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KSP Is the new Minecraft?


Will KSP overtake Minecraft?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Will KSP overtake Minecraft?

    • Yes! hopefully soon too!
    • Probably, just not for a long time.
    • Meh, it might, might not, dunno.
    • Nope, don't think so myself.
    • Never, Minecraft has taken over the world!

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I think that for the near future, KSP will get much more popular, but the fact is not nearly as much of the public is interested in space as Minecraft. I think that once the Commercial Crew vehicles start flying then KSP will overtake Minecraft, since public interest will be rekindled by the commercial flights.

TL;DR: KSP will overtake Minecraft, but not for a while.

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No, and I hope it won't become like Minecraft. That game was completely ruined by adding enchanting system. After that people forgot you could build nice things and went mad grinding to beat other people's asses and call them noobs. It's like if BDArmory became stock in KSP while multiplayer is a thing. If that happened people would go nuts, forget about the exploring part of the game and started killing each other instead.

Nothing against BD Armory. Great mod, but hope it will never be stock.

Edited by Veeltch
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  Wafle Master said:
Imagine that annoying fred guy who had a TV show at one point, yeah nobody remembers him except me.

That's a squeaker ,

only squeakers are more vulgar, and have the crappiest mics.

Example: Call of Duty 8-year-olds that say the f-word, s-word, fa-word, etc. so often if it was filmed it would break Wolf of Wall Street's f-word record. Minecraft unfortunately was overrun by these [censored] and made multiplayer practically unplayable, I pray to the kraken that that doesn't happen to KSP. But I think KSP's steep learning curve is a good unintentional method of preventing that, because little 8-year olds don't want to play a game that requires (some) math over FPS. I don't Squad is greedy enough to sell KSP to Microsoft (a.k.a. capitalism inc.) for 1 billion dollars (you hear that Mr. Bigglesworth?).

Oh, about the Fred part, I personally thought (meaning that is no longer the case) he was funny, but [censored, again] the Annoying Orange.

  LordFerret said:
Dare I ask? What's Minecraft? Never played it.

Ok, I personally thought everyone with an internet connection knew about it. But a brief summary is a game that is a block based, mining, crafting, building, environmental destroying (environmentalists HATE it), game that has a community that will try to gruesomely murder you if you so much as say it is okay, they practically worship it. They're like [insert white, powdery, addictive, and illegal substance here] addicts . For example, I was on one of the minecraft irc things and I said that it was overrated, and they replied saying that they would do some very horrible and disturbing things to me only because I criticized the "Game that is better than God himself" (they actually said that). The minecraft youtubers imo only make videos to exploit the addicts for their own profit, sad.

Edited by hieywiey
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What's the point of the poll? I don't mind if a game I play is popular. I'm pretty sure Angry Birds is more popular than KSP, so what? Am I not allowed to play KSP anymore? Should I play Angry Birds instead? I don't think so.

BTW, I like Minecraft, too. The good thing is, games aren't like girls. You can be in love with more than one game at the same time, it's completely normal.

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  cephalo said:
I will add to this discussion that Microsoft paid way too much for a product line that has already peaked. I don't think they will recoup their 4 billion.

I agree they paid to much, but they have actual experts there that aren't armchair speculators like us. Minecraft has a massive following, and in a sense, Microsoft is buying direct access to a new generation of consumers. More than that, Microsoft is planning a huge entry into the VR gaming segment with Hololens augmented reality. They needed a big title to push it, and minecraft is about the most perfect title for that job. The technology is very impressive and has amazing potential (ie, using spinning mirrors and some technical magic to project an image into the eye instead of dealing with the harsh limitations of LCD screens). Microsoft might flub it... but then again, they generally turn a profit on things that are considered failures. Microsoft plays the long game and they play it well. I wouldn't bet against them.

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I honestly hope that KSP does not become like minecraft, the thing that destroyed minecraft in my opinion is Youtube. Youtube brokeup the minecraft community, plus Youtube has no accountibility for trolls.

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  cephalo said:
I will add to this discussion that Microsoft paid way too much for a product line that has already peaked. I don't think they will recoup their 4 billion.
Microsoft bought a brand, they didn't buy a product.
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"The new X" is really an annoying human-based analogy.

"Automobiles are the new Bikes" works well, but even today in the 21st century, we STILL use bikes. If BIKES were suppose to be replaced by cars, why do we still have them? Why do some people even ride bikes to work in some countries, rather than drive cars?

KSP is KSP, nothing more and nothing less. Where is my option to say that it cannot be compared with random programs simply based on popularity and the generalized "creators" genera?

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  regex said:
Microsoft bought a brand, they didn't buy a product.

Exactly. And if you can watch this and still think they didn't know precisely what they were doing when they bought it:

Well, then I don't know what to say :)

As for the question in the OP: that's just silly. KSP is an awesome game I love to death, but Minecraft is a once in a lifetime cult phenomenon. It's like asking if Battlestar Gallactica will be the next Star Wars.

Edited by FlowerChild
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  FishInferno said:
Where have you been the last five years?

From the sound of his post. A happier place then Minecraft multiplayer.

But, will KSP overtake Minecraft. Not likely. But, I'm hopeful that it will overtake it SOONâ„¢.

