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[KSP 1.4.5] [x] Science! - KSP Science report and checklist (V5.17)

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  On 5/18/2016 at 8:40 PM, drhay53 said:

@Z-Key Aerospace DMagic updated experiments again today; is this the right place to discuss how to get them categorized correctly in [x] science or is there something I need to ask DMagic to do? And is there any way I can help?


It's probably a one or both answer -- Either mod could adjust to the other, but it's likely [x]science could expand into the newer science types.

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Orbital Science has had underwater experiments for a while and there isn't a lot I can do about them.  They don't correspond to a biome.

You should be able to tell [x] Science! to just ignore them,  an "AvoidAll" entry in science.cfg should do the trick.  Actually you could try a combination of NeedsOcean and NeedsSrfSplashed that might get the experiments to show up in more-or-less the right places.

I appreciate that Orbital Science is a big thing but I don't really want to have to write code for all the science mods out there that do weird things.  One major problem would be that KSP tells me when you move from one biome to another.  Nothing will notify me when your ship submerges or whether it is shallow or deep.  And if I write code for that, something that tests every frame, what about everything else? I think it is a slippery slope.

Also the underwater stuff won't correspond to the "splashed at" biome.  Your current location is "Splashed at Kerbin's water" but are you on the surface or submerged shallow or submerged deep?  I don't really want to clutter up the UI with extra info that will only interest a small (but significant) percentage of users. 


By the way, I'm running a new version of [x] Science! here.  Seems to be working pretty well.  Surprisingly well actually, considering how much I've hacked it around.

The new features so far are:

  • a tooltip on the "123/456 complete" summary text, it tells you how many experiments remain and also how many "mits" of science you will get by doing them.
  • I finally fixed the current location biome text overflowing.  It wraps onto a second line if necessary.

The main thing I did was ditch all the coroutines and run everything off of Update().  This should stop people telling me about the exception that sometimes happens just before KSP shutsdown.

I'd like to take this opportunity to guarantee that this version won't be released without some sort of window position settings, promise!  Hopefully get that done tomorrow.

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For those who can't wait and are feeling brave - If you want to try editing science.cfg have a look at the discussions on pages 4 and 5 of this thread.

I just had a look, there is a config for sounding rockets in there.  If you come up with anything - do share.

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Hi there,

I am on a mission to stop mods from trampling the MM cache, and this mod is on my list :)

I love this mod, but it appears to save settings into a config file in the wrong place, which means every time that file gets changed, MM has to do a full rebuild and can't load from cache.

Would it be possible please to move the config file for this mod into a "PluginData" directory so that it will be properly ignored by MM?


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  On 5/20/2016 at 3:34 PM, Agathorn said:

Hi there,

I am on a mission to stop mods from trampling the MM cache, and this mod is on my list :)

I love this mod, but it appears to save settings into a config file in the wrong place, which means every time that file gets changed, MM has to do a full rebuild and can't load from cache.

Would it be possible please to move the config file for this mod into a "PluginData" directory so that it will be properly ignored by MM?



This is in the next version


OK, so saving window positions and compacted/expanded state is fine.

I am having real difficulty in getting the visibility to stick.  This is because visibility is controlled by external buttons - stock toolbar / Blizzy78 Toolbar and by the plugin class.  Everything else is buried in the window itself.  No rest for the wicked....

The current arrangement of classes and their roles bothers me because I really want to add a whole-new-window for [x] Science! V5.  There is a whole load of stuff (most of the code in this plugin, really) I really want to get out of the main window.  I just wasn't planning on solving the problem just now.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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@Z-Key Aerospace @DMagic Forgive me if this is an oversimplification but is this basically a problem where DMagic adds situations to the experimentSituations object, and [x] Science doesn't support it simply because it doesn't know how to handle situations beyond the default ones?

And, is it simply a situation where it needs to convert those situations to a string, and that's why it can't simply handle EVERY situation in experimentSituations?

I guess what I'm asking is; if a DMagic experiment adds a situation called for instance ExperimentSituations.southernHemisphere, then why can't [x] Science simply have in the checklist "SIGINT scan from ExperimentSituations.southernHemisphere". From my naive look at the code it feels like the custom situations aren't supported simply because someone would have to hard code strings to convert them to.

If everything in DMagic's experiments is buried in non-stock methods or attributes then I suppose that's a different story... but it seems like there should be enough information to do something with these experiments. If you see what I'm missing, please correct me.

