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My KSP Settings Keep Getting Reset

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Hello, for some mysterious reason whenever I change my settings in KSP, like the screen res. or some key bindings, it resets whenever I relaunch the game. I re-installed KSP and it still doesn't work. It even does this with 1.0.2 as well. Can someone tell me if there's any way to fix this? Thanks!

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I had same problem with ground fx (smoke when launching/landing) option. My PC is not at its youngest and those effects really kill my FPS, so I have disabled them. I accidentally clicked "Accept" instead of first clicking "Apply" and when I restarted game the next day effects were on again. This time I clicked on "Apply" first and now seems to be turned off as I want them whenever I restart game.

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  Cuky said:
I had same problem with ground fx (smoke when launching/landing) option. My PC is not at its youngest and those effects really kill my FPS, so I have disabled them. I accidentally clicked "Accept" instead of first clicking "Apply" and when I restarted game the next day effects were on again. This time I clicked on "Apply" first and now seems to be turned off as I want them whenever I restart game.

Well I do hit apply but it still resets for some reason.

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  Inteous said:
For steam? Cause I'm not using steam.

No, he meant the windows user account. But it's not that, either.

I have the same problem, running an admin account, full permissions, saving the .cfg, re-opening it to see whether changes have been saved (they did), starting the game, setting reset. Every time, since the 1.0.2 update, full vanilla.

Win7 x64.

Edited by MisterBennock
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  Inteous said:
Hello, for some mysterious reason whenever I change my settings in KSP, like the screen res. or some key bindings, it resets whenever I relaunch the game. I re-installed KSP and it still doesn't work. It even does this with 1.0.2 as well. Can someone tell me if there's any way to fix this? Thanks!

Do you happen to have joystick or game pad? For me and couple other people setting the axes made settings go ga-ga. Game pad and joystick is only detected when you start kerbal so waking up the controller when game is running and setting axes causes problems.

As far as I know, when you've got self resetting settings, only thing you can do is to rename it and let ksp create a new one. Perhaps send it to bug tracker too..

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It definitely has something to do with controllers. I plugged mine in with KSP booted up and tried to change the inputs. The menu froze on that screen after I changed one input. I was able to move around in other menus and go back to the main menu, but the inputs screen would freeze again when I clicked the button to assign an input. After that, everytime I started the game, it would give me the prompt about sending game data to Squad and all of my settings would be reset. However, it was fullscreen even though the settings had reset to windowed 720p. It kept doing this even after I unplugged the controller and deleted all of the bindings.

The way I had to fix it was to delete the settings config and restart the game. It seems to be saving settings now. I also remember Squad saying they were changing the way controllers were handled in one of the dev updates. Which leads me to believe it is the controller inputs causing problems, and not just changing certain settings.

So I tried again with the controller plugged in before starting KSP up and that seems to have done it properly. Settings are all saved and working.

Edited by phatm0n
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I gets better. After you've successfully setup your game pad controls, starting KSP with the controller switched off (sleeping), settings file corrupts and starts resetting again. It's expecting to find a controller and when it can't..

Do yourself a favour, make a backup when you have controls set up like you want them.

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  sal_vager said:
Guys, we found that non-English operating system languages causes a similar issue on Linux, are you all using English?

I don't know what others may be using but I'm using English Win 8.1 64bit / Steam.

Buy (one of you) Xbox 360 wireless controller, this is dead easy to reproduce. My settings just reset because I forgot to switch the pad on before starting KSP.

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I'm getting the same problem when using my joystick, the only way I've found to 'fix' it is to either change settings every launch or just not use the flight stick. Kinda sucks but hopefully Squad fix it in the next patch.

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  Sigma117 said:
I'm getting the same problem when using my joystick, the only way I've found to 'fix' it is to either change settings every launch or just not use the flight stick. Kinda sucks but hopefully Squad fix it in the next patch.

Take a backup copy of your settings.cfg..

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I'm having this problem on windows 7 (english) with no joystick/controller. My resolution gets changed in the settings menu everytime I load the game. The game usually loads with the proper resolution but if I look at the settings it's gone back to the default. I launch KSP.EXE via a desktop shortcut and have tried running it as admin as well as normal. I do force open gl and popupwindow. I'll try it without those and see what happens.

