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All Landing Gear Steerable

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I'm a huge fan of the new larger landing gear, but I really wish they were steerable. I think the addition of this feature would increase the practicality of the new landing gear by quite a bit. Not sure if anything is going on with this yet or not.

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Yup, I wholeheartedly support this. Optional steering and lights, as done for the original small gear bay, is an essential feature that needs to be on all gear. We also need some variations in height, so that you can do things like have the tail gear mounted to the wings, but the nose gear under a body section, using the same style of gear. I suspect that it's impractical to have tweakable height, so a short and tall version of each (the newly introduced gear probably qualifies for the tall case).

- - - Updated - - -

  katateochi said:
Yes steering and lights are needed! Maybe don't put steering on the heavy (LY-99) but definitely on the medium (LY-50). Would also like to see some level of suspension on these two.

No, both need steering. For a normal setup, with twin tail gear and a single nose gear, there's double the weight on the nose while taxying, and during takeoff and landing runs, so it doesn't make sense unless the heavy gear is also steerable, as a heavy plane needs the same gear on the nose as the tail. (Before anyone says that the main gear should be under the CoM, taking weight off the nose, that's incorrect for a classic delta wing design, main gear should be under or behind the CoL, closer to the back of the wings.)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, all i was looking into this problem as well as you can see by the model it does have lights "lamps" and it has a break indicator, but the config file has no mention of lamp, i did some more snooping by opening the model up in blender and looked at the original landing gear and seen how the light works there but one thing i noticed is its a different setup and some stuff missing.

something else comes to mind the LY-10 Small Landing Gear gear status light does not work anymore it just stays green and config file has no mention of a status light.......



name = GearLarge

module = Part

author = Porkjet

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1.0

rescaleFactor = 1.0

node_attach = 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1

TechRequired = heavyLanding

entryCost = 6400

cost = 1200

category = Utility

subcategory = 0

title = LY-99 Large Landing Gear

manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company // it can't all be [C7 Aerospace Division]

description = Heavy-duty retractable landing gear. With it's four large tires and sturdy assembly it's the gear of choice for heavy cargo planes and airliners.

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

mass = 0.6

thermalMassModifier = 4.0

// heatConductivity = 0.06

emissiveConstant = 0.95

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.3

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 1

maxTemp = 2700

crashTolerance = 70

breakingForce = 50

breakingTorque = 50

// PhysicsSignificance = 1 // I think this should have mass

bulkheadProfiles = srf



cube = RETRACTED, 2.668421,0.7828922,0.7107495, 2.668421,0.78283,0.7107495, 2.770018,0.8184504,0.7037734, 2.770018,0.7823612,0.7437038, 0.9675053,0.5827737,1.15612, 0.9675053,0.2873546,2.339442, 3.039837E-06,0.08524656,0.1619515, 1.227095,1.072782,3.268359

cube = DEPLOYED, 4.769676,0.8709047,1.2333, 4.770842,0.870423,1.2333, 3.373985,0.7576349,3.416735, 3.373985,0.7137473,3.610135, 2.119894,0.6172727,3.291952, 2.119894,0.5126448,3.05974, 2.980232E-06,-1.40114,0.1545382, 1.815971,3.909752,3.283185




model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearLarge

scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25




name = ModuleLandingGear

animationName = LandingGearLargeDeploy

BrakeTorque = 12

BrakeSpeed = 3

startingState = DEPLOYED

wheelName = wheel

suspensionParentName = WheelRetract

statusLightName = BrakeIndicator <<< changed from spotlight.

reverseAnimation = true

StartDeployed = true




name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint



targetName = anchor2

rotatorsName = link1




targetName = anchor1

rotatorsName = link2



MODULE <<<< added


name = ModuleLight

lightName = Spotlight <<< tried spotlight and lamp

useAutoDim = true










+brakeindicator << missing setup


+spotlight <<< missing beam setup.

conclusion its just an oversight and they will fix in next update or they maybe slowly improving on how lights work as there is oversight or bug ect with KSP lights since the addition of been able to change the light colours, when you change the light colours the light source stays white while the refraction of the light is correct but this is mainly with the Illuminator Mk1 and Mk2 some mods have this problem as well but not many.

Let's just hope they know about the issue and fix it when they get the chance, but this issue is mainly aesthetics.

as for steering i agree that all of the wheels should steer with the "LY-01 fixed" as its not designed to steer.

Edited by blackice504
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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 4/24/2016 at 6:01 PM, WildLynx said:

Well 1.1 is out.

Spotlights and braking lights are working, but... steering.

Basically, we need 2 types of gear of each size,

-1 steerable, 1 or 2 wheel arrangement

-1 not steerable, but more rugged, from 2 wheels side-by-side to 6-8 wheel bogie.



Its 1.2.2 now, and this is still an issue with the Large and Extra large gear. But I like your idea.

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