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KSP keeps a list of situations that you have collected experiments from.

[x] Science!, on the other hand, uses rules to pre-calculate a list of all possible experiments right from the start these all have Collected=0.  Once you have done some experiments [x] Science! overwrites its pre-calculated list with those entries from the official list.  These will have some collected science.  That way you know what is to be done and what is completed to date.

[x] Science! also goes through every part on every ship and a bunch of other stuff but that is by-the-by.

What is important to know is that [x] Science! is gonna have a real problem when people start making up their own rules.

For the record current Orbital Science support in [x] Science! consists of reading the "sitMask" and "bioMask" fields and also a line in science.cfg to restrict the BioDrill to planets with an atmosphere.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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@Z-Key Aerospace @DMagic Ok, I accept that if you're both telling me it's not possible, I'm probably oversimplifying it. It just feels like between ScienceSubject, ScienceExperiment, ExperimentSituations, and the science ID there should be enough information to construct all of the right combinations, but I guess it sounds like DMagic's experiments are checking their situation 'on-the-fly' and so there's not really any way to know what those situations could be beforehand. It's clever by DMagic, but definitely very frustrating for me. Without a checklist to know what I'm missing, I almost don't even really want to have the parts, to be honest.

If either of you don't mind, could you spend just a few minutes explaining your development and code testing process? I've tried asking in a couple of places in the development and help forums but it seems as if people don't generally answer that kind of question. Just seeing if I can get something out of you guys :wink:

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  On 5/20/2016 at 9:46 PM, drhay53 said:

...DMagic's experiments are checking their situation 'on-the-fly' and so there's not really any way to know what those situations could be beforehand. It's clever by DMagic, but definitely very frustrating for me. Without a checklist to know what I'm missing, I almost don't even really want to have the parts, to be honest.


I totally get where you're coming from -- to my mind, the community-driven nature of so many of the awesome add-ons and parts and features means that there will always be some "under"-lap (opposite of overlap?) in shared functionality.

If you're simply looking for a justification to keep using the parts, a related tool like Science Alert (or the other, more automated cousin that I'm forgetting the name of) could provide easy access to the on-board science, even if you aren't able to track it with [x] Science! (my OCD is barely able to tolerate that, as it is... :wink: ).  It brings some of the mystery back to KSP, and if just having those awesome looking gadgets on your craft isn't enough, you still get some science income to spend on Strategia (another great mod) campaigns, etc.

Edited by Beetlecat
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Science alert is not updated and does not appear to be in development, or at least it's unclear.... and the latest DMagic update seems to have broken automatedsciencesampler on DMagic parts....I think my world is coming to an end, all I want to do is all the sciences!


My OCD will probably feel better by ignoring all of the experiments that don't work, but I may play with the filters a little bit and at least see if I can get [x] science to recognize when I've done one of the experiments on a certain body. I'm probably not likely to do one of the experiments in only one hemisphere, so if I can at least get it to show up at all, then I can still use it to track the experiments.

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OK, so having waded through the hellish morass of UI events I think I have the windows behaving themselves.  Or one window on different screens.  I'll test it slowly but hopefully, by the weekend, you will all have a new [x] Science! with sticky window positions.


By the way, the next new version, with any luck, will have a similar but polished UI and a lot of work under the cover separate the UI from the science model because I really want to support 2 windows with 2 separate views of what is going on with science.  Apart from some new icons the only new functionality may be resizeable windows, but I'm not promising.

Maybe a new settings window, not attached to the side.  A lot of plugins have the settings hidden behind a right-click of the same toolbar button.  Though I might do that, maybe.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
New, new version for the future
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This might already be among the changes you're making, but if not: it would be very nice for window states and positions to depend on what scene you're in - e.g. window open (automatically) in flight (and positioned wherever), but closed  or in a different, remembered position when I return to space center view.

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V4.18 looks OK, I'll publish it shortly.

  • Remembers window positions
  • Changed location of settings file
  • New tool tip for experiment count and value
  • Current situation text word-wraps

Also this lot which is internal

  • Removed coroutines - refreshes from Update()
  • New event handler class

Running the list refreshes from Update() might make screen refreshes stutter when things change.  If it's unbearable let me know and I can put them back.  I only did it to stop people telling me I have an NULL pointer exception when they leave KSP.


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Scene changes are occasionally causing crashes for me, and the stack trace kinda points at [x] Science!

