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[WIP] Never Enuff Dakka:- A BDArmory expansion [Release 3]

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I can't get tank treads to work if my life depended on it, any chance we can get full on premade bodies with built in treads, or can someone upload .crafts of these with wheels.

I have no idea how to do tracks... But I do have craft files, they just need Kerbal foundaries.

The tank hulls need to be redone anyway, I've done a really .... job of setting up the collision mesh, but I've tried something different with the FV101 chassis which seems to work a lot better.

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I knew I heard that name somewhere! Your stuff looks great here too, trying this out just a soon as it finishes downloading...which it should have done by now but getting about a 40th full speed, belgh.

Edit: oh, and here's a challenge/idea for ya, think it would be possible to get the smoke grenade launches to actually work?

Edited by randomness5555
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I could sit here and rant for an hour or longer about how ridiculous a "plasma weapon" is but I don't want to waste everyone's time. Suffice to say NO technology exists or is even theorized to exist to create a usable plasma weapon except for having a magnetic field contain it from the weapon to the target but magnets don't do that very well so that's pretty much impossible also so no plasma weapons!

Lasers masers particle accelerators etc that's all fully doable (specifically lasers and neutral particle beams) but plasma is no use for anything but cutting steel a few inches away.

Oh but I didn't care if it was possible or not. I was referring to Plasma Hover Tanks... a must for any sci-fi army. Hovertanks without plasma are such a waste.

This is kind of inside-joke for me and my friends, but still. Got to love plasma hovertanks.

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Started work on a new turret, a KV-1. This one is actually made with Blender so "should" work out better.


Now to bang my head against the wall and re-learn texturing.

Do the UV then export as a Png and use gimp/photoshop to make the texture I add the same layout as a second layer for a guide. Then export as a PNG after removing the guide if you added one make sure you paint over all the lines! Add a material to the model and add a texture to the material. Drop in the PNG and set the coordinates under mapping to UV. This should be everything you need to do actually press Alt+F12 and it will show the render

- - - Updated - - -

If I was going to build a plasma gun I'd build one off of one of these bad boys:


There's no kill like overkill.

There's no Daaka like more Dakka

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Well I've been trying to import an image then wrap the UV itself around, it's not working too bad, but there's some refinement to do (not to mention I need a better image).


EDIT: Looks like the Russians have unveiled the newest toy... tempted to have a go at the turret:


Edited by PrototypeTheta
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Think we could get the Polish Stealth tank someday?

That's fancy looking but why does anyone need a stealth tank? I get camouflage but if you make it radar absorbing you only have some benefits against radar guided missiles and most anti tank missiles are dual mode laser+radar or Infrared+radar

Besides the impracticality it does look cool!

- - - Updated - - -

Well I've been trying to import an image then wrap the UV itself around, it's not working too bad, but there's some refinement to do (not to mention I need a better image).


EDIT: Looks like the Russians have unveiled the newest toy... tempted to have a go at the turret:


So an upgraded T-90 or is that anew tank?

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Could you try and make this? It looks kinda cool and is sporting a 5-inch cannon because reasons.


Also next time you update this could you put LFO storage and a fuel cell integrated into the hulls so I can worry less about those things smashing into the dirt after a particularly big jump? Also this would reduce part count and allow for an even further increase in the ridiculous size of the tank battle we all kind of want to do.

Almost forgot, but the turrets get twitchy after they've been turned on then off, and the challenger turret goes backwards when turned off.

Edited by BoomShroom
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Huh? I thought they had those already.... Whoops.

Anyway I am going to be reworking the hulls quite a bit, to be completely honest I'm amazed they even worked in their current state.

As for that tank, looks like a futuristic Patton to me, but I was planning the next model to be this:


Because 120 76mm shells a minute is almost enough Dakka.

That and I need to fix the KV-1 turret, currently it looks awful


And I'm aware of the issues with the turrets... not sure why they are doing that though.

Edited by PrototypeTheta
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Huh? I thought they had those already.... Whoops.

Anyway I am going to be reworking the hulls quite a bit, to be completely honest I'm amazed they even worked in their current state.

As for that tank, looks like a futuristic Patton to me, but I was planning the next model to be this:


Because 120 76mm shells a minute is almost enough Dakka.

That and I need to fix the KV-1 turret, currently it looks awful


And I'm aware of the issues with the turrets... not sure why they are doing that though.

I am having a similar issue with my attempt to update spanner's boomsticks I think it is to do with BD changing the turret animation to automatically return to its origin its breaking things for some reason.

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great to hear you're planning an oto malera! i've been waiting for BD to implement more naval weapons, and this is great.

On the topic of bugs, i've got two possibles:

the Rarden/scimitar turret shakes from side to side, almost twitching, after having fired and switching away, not sure why.

The challenger turret after being used once, when it reverts to non firing position, it is pointing the opposite direction to how it is originally.

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