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[KSP 1.4.5] [x] Science! - KSP Science report and checklist (V5.17)

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[x] Science! - A Science Report and Checklist for Kerbal Space Program

[x] Science! keeps track of the science experiments you have completed and recovered to Kerbal Space

Center. It also tracks science you have gathered which is held on vehicles and kerbals.

No matter what game scene you are in, what you current vehicle is, [x] Science! always reports on all science held anywhere.

Now with in-flight status window.  No more searching around in service bays - run experiments at the click of a button.


Why use [x] Science! ?

  • In flight status window kind of like Science Alert
  • With a simple list and a textbox filter it is really easy to use.
  • Available from anywhere. No need to leave your craft and switch to the KSC Lab.
  • It reports on all science, not just the stuff you have recovered to KSC.
  • It reports on all vehicles, great for multi-craft missions. (Option to check debris for science.)
  • Report on anywhere from anywhere else. Where should you go next?
  • Wondering what to do next? Give your Kerbals a purpose.


  • Automatically updates when you retrieve or transmit new science experiments
  • Filter to only show experiments that are currently on your spacecraft; have been unlocked in the tech tree; or all experiments
  • Keyword search to let you find experiments quickly
  • View amount of science any experiment has left for you to find
  • Should be compatible with any science-generating mods
  • Uses stock toolbar. Blizzy's toolbar support
  • Current biome detection
  • OrbitalScience support
  • Solar Science support
  • CustomBiomes support
  • Displays amount of science you'd get if you retrieved all outstanding experiments
  • Only available in Science or Career modes. It will automatically disable itself in Sandbox mode.
  • In flight status window -  click buttons to run experiments.
  • No more searching around in service bays - run experiments at the click of a button


Latest Version 5.17 for KSP V1.4.5 - http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v5.17.zip

Older versions on the downloads page

KSP-AVC Support - "This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the Internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the Internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin."

CKAN Support

SpaceDock http://spacedock.info/mod/234/%5Bx%5D%20Science!


Is on GitHub - https://github.com/thewebbooth/KSP-X-Science


Latest builds are by me, Z-Key Aerospace. All bugs are my responsibility.

Previously by Bodrick. Great design and coding is entirely due to Bodrick.

(Old forum thread) (Old code on bitbucket.org)


[x] Science! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.


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Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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I have spent the afternoon tracking the following error in the log file:

[EXC 20:01:23.185] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.<RefreshExperimentCache>b__7 (.CelestialBody x)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[CelestialBody,CelestialBody,String[]] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[CelestialBody,CelestialBody,String[]] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector)
ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.RefreshExperimentCache ()
ScienceChecklist.ScienceWindow.RefreshExperimentCache ()
ScienceChecklist.ScienceChecklistAddon+<WaitForRnDAndPartLoader>d__7.MoveNext ()

As it happens this problem has already been resolved in version 4.3. I wish I had noticed this release sooner, it would have saved me some time.

However, I have noticed an unexpected gap: see the following trace extracted from the log file (Created by adding some extra logging);

[WRN 20:01:23.151] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache
[WRN 20:01:23.152] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - Checkpoint 001
[WRN 20:01:23.153] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - Checkpoint 002
[WRN 20:01:23.154] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - Checkpoint 003
[WRN 20:01:23.155] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - Checkpoint 004
[WRN 20:01:23.156] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - bodies.Count = 17
[WRN 20:01:23.156] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #0 is Sun
[WRN 20:01:23.157] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - [COLOR=#ff8c00][B]body #0(Sun) has no BiomeMap defined![/B][/COLOR]
[WRN 20:01:23.158] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #1 is Kerbin
[WRN 20:01:23.159] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #1(Kerbin) kerbin_biomes_large has 9 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.160] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #2 is Mun
[WRN 20:01:23.161] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #2(Mun) mun_Biomes has 15 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.161] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #3 is Minmus
[WRN 20:01:23.162] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #3(Minmus) MinmusBiomes_quantized has 9 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.163] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #4 is Moho
[WRN 20:01:23.164] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #4(Moho) Moho_Biome has 12 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.165] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #5 is Eve
[WRN 20:01:23.166] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #5(Eve) eve_biome has 7 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.166] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #6 is Duna
[WRN 20:01:23.167] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #6(Duna) duna_biome has 5 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.168] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #7 is Ike
[WRN 20:01:23.169] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #7(Ike) ike_biome has 8 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.170] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #8 is Jool
[WRN 20:01:23.171] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - [COLOR=#ff8c00][B]body #8(Jool) has no BiomeMap defined![/B][/COLOR]
[WRN 20:01:23.171] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #9 is Laythe
[WRN 20:01:23.172] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #9(Laythe) laythe_biome has 5 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.173] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #10 is Vall
[WRN 20:01:23.174] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #10(Vall) Vall_biome has 4 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.175] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #11 is Bop
[WRN 20:01:23.176] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #11(Bop) bop_biome has 5 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.176] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #12 is Tylo
[WRN 20:01:23.177] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #12(Tylo) tylo_biome has 8 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.178] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #13 is Gilly
[WRN 20:01:23.179] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #13(Gilly) gilly_biome has 3 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.180] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #14 is Pol
[WRN 20:01:23.181] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #14(Pol) pol_biome has 4 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.181] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #15 is Dres
[WRN 20:01:23.182] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #15(Dres) dres_biome has 8 Attributes!
[WRN 20:01:23.183] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #16 is Eeloo
[WRN 20:01:23.184] [5/6/2015 8:01:23 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ExperimentFilter) - RefreshExperimentCache - body #16(Eeloo) eeloo_biome has 7 Attributes!
[EXC 20:01:23.185] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.<RefreshExperimentCache>b__7 (.CelestialBody x)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[CelestialBody,CelestialBody,String[]] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[CelestialBody,CelestialBody,String[]] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 keySelector, System.Func`2 elementSelector)
ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.RefreshExperimentCache ()
ScienceChecklist.ScienceWindow.RefreshExperimentCache ()
ScienceChecklist.ScienceChecklistAddon+<WaitForRnDAndPartLoader>d__7.MoveNext ()

