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[RETIRED] PEBKAC Industries: Launch Escape System


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I've added a LES part for Squads Mk1 pod. It functions similarly to the one for the bigger pod: just add it to your craft and it will add itself to the Abort action group. You will still need to add a command to jettison it after a normal launch.  Probably the next thing I will do is add some tweakables so that you don't have to mess with the config files if you'd rather the jettison actions be staged.

Another thing I might do at some point is collapse the LES for the larger pod into a single part. This would simplify adding it to your craft.. on the other hand, I spent a lot of time adding insane little details that are only really visible in the VAB, and I'd hate to just ditch that work.



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I figured out how to make a toggle for the Jettison event staging. The next release will include it, but that may not be soon, since it's only a simple config file change:

		stagingEnabled = False // set this to true if you want it to default to being stage-able for new craft
		stagingEnableText = Jettison Engine: Enable Staging
		stagingDisableText = Jettison Engine: Disable Staging
		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True

In the Mk1 and Jettison part configs, just find the ModuleEnginesFx with the EngineId = LES_Jet and paste this over the existing "stagingEnabled = False".

After doing this, you will have an option when you right-click the part to make it show up in staging if that's what you want instead of using an action group.  

Note: The Mk1 part will have two toggles (one for the decoupler and one for the jettison engine) in its right-click menu. If you set them both to staging enabled, you will only see one icon in the staging list, but both things will happen when you stage, anyway. The Mk1-2 parts will show two icons in the staging list, since the decoupler is in a different part than the jettison engine.

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  On 7/6/2016 at 4:57 AM, MightyMan1133 said:

Can you give install instructions? Like where do the folders go?


The download is a zip file. Inside that are three folders. The contents of the GameData folder go into the GameData folder inside your KSP install. The content of the Saves folder go into the Saves folder inside your KSP install. The Source folder includes the source code for the plugin, which you do not need to play the game. You can just delete it if you want.

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I've updated this mod:

  • jettison of the LES is now optionally stage-able from right-click menu
  • added an agency for PEBKAC Heavy Industries that will give you flight-test contracts in career mode
  • reduced cost of the Mk1 LES compared to the system for the larger capsule
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  On 7/6/2016 at 5:11 PM, Kurld said:

The download is a zip file. Inside that are three folders. The contents of the GameData folder go into the GameData folder inside your KSP install. The content of the Saves folder go into the Saves folder inside your KSP install. The Source folder includes the source code for the plugin, which you do not need to play the game. You can just delete it if you want.


Might I suggest that you create a simple INSTALL.txt file and include it in the zip, with the above instructions?

Also, any chance of adding to CKAN?

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  On 7/7/2016 at 2:02 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Might I suggest that you create a simple INSTALL.txt file and include it in the zip, with the above instructions?

Also, any chance of adding to CKAN?


I will add an INSTALL.txt file in the next update.  As for CKAN, supposedly it was added there by Spacedock... but I'm not seeing it in CKAN either.  Not sure what I need to do now.

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  On 7/7/2016 at 7:47 PM, Kurld said:

I will add an INSTALL.txt file in the next update.  As for CKAN, supposedly it was added there by Spacedock... but I'm not seeing it in CKAN either.  Not sure what I need to do now.


ok, would you like me to do it for you?  Probably not working because of the strange directory layout you have in the file

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  On 7/7/2016 at 7:48 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

ok, would you like me to do it for you?  Probably not working because of the strange directory layout you have in the file


I'd like to learn how to do it, but that would be great for the short term.  Can you explain how I might better organize the zip file?

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  On 7/7/2016 at 7:52 PM, Kurld said:

I'd like to learn how to do it, but that would be great for the short term.  Can you explain how I might better organize the zip file?


I'll do this later this evening.  From what I recall, it's ok, just that you have multiple things in the gamedata directory. 

you have Saves, Source, and in GameDAta, you have both MP_Nazary and Pebkac.  Not a simple directory structure, won't be too difficult to setup a .netkan for it.  As I recall, the basic .netkan created by Spacedock won't handle things like this.

