks.

-Brushing the dog

-Writing a letter to family members

-Taking out the trash


Anyone else find the new heat/aero/chute model conducive to productivity?

Think about complaints to raise on the forums.

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Warp at 4x until until 10m before the ground. The new update makes the parachutes a lot less likely to rip your craft to smitherines. I honestly just hit space to stage into parachutes after I hit 70km and then time accel. While I wait though I lurk the forums, and now recently write on the forums!

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  Aerindel said:
Yes, but you just arbitrarily making the game harder since you can open your chute at 30,000 meters going 2km/s and just dift down without having to worry about heat at all, ie, the broken reentry system.

It isn't much harder. You have to put a heatshield on your craft and face it the right direction during reentry, but they aren't that heavy and it saves you a lot of time waiting. The only thing majorly broken about reentry is parachutes being indestructible. I haven't lost a craft yet during reentry when using a heatshield. I've had small radial parts blow off... stuff like lights and batteries, but that was just lazy design on my part. Of course, since heatshields don't enter into center of mass adjustment, I have to design crafts more carefully and use SAS to stay on course... but at least I won't be caught off guard when parachutes are fixed!

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  ArchGaden said:
It isn't much harder. You have to put a heatshield on your craft and face it the right direction during reentry, but they aren't that heavy and it saves you a lot of time waiting. The only thing majorly broken about reentry is parachutes being indestructible. I haven't lost a craft yet during reentry when using a heatshield. I've had small radial parts blow off... stuff like lights and batteries, but that was just lazy design on my part. Of course, since heatshields don't enter into center of mass adjustment, I have to design crafts more carefully and use SAS to stay on course... but at least I won't be caught off guard when parachutes are fixed!

Actually a little trick to maintain the right attitude during re entry, is to use a bigger heatshild. 1.25 m Pod? 2.50 heatshild. This way, you have not to worry too much about stability.

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  Joonatan1998 said:
I usually have some other game runing in an other window.

Usually Minecraft,a game where AFKing is very productive.

Having multiple games running at the same time makes many games more playable, especially some turn based strategy games. (where computer turns can take more time than human players would be likely to take...)

How in the world can you run KSP and Minecraft at the same time?!

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  Commissioner Tadpole said:
How in the world can you run KSP and Minecraft at the same time?!

Quite easy with good hardware... both KSP and Minecraft mostly just use one CPU core. Neither are particularly GPU heavy. Modern CPUs tend to have 4-8 cores. While KSP might use a core at 100% when you hit high part counts, there is still plenty that the other cores can do... like run Minecraft.

I've run KSP and Minecraft before. I've run KSP and World of Warcraft before. I've run KSP and 7 Days to Die before... sometimes with a 7DtD dedicated server as well! Sometimes I've even thrown Netflix, steaming to a nearby TV via chromecast, into various game combinations. I haven't had any hitches at all and my machine is merely good. Modern machines multitask very well and if a game isn't GPU heavy, you can usually run it alongside another easily.

i5 4670k @3.4Ghz (only 4 cores!)

Geforce 760 GTX

8 GB DDR3 2133 MHZ

Samsung 840 EVO SSD + other drives

I've done those combinations before I had an SSD... SSD just makes it load in a flash.

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