Here's the crash + the last couple lines before:


  Reveal hidden contents

I was EVAing out while in orbit around the Mun, and it showed Jeb holding onto the ladder for about a second and then crashed.

It might not be [x] Science!, but I figured I'd at least see if anyone else is having this problem. If it gets unbearable (currently perhaps 2-4% of scene changes) I'll try on a fresh save with just [x] Science! installed.

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Ok I have a strange issue, possibly related to 4.18 as this is the first time I have tried to pull up the [x] Science window since I updated it. The experiment window is completely empty, despite a number of experiments on the vessel, and I'm getting the following spammed in the logs:

  Reveal hidden contents

Any ideas?

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  On 5/25/2016 at 7:22 PM, Z-Key Aerospace said:

V4.18 looks OK, I'll publish it shortly.

  • Remembers window positions
  • Changed location of settings file
  • New tool tip for experiment count and value
  • Current situation text word-wraps

Also this lot which is internal

  • Removed coroutines - refreshes from Update()
  • New event handler class

Running the list refreshes from Update() might make screen refreshes stutter when things change.  If it's unbearable let me know and I can put them back.  I only did it to stop people telling me I have an NULL pointer exception when they leave KSP.



This looks awesome, but I'd also like to see the tooltip list the total science points (not just experiment count) broken down into three values:

  • Science points recovered so far.
  • Science points gathered, but not yet recovered (e.g. on vessels).
  • Science points not yet gathered.

This would be really valuable when I'm partway finished with a planet or moon's science and would like to figure out how valuable another trip will be. I could just type "Duna space" and see the maximum amount of science a Duna fly-by could give me (or use it to check the total amount of science I have en-route from Duna back to Kerbin ready to be recovered once it's landed back home).

Your mod is on my short list of must-have-mods for any career play-through. Keep up the good work. :) 

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  On 5/27/2016 at 10:57 AM, pargentum said:

Seems to work fine for me (or now). I've noticed that Spacedock is a bit, um, picky about distributing new updates recently. A few times I've got a 404 error when other people have been able to download them just fine, and I've noticed other people saying the same thing.

Maybe it's regional - I saw one thread where the people having problems were in Europe and people without problems were elsewhere.

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Thanks for this mod!

About proposed features, I must say I totally agree with Gilph:

  On 2/2/2016 at 12:55 PM, Gilph said:

Hi, Thanks for the great mod.

Also +1 for the Lab-centric view proposed in the new version.  I lave labs in space stations and on landers that will never return to Kerbin. I am interested only in the experiments remaining that I can process in any particular lab.  I can somewhat figure it out now, but the ability for a simple yes/no without Kerbin recovery would be really useful. Or, maybe include transmit only, as every experiment in the lab can also be transmitted.



So +1 for the Lab processed/processable list of experiment !

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Hey, just a quick suggestion that could technically be considered a bug.

For some reason, in the FLIGHT scene, the [x] Science! window wasn't showing up, no matter how much I clicked the button.

Reading this forum and reading about the recent changes to remember the position of the window, it gave me an idea to check the settings file of this addon. And lo and behold:

		Top = -10084
		Left = -10176
		CompactTop = 40
		CompactLeft = 40
		Visible = False
		Compacted = False

Yeah, the window was saved WAY beyond the edge of the screen, so it was just not visible. I changed it to the default 40/40 and it all is now working again. No idea how it ended up so far outside.

So... Even though I love the fact that windows get saved positions, I suggest you have some check when loading a scene that the window is not outside the screen borders.


Thanks for one of my favourite mods!

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I have a question. I noticed that you said back in 2015, that integration with Scansat would happen (I assume this means, it won't display biomes without having discovered the biomes?). Just wondering where things are at with this :)

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I pulled down the code, and was wondering if any effort has been made to actually allow the user to *run* a given experiment right from the [x] Science window? I'm looking into adding a buttons to "run available experiments", "clean experiments" (when a lab or scientist is available) , and "transfer experiments to storage". My goal is to have one mod that I can use to manage my science, rather than having a separate mod for automatically running and cleaning experiments. I'm going to start messing about with this to see what I can come up with.


I'll be submitting a pull request once I finish debugging, but I've got it so that you can run the available experiments on the vessel. Even only runs enough of a given experiment to max out the science (e.g. if you have 10 goo bays, it will only run 5).

Edited by westamastaflash
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