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I sure hope not. Minecraft, while a huge success, fizzled out after a while, with meaningless updates every now and again adding carpets or horses. There was no hype train for new updates (after 1.2 or so) aside from mild interest. The community grew apart, and wasn't exactly respectful of each other. Servers started looking more like moneymaking ventures than fun places to play with your friends. I don't think mojang anticipated just how big the game would get, so they weren't ready for the rapid growth of players. KSP's community is respectful, mature, and hopefully will stay that way.


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  Wafle Master said:

Ever sense Microsoft bought minecraft a year ago there has been ONE update, while as mojang had them almost monthly, mostly every other month, My theory is, if Squad keeps up what they're doing, eventually, maybe in a year or two, KSP will overtake Minecraft as the most popular game.

And as someone who prefered a hevily modded minecraft I absolutly hated mojang's updates. Sure they added nice features but dispite how much the modding community props up minecrafts popularity mojang screwed them over with nearly every update. They kept changeing everything in the backend so much that each update broke every mod, often for months till the community could manage to fix all the damage.

KSP on the other hand while the patches do break a number of mods most can be made funtional with a simple recompile agianst the new version. The turnaround for the major mods are measured in hours and days instead of months.

Personaly I doubt KSP is going to reach the hights minecraft did. As fun as it is the game is much more niche than MC. While MC can be played as an adventure type game it is at its core digital legos. a huge number of kids and former kids grew up playing with legos or something similar and MC can cater to that broad appeal very well. KSP requires a bit more of a refined taste than the simple pleasure that is MC. It's still wildly sucessful but I just dont think it will ever go as far due to the market its aimed at.

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  Wafle Master said:
people who will build crafts just to destroy yours before you can launch

Oooh. Kerbal Thermonuclear War, with people trying to bomb the other guy's KSC silo before he/she can strike back :D

But no, I don't think KSP will ever reach that level of popularity. Personally, I'm fine with where we are now: A nice little dedicated community, with enough new purchases to keep SQUAD's income flowing, while avoiding the... issues that come with a Minecraft-style community.

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
"KSP the new Minecraft" is like comparing Legos with model rockets.

I agree with you actually, but adjusted it because these things are different enough already. MC is a game you can pop in, play with some blocks for a relaxing time, and have a nice creation to show for it. There are hardcore players out there who make redonkulous builds, but the biggest difference between casual and hardcore players is time.

KSP, on the other hand, can still be played casually, but you won't get the results that someone else who put in the effort to learn efficient rocketry, docking, and astrodynamics would. Granted I only learned these things through the game, but not without trying really hard. Some people don't care for it.

Edited by RSwordsman
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Besides its niche appeal and among other reasons, KSP will never overtake Minecraft because of its shoddy construction interface.

The great appeal of Minecraft as a "build game", in my view, is that you can build almost anything you can imagine with relatively little skill. KSP makes only a very narrow scope of rocket construction actually "easy" - it offers you the ability to snap pieces together at certain designated hardpoints, but aside from that you have no ruler and only some basic symmetry tools to work with. You want to design anything much more complex than a bundle of toothpicks, get ready to buckle down for several hours of work if you don't already know what you're doing, especially if what you're doing requires docking to accomplish.

Regular cubic voxels are far easier to work with and, more importantly, they let you measure out what you need and what you're placing very accurately. Truly useful data in KSP is hard to come by and maneuver nodes are fiddly to work with, making it stupidly convoluted to plot out complex trajectories and get anywhere in the system very effectively. Personally I've been playing for years, I understand delta-V, phase angles, gravity assists, and after countless hours and hours wasted building things that just explode on Kerbin's surface or fall short of their destination on propellant, I burned out more than a year ago and haven't picked up the game seriously since. And sure, maybe I'll come back to it later, once my mind has rested somewhat - the relatively recent construction modes/aids are a mildly appreciated, but tiny gesture toward massive overhauls that need to be made - but that doesn't make the game's awful building system not a problem. It's not friendly toward new players, and the oft-expressed attitudes towards "as little automation as possible" and "failure is fun, so it should be a very major part of gameplay" are much more hurtful than nurturing to the growth of KSP's playerbase, I think.

And before anyone makes the assumption, it's not that I think players should be unable, or even unlikely, to fail - but if you want gameplay to expand beyond the "shoot rockets at the planets" stage into really managing a (rocketpunk) space program with the satellite networks, stations, propellant depots and mining infrastructure that entails, to be able to plan stuff strategically and design large-scale, complex missions and the like, you need to have the tools to be able to measure stuff precisely, to be able to plot out (relatively) precise trajectories in advance, to have statistics and data available and to be able to precisely place components such as to make it less than a massive time-sink and/or headache for people without weeks of free time to set up a base on Laythe. (It'd also be much more interesting to have more things to actually do than just launch things, fly things, and fulfill contracts...)

Lots of crashes, screaming Kerbals, and funny explosions may bring in the YouTube views, but they won't lead to better player retention and hours played except for people who are either really easy to please or really persistent. Most people I know who have KSP have barely played it for more than a few hours.

Basically, KSP won't be reaching Minecraft status any time soon, but it could benefit greatly from adding a ****ing ruler or two.

Edited by Accelerando
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Personally, I don't think it will ever become the "new" minecraft, it IS popular, but not as popular, but I hope that it won't attract the same crown that Minecraft does. We don't need countless amounts of "Git to mun quik trickshot" videos.

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