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  sralica said:
My solution for this is: Plug in the joystick before starting KSP.

If I start the game with joystick unplugged, the settings gets craizyyyy.

With a wireless gamepad you have to remember to switch it on as well. They go to sleep automagically.

I figured a workaround for that. If you forget it and the settings are reset (KSP asks for permission to spy on you), exit the game via CTRL-F4 or task manager, not normally. It won't write a new corrupted settings.cfg.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got the same issue. Every single time I run the game it shows me the tracking window and resets most of my settings to default. The only thing it leaves alone are the keybinds, but the graphics settings are all reset to default.

If I verify the local files, it always reports that 2 files need to be downloaded. If I tell it to verify a second time it says all files are up to date, but when I run the game it's back at defaults and when I quit and re-verify it says 2 files need to be downloaded.

The annoying thing is that this is a new machine that had no trace of KSP and I let it do the full download through steam.

The more annoying thing is that when I copied the KSP directory from my old machine through the network and set steam to run it as a non-steam game, I don't have this problem.

It's only the version that supposedly installed itself properly through steam that has this issue.

It's also a completly stock unmodded copy of the game.


I deleted the local content, got rid of the directory and let steam redownload the game. Same issue.

Then I tried putting the settings how I want them, tabbed back to the desktop and used notepad to open the settings.cfg file in the KSP directory. The new graphics options seemed to take so I made the .cfg read only in it's properties. It still opens the stat tracker window, but once you close that all menu options are ghosted and you can do anything except kill the program from the desktop. It doesn't like the config file to be read only.

Next I deleted the directory through windows explorer. Then I copied my directory that came from my old machine, changed the name so it would match what steam was looking for and tried running it.

This seemed to fix the problem since it keeps the resolution and UI size through multiple restarts.

It seems like the issue isn't that it needs a fresh install of the game. That seems to cause the problem not fix it.

I did try using a joystick on it, but the calibration was WAY off and I couldn't figure out how to calibrate it in Win 8.1 so I finally gave up on it and unplugged it. I can't find any traces of it in the windows control panel and I tried the reinstall after I'd gotten rid of it. In the input settings there's no axis listed for any of the controls.

My only non-default control is that I changed precision mode from caplock to P.

I don't understand why it resets the resolution and UI size and leaves my keybinding the same when both settings are in the same config file.

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KSP on Windows keeps a copy of your graphics settings in the registry, so maybe something is preventing KSP from updating the registry to your new settings, causing it to revert to those each time.

You could try working around the issue by manually setting the registry entries for KSP, look for "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/"

Use decimal mode to see the actual numbers, and back up your registry before any changes.

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Thanks for the advice sal, but I don't see how it could be the registry when replacing the directory seemed to fix the problem. Renaming the directory that I brought over from my old machine so that that's where steam looks for KSP seemed to solve the issue.

That tends to indicate that the problem is inside the KSP directory.

I suspect that something critical in the fresh install is set to read only and that it's supposed to be either changed or deleted once you run the game the first time and it's not happening.

I tried making settings.cfg read only but KSP doesn't like that so that's not the issue. And KSP does modify the files so it's not windows access permissions. The save files work just fine and if you open settings.cfg with notepad after you run KSP and change the graphic settings, the new settings are there. I think I even verified that the new settings are there after KSP closes, but I was trying a lot of stuff and I'm not sure. (maybe someone still having the problem can confirm that)

There seems to be something that KSP looks for when it runs to determine if it's the first time it's run. When it doesn't find it the game reverts to default settings and brings up the data tracking window. That something is located inside the KSP directory since I was able to fix the problem by replacing the entire directory.

Whatever it is, 1.02 doesn't seem to set it to the correct state, but if an older version of KSP set it to the correct state then 1.02 is willing to accept that.

Since I've fixed the problem someone else will have to continue investigating. I was looking at these lines of the settings.cfg wondering if they're what the game looks at. These are from my installation that works but I didn't think to compare them to what's in the config file when I'd run the game, fix the graphics, ALT TAB to the desktop, then open the config file while KSP is still running.





I didn't see anything else in the .cfg that looked likely so if it's not those then perhaps there's another file that KSP is looking at.

I hope somebody figures this out since it's a really annoying problem and not everyone has other installations they can try and fix it with.

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