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OS X App Signing Please!

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I know this has been posted before but it bears repeating: please buy an app certificate from Apple and sign the app and launcher bundles as I know Unity can do. This may have been acceptable during development but a 1.0 game that still doesn't get through the Gatekeeper check automatically is rather silly.

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Absolutely, this should be a short term priority to get sorted out. It should be fairly easy to do, and is low cost. Here's where to sign up:


It's also the first step towards being able to sell the game via the Mac App Store, which should be a positive thing as well.

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So... if you pay apple $100, or hack a weaker company to get their key, you can sign your own malicious software and get it past gatekeeper. (Generally, you want to self-sign executables, but I get how they market these things.)

Either way, it really looks simple, pay Apple $100 (or use a third party with a shared key). Shouldn't be too difficult for SQUAD to do.

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So... if you pay apple $100, or hack a weaker company to get their key, you can sign your own malicious software and get it past gatekeeper. (Generally, you want to self-sign executables, but I get how they market these things.)

Either way, it really looks simple, pay Apple $100 (or use a third party with a shared key). Shouldn't be too difficult for SQUAD to do.

The fee prevents people just signing up with throw away email accounts, and similar. Apple can, and do, revoke keys used maliciously or in violation of their developer agreements, with the OS regularly downloading the current revoked keys list. They can also block individual apps, rather than an entire developer, for cases where there's something which is problematic but not malicious. There has been signed malware in the past, I believe, and not just on Apple's platforms. It's not a high security system, but raises the bar quite significantly and adds risk of being traced by authorities for malicious acts.

Using a 3rd party key would be a quite silly thing for any legitimate developer, as your apps could get blacklisted due to improper behaviour by someone else.

The annual fee also gets you access to closed betas (and various other closed downloads), and the ability to publish via their App Store.

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