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First person to land on the Minmus, and get Back! [Video]


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To live up to my historic Mun landing, I have did the same with Minmus on my first try!

Here is a quick and dirty assortment of posts, and I have recorded it aswell but that will take time to upload. There is also the craft file attacheded (my apologies for name!)

Here it is!


Video ahead!

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I\'m impressed none the less. What\'s the gravity on it like?

Oh look, if you reply, it\'ll be your 3000th post! =D

I approached it from near a dead stop in movement, and when i got there, it was no more than 250m/s. It could be harder to get there, but landing is a breeze.

However, some parts looked fairly steep, so watch out! (I also saw some flat ice lakes, so that would be a good starting point!)

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Yes. Challenges will be much easier.

I find it funny that you see challenges to be the best thing that this part of the update can do for KSP. If I didn\'t already have the C7 Flight Pack, I\'d see this as a way of getting access to C7 parts much more easily than having to download everything.

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I find it funny that you see challenges to be the best thing that this part of the update can do for KSP. If I didn\'t already have the C7 Flight Pack, I\'d see this as a way of getting access to C7 parts much more easily than having to download everything.

*I meant managing plane challenges, since they are stock.

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The lakes of ice are the best landing places tim, where the heck did you go??

Also, i just HAVE to put up this one again, MINMUSMOBIL !:


So i claim the first rover on Minmus?

Died 40 seconds after, breaking the 13 m/s wall and spinning out of control, jeb style.

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To live up to my historic Mun landing, I have did the same with Minmus on my first try!

Here is a quick and dirty assortment of posts, and I have recorded it aswell but that will take time to upload. There is also the craft file attacheded (my apologies for name!)

Here it is!

Hah! That\'s funny! You think you\'re the first again!

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Tester firsts don\'t count, of course, at least not before release.

I\'m going to agree with this post, and even take it a little bit further. Testers don\'t get to claim firsts after release, because testers have already had several days to refine designs and practice new skills.

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