Now, I can sort of understand that a biome may not have been defined for the Sun, the surprise for me is that Jool has no Biome defined.

Has this always been the case?

Edited by BruceKnowles
Removed an ambiguity.
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I'm really liking this mod! It takes some of the grind out of collecting science, but it doesn't feel like it's doing all the work for me. However, every time I collect science, the game seems to freeze up for a second or so. Is anyone else noticing this? Is it possible that this mod is responsible?

Also, a minor feature request: can you have the window "remember" whether it's open or closed independently on the different game screens? For example, when I go from flight to KSC, I'd like the [x] Science! window to be visible only if I had it open the last time I was at KSC, not just if I happened to have it open in flight. It might also be nice for it to remember its compact/expanded state and position independently, but that's less important.

Oh, and the window should probably go away when I quit to the main menu.

(would you prefer GitHub issues for bugs and feature requests?)

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  thegreatgonz said:
I'm really liking this mod! It takes some of the grind out of collecting science, but it doesn't feel like it's doing all the work for me. However, every time I collect science, the game seems to freeze up for a second or so. Is anyone else noticing this? Is it possible that this mod is responsible?

Also, a minor feature request: can you have the window "remember" whether it's open or closed independently on the different game screens? For example, when I go from flight to KSC, I'd like the [x] Science! window to be visible only if I had it open the last time I was at KSC, not just if I happened to have it open in flight. It might also be nice for it to remember its compact/expanded state and position independently, but that's less important.

Oh, and the window should probably go away when I quit to the main menu.

(would you prefer GitHub issues for bugs and feature requests?)

Unfortunately I have the same freezes. It would be awseome if there is a way to fix it because I really like this mod. Regarding the menu I would like to see the quoted changes.

Thank you for keeping this mod alive.

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  thegreatgonz said:
I'm really liking this mod! It takes some of the grind out of collecting science, but it doesn't feel like it's doing all the work for me. However, every time I collect science, the game seems to freeze up for a second or so. Is anyone else noticing this? Is it possible that this mod is responsible?

Yeah, every time you get some science with the [x] Science window open, the game freezes for about a second. It doesn't seem to happen when the window is closed, so the temporary solution is to check [x] Science after running all your experiments.

Aside from that, this mod ticks all the boxes for me. Thank you.

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  Ame said:
Yeah, every time you get some science with the [x] Science window open, the game freezes for about a second. It doesn't seem to happen when the window is closed, so the temporary solution is to check [x] Science after running all your experiments.

Aside from that, this mod ticks all the boxes for me. Thank you.

Same here!

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If you read the OP you will see that the "slowing down problem" is the first thing on my to do list.

I was planning on keeping quiet about this but I am running a new version that is nowhere near so slow. I'm not releasing it just yet because I've had to change a lot of stuff.

I was amazed by the sort of hoops Bodrick was having to jump through in order to make this mod work. KSP unloads ships that you can't see. In order to get all the science in all ships Bodrick was walking the list of loaded ships, then saving the game, then walking the saved game looking for all the other ships. It must have taken him ages just to learn how to do all this stuff.

Many of the speed increases I was thinking of were already being done. I have made two changes and they really speed things up.

