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[1.0.2] G-Force 0.1.02 Beta


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G-Force [0.1.02 Beta]

Welcome. This is my plugin, that enhances the realism of Kerbal Space Program. In the real world people have limits. One from much is acceleration due to gravity (G-Force). When i played KSP, I said, Kerman is immortal. Falling from a great height survived, extreme G-Force survived and this plugin fixes this.

Screenshots: (first image is screen from game, second left is time-life (sec) of G-Force on Vessel, third right is time-life (sec) of G-Force on EVA



"Kerbal Space Program/GameData/GForce/Plugins/PluginData/GForce/config.xml" is configuration file. Where gForceVesselRateis rate from drain energy in vessel, gForceEvaRate is rate from drain energy in EVA and gForceRecoveryRate is recovery energy rate if G-Force < 1.5.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<double name="gForceRecoveryRate">1</double>
<double name="gForceVesselRate">1</double>
<double name="gForceEvaRate">1</double>


* GForce_0.1.02.zip

If you found bug or have you idea for improvement G-Forge plugin then write on this thread. Thank you.


* 0.1.01 Beta : Create plugin.

* 0.1.02 Beta : New algorithm and condictions death crews.

On Future Goals:

* Show crew's energy.

* Now all crews start with 100 energy, on future crews will have different value.

* Flying the missions will improve maximum crews energy attribute.

Edited by ce4aser
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This is fantastic! glad to see someone finally did this. now the G meter actually means something.

I wonder if it would be possible to have the kerbals blackout temporarily and loose control?

maybe the pilot skill could be linked to their ability to stay conscious?

not sure if something like texture replacer to change the kerbals facial expression as they black out/die.

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This is fantastic! glad to see someone finally did this. now the G meter actually means something.

I wonder if it would be possible to have the kerbals blackout temporarily and loose control?

maybe the pilot skill could be linked to their ability to stay conscious?

not sure if something like texture replacer to change the kerbals facial expression as they black out/die.

DRE did it first!!!!!!!!!

Those limits seem too low. Where did you checked the human tolerance for G forces?

Jeb is not human.

Edited by Woodstar
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DRE did it first!!!!!!!!!

I'd say this is a simplified version of the plugin contained in Deadly Reentry.

According to DRE's readme file:

Added crew death on over-G. Kerbals have human-like G-force tolerance, which means they can survive 5Gs for about 16 minutes, 10 Gs for 1 minute, 20Gs for 3.75 seconds, and 30+ Gs for less than three quarters of a second. The tracker is reset when G load < 5.

DRE has a timer, and it's more detailed. This one insta-kills the kerbals who are subjected to X G-force.

I'll download this and just adjust the numbers to what I see fit. :)

Thanks for the mod, ce4aser! But I must say you aren't specifying this plugin's license on the licence.txt file that comes with it. You should fix it. ;)

Edited by Kowgan
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I wonder if it could be changed to closer to real where its a combination of level and amount (time experienced) that decided the affect.. I know rover dude has his Life Support system configured so that kerbals "go on strike" when they dont get food for a certain amount of time, perhaps that could be used as a knockout..

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Jeb is not human.

Yes, and I've dropped him on his head enough times to understand he isn't more fragile than a human. Those values are low, people can survive those G forces. DRE ones are closer to reality, although I think temporary (long term) or permanent incapacitation is more likely than death.
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On Future Goal:

* Show crew's energy.

* Now all crews start with 100 energy, on future crews will have different value.

* Flying the missions will improve maximum crews energy attribute.

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On Future Goal:

* Flying the missions will improve maximum crews energy attribute.

That feature is pretty cool!

Can you make it so that Pilot Kerbals start with a slightly higher tolerance too? (Because of their specialised training!)

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Hey there, I've been using it since release and everything seem to have worked well so far. Something really awkward happened today, though... I got a new rocket into orbit and when I decoupled the lifter from the crew shuttle, the crew died with the decoupling force. I've been using this same ship and decoupled many times so I'm not sure what happened. I think the only different thing I did was to decouple while pointing retrograde to make a little correction to my orbit (I usually decouple while pointing prograde) but I'm not sure this had anything to do with it...

Other than that, it has been working great! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue as DaniAngione. For some reason, looks like decoupling causes a massive G-Force into a vessel, which isn't even recorded by the game.

Here's a video footage (shocking scenes; last moments of Bill Kerman. Viewer discretion is advised):

And in case this may help, here's the output log.

Unfortunately, I'll have to uninstall the mod until the issue has been fixed. :(

Edited by Kowgan
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