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Thank you!

I've set up the account at AVC and created a version file. It will be included in the next release. I'm thinking I'll probably move the source code out to Github.

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  On 7/8/2016 at 9:10 PM, Kurld said:

Thank you!

I've set up the account at AVC and created a version file. It will be included in the next release. I'm thinking I'll probably move the source code out to Github.



Github would be awesome.  Let me know when you do the next release, I'll get the netkan updated

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I've been working on the models for the no-BPC and FASA versions of the 2m pod escape parts. The lower BPC for the FASA Apollo pod is taking some time to get right, but it's getting there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've updated the mod. It now includes two new escape-tower/motor parts. One is for stock but has no BPC. Somebody requested this long ago for Ven's stock revamp. I've never used that mod, so YMMV. The other part is for Frizzank/DennyTx's FASA Apollo CM. I stopped short of finishing all the nitanoid details of the aft BPC, but I got so sick of looking at it...

The source code for the plugin is now at https://github.com/Jurld/PebkacLaunchEscape

Thanks to linuxgurugamer for adding this to CKAN!

Enjoy the parts, and drop me a line with any requests!  Barring anyone making any, I am going to let this rest for a while...

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Have you tried using it with SDHI?  I think somebody up-thread remarked that it worked well with that mod.  That was over a year ago, though. I'll add it to my list to check it out, in case it's something super-easy. Otherwise, I may not get to it for a few months... I need to carve out some time to actually play this game for a bit and catch up on what others have been doing!

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@davidy12: I looked at the SDHI page. It uses the stock Mk1-2 pod, so what I've provided for stock should work if you use my parts instead of the ones from SDHI.  It might also be possible to create a part config that will let my plugin code work with @sumghai's models.  I may have time to download SDHI later today or tomorrow and see what I can come up with.

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I downloaded SDHI and played with it some.

I was able to weld it's blast cover to the version of the PEBKAC escape tower/motor that has no BPC.  I had to recompile the PEBKAC parts model in Unity because it was using the same thrustTransform name for its escape motor as the SDHI parts jettison motors. It seems to work OK.

I'll try to upload a new version later this week after I test it some more and finish balancing the new part with the existing SDHI parts.


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After more testing: in certain configurations and circumstances there is a collision when the SDHI/PEBKAC hybrid LES jettisons, which destroys the SDHI docking port parachute part.  During one test, KSP crashed. So, the "weld" approach is not going to work reliably.

Not sure what I can do at this point that wouldn't require more time than I have available.

The debug log is filled with "Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling IgnoreCollision" even before the craft is launched. I'm guessing this is probably because there are two colliders.. one for the original part and the other for the SDHI blast cover.

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I love this mod ! But I don't why, since 1.1.3, when I put a LES of the mod, the lift center teleport to the top and it make the rocket flip no matter what I do... I doesn't use FAR, just deadly reentry....


Edit: The center of lift only move when I put the LES nose

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  On 7/29/2016 at 11:51 AM, k0spwn said:

I love this mod !



  On 7/29/2016 at 11:51 AM, k0spwn said:

But I don't why, since 1.1.3, when I put a LES of the mod, the lift center teleport to the top and it make the rocket flip no matter what I do... I doesn't use FAR, just deadly reentry.... Edit: The center of lift only move when I put the LES nose


The nosecone has an aerodynamic lifting surface that only generates actual lift when then canards on the nosecone are deployed. These canards only deploy about 11 seconds after the abort key is pressed.

So, if the flipping you are talking about happens during an abort, when the canards deploy, that is intended behavior. The Apollo LES did the same thing in real life so that the CM would be pointed the right way for the parachutes to deploy safely.

If the flipping you are talking about is during a normal ascent, I don't think the nosecone would be causing that. I'd like to take a look at your ship and see what's going on and make sure I'm not causing the problem, though.

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