Firstly I am getting the list of "Science Subjects" from KSP only once, I then turn it into an indexed list. This takes time but if you are doing the right sort of queries on the list then it is worth it. When I was getting new science it took 3.2 seconds to refresh the list. Now it takes 0.9 seconds which is a lot more bearable. (I have a 8gigs and a nice i3 but also a lot of mods running)

Also I decided to limit the ability of a mature game getting bogged down. I no longer look for science on debris. If you, or KSP itself, renames a ship with the "debris" icon then it will not be included in the next science refresh. The down side of this is that if you crash it will look like all your science is gone, you should recover your spaceship bits 'cos some of the science may have survived.

I'm gonna sit on this version for a bit longer I don't want the thread full of irate gamers. The current version works. I was using [x] Science! to find a biome to visit and then keeping it closed until I thought I had everything, then opening it for anything I had forgotten. Testing the new version it is quite hard to make myself keep it open! I've only had the new version since Saturday but I'm not closing it at all now.

OK, I need to go through my log files and I want to try doing some daft things like actually crashing something full of science or dumping a stage full of science but I'll try and release this next weekend. Also I now have three new websites to build so I actually have some proper work to do. If I don't make myself release it then I won't for ages.

In the future - I think I can save another .5 seconds per refresh. Then it will be really quick (but remember the further you get in the game the more [x] Science! slows down.) I want to try and do something with the list of ship-parts-with-science that the mod builds as part of its refresh. I also want to optimise the routine that decides if an experiment is enabled or not. A lot of that routine involves walking KSP's PartsDatabase but it actually boils down to "Do we have a goo container? Do we have a thermometer?" I mean if we know we have goo then we don't really need to walk the PartsDatabase again. Another half second looks possible. It might have gone into this version but I have 3 websites to build.

Enjoy the slow down for a few more days, OK?

- - - Updated - - -

This mod is great!

It also makes me frustrated with all the science that doesn't seem very well thought out or creative. There is a stupid amount as KSC when you consider that other reasonable tests don't exist.

I actually quite like the KSC science. It is the only reason to build a rover.

- - - Updated - - -

Also, a minor feature request: can you have the window "remember" whether it's open or closed independently on the different game screens? For example, when I go from flight to KSC, I'd like the [x] Science! window to be visible only if I had it open the last time I was at KSC, not just if I happened to have it open in flight. It might also be nice for it to remember its compact/expanded state and position independently, but that's less important.

So I have a couple of issues that people complain about. One is that the Kerbal based science (crew reports, eva, soil samples) don't get activated/deactivated in career mode. The other is that the window stays open in the main menus.

  • I want to optimise the routine that checks if experiments are enabled. I hoped I could work the Kerbal based science into that, and of courses it would also speed things up.
  • I thought that if I remembered which games scenes the window was open in then it would never be open in the main menus. I often use [x] Science! on the KSC over-view and get annoyed when it is still open in the VAB.

There are other bugs but those are the only two that people have complained about.

By the was has anyone noticed that if you have [x] Science open in the VAB or SPH then the list of experiments changes as you add science parts to your vessel? I only realised that as I edited the code on Saturday. I think you need the second filter button at the bottom of the window.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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New version V4.4.

Uses an indexed list of science subjects for faster updates.

No longer checks debris for science.

This version should not be unbearably slow - you should be able to keep the [x] Science window open.

If you crash your craft, recover the debris - some of the science may have survived.

Latest Version 4.4 for KSP V1.0.2 - http://themoose.co.uk/ksp/x-science-v4.4.zip

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I've have an outstanding pull request on CKAN for the past two days. They need to accept it, I don't think I can do anything but wait for them. There are 8 outstanding requests (not just mine, I mean) those guys must be busy at the moment. I'm sure they will get around to it. You can install it yourself or wait for the CKAN guys to accept my merge.

- - - Updated - - -

If it is any help I've just added the mod to Kerbal Stuff https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/808/%5Bx%5D%20Science!

I'm hoping that I'll be able to use NetCAN to push updates onto CKAN more quickly. I need to figure out exactly how that works.

- - - Updated - - -

  bamboechop said:
Thanks for updating this great mod! Would it be possible to get a GitHub or Curse Download link? The KSP Mod Admin works only with Curse, CurseForge, KerbalStuff GitHub and BitBucket URLs. :3

It's on Kerbal Stuff now. Does that help?

- - - Updated - - -

CKAN seems to have woken up and pressed the button. Enjoy!

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
CKAN came through.
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  iDisOrder said:
very cool mod!

curious... when you say it lists all science recovered even on vehicles not turned in yet, does it list what vehicle and/or it's location?

I've got stuff spread out all over is why I ask

'fraid not.

Nice idea though. The UI may get a little complicated, it probably could do it though. I'd need to do a bit more caching of science containing parts, but it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.

That would be a few versions away though. I want to speed it up a bit more and then fix the bugs.

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