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So a Ferrari Designer drew himself a spaceship...


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If Top Gear has taught me anything it's that vehicles built in Italy are undoubtedly beautiful; and they break down every two minutes :P

But they would be the best darn two minutes.

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This class of designers has a golden rule: “for the love of god, don't make things PRACTICAL†as that would somehow destroy the purity of the design.

We have some workstations at work for graphical design work. Beautifully designed machines. Since they're not approved for our (locked down) network, we'd have to get artwork on and off these machines through sneakernet (USB sticks). Of course, these beautiful pieces of stunningly impressive design have the USB ports AT THE REAR, because heaven forbid the front would be corrupted with two practical USB ports...

I bet that at one point there was a discussion on the design of this space ship that went like this: "rocket engines? Oh no, those are ugly. We'll leave them off"

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Soooooooo.... without control surfaces or any sort of apparent engines, he basically designed a very good looking metal kite? :D

It has reactionless drive of course. The problem is it's un-aerodynamic due to that leg in the front of the "ship". A spoiler is fine for cars but a permanent spoiler for an aircraft? :confused:

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We have some workstations at work for graphical design work. Beautifully designed machines. Since they're not approved for our (locked down) network, we'd have to get artwork on and off these machines through sneakernet (USB sticks). Of course, these beautiful pieces of stunningly impressive design have the USB ports AT THE REAR, because heaven forbid the front would be corrupted with two practical USB ports...

USB hub, problem solved :)

Or did you have to sign a contract that you're not allowed to have any cables running over your desk so as not to ruin the esthetics of the environment?

Not joking, city I used to live built a new city hall, and the architect demanded just that. They weren't allowed to place any furniture in the central hall, no plants, no signs telling people where to go, as that would "ruin the intended artistic effect".

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It has reactionless drive of course. The problem is it's un-aerodynamic due to that leg in the front of the "ship". A spoiler is fine for cars but a permanent spoiler for an aircraft? :confused:

It's to prevent the ship from flipping during launch. We're all very familiar with that mechanic.

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If Top Gear has taught me anything it's that vehicles built in Italy are undoubtedly beautiful; and they break down every two minutes :P

We should ask the designer of the toyota hilux to design the next space shuttle?

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Classic, family-friendly, and fun 80's sci-fi film. If you've never seen it, you're missing out.

Oh my god. I've been searching for this film for the past 8 years. I watched it often as a child but could never recall enough details to find it through web searches. Thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me.

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You attach spoilers to the tip of your ships?

Well no, but I don't build ships that way. But that'd be the reason the designer put a spoiler there, I'd guess.

I do put fins on the top of my boosters. But that's for a different reason.

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