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[1.8+] Custom Barn Kit 1.1.20 (19 October 2019) - Parachute Included


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On 24.06.2017 at 2:11 PM, sarbian said:

Add DSNRangeCurve, DSNPowerCurve & DSNScienceCurve

How do they work?

Also, another stupid question - can additional ground stations have  power rating different from KSC?

Edited by evileye.x
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm using @Yemo's CBK config, and am seeing the following issue: my launch pad is at level 2 (of 7), after two attempts (I think KCT having a vessel in storage screwed it up), but when I go to the VAB and look at the Engineer's Report, it thinks I have the level 1 launch pad. I scrolled back and saw that there were similar issues where the level jumps *higher*, but not lower. In addition, when I exit the VAB, the launch pad momentarily flickers to level 1, then back to level 2. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's annoying to have dropped 75k Kerbucks on the upgrade and have the VAB and the KRASH sim not recognize that fact, and thus not be able to test my Mun launcher :D

In any case, I'm not sure if it's an issue with CBK itself or Yemo's config. Modlist here

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10 hours ago, coolguy8445 said:

So I'm using @Yemo's CBK config, and am seeing the following issue: my launch pad is at level 2 (of 7), after two attempts (I think KCT having a vessel in storage screwed it up), but when I go to the VAB and look at the Engineer's Report, it thinks I have the level 1 launch pad. I scrolled back and saw that there were similar issues where the level jumps *higher*, but not lower. In addition, when I exit the VAB, the launch pad momentarily flickers to level 1, then back to level 2. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's annoying to have dropped 75k Kerbucks on the upgrade and have the VAB and the KRASH sim not recognize that fact, and thus not be able to test my Mun launcher :D

In any case, I'm not sure if it's an issue with CBK itself or Yemo's config. Modlist here

KCT also creates a queue for facility upgrades (visible in the tech tab of the KCT window). When you request an upgrade to the launch pad it will briefly flicker to level 2 before being caught by KCT and added to its queue. Once work is complete it will upgrade itself to level 2. Until that work is complete it will continue to have the level 1 stats and limitations.

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13 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

KCT also creates a queue for facility upgrades (visible in the tech tab of the KCT window). When you request an upgrade to the launch pad it will briefly flicker to level 2 before being caught by KCT and added to its queue. Once work is complete it will upgrade itself to level 2. Until that work is complete it will continue to have the level 1 stats and limitations.

Yes, this was after the KCT upgrade completed. I've actually launched a couple of rockets from the new pad.

11 hours ago, sarbian said:

I fixed it 3 das ago in CustomBarnKit- but I did not update the post.

Assuming this is referring to my post. I'll check it out after work this evening; thanks!

Probably CKAN just doesn't recognize it because I'm running against 1.2.2. Manual install it is! :D


EDIT: hmm, according to CKAN, I have installed.

Edited by coolguy8445
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I am having a very very similar issue.  I am on 1.3 and do not have KCT installed, but I am heavily modded.  Whenever upgrade the tracking station or landing pad they revert back to level 0 when i enter the VAB and then exit it again.


Edit: According to the version file in the mod directory I am on 1.1.14 also.  Removing Custom Barn Kit fixed the issue.  I do not have the time to test further with a clean install for a couple days but when I do I will post here.

Edited by terminalmonky
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On 11/08/2017 at 6:01 PM, terminalmonky said:

I am having a very very similar issue.  I am on 1.3 and do not have KCT installed, but I am heavily modded.  Whenever upgrade the tracking station or landing pad they revert back to level 0 when i enter the VAB and then exit it again.


Edit: According to the version file in the mod directory I am on 1.1.14 also.  Removing Custom Barn Kit fixed the issue.  I do not have the time to test further with a clean install for a couple days but when I do I will post here.

Same problem. Most of SETI mods plus the experimental SETI-CustomBarnKitConfig - 0.9.1. and CustomBarnKit - 1.1.14

Upgrading launch pad to level 2. Whenever entering into the VAB, it goes back to level 1. no money refunded !! Not sure if it is intended or what. uninstalling the SETI config solves the issue.

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5 hours ago, hellboy79 said:

uninstalling the SETI config solves the issue.

Hmm, I was worried about that. My guess, then, would be that the VAB (and possibly other buildings) is basing what it *thinks* the level is on what stock does with the levels. In Stock, and in CBK's default, there are only 3 building levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.5, and 1 for the level. Yemo's, on the other hand, has 7 levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.16777...(floating point precision problems), 0.3333...., and so on (this is in the save file). I'm wondering if the VAB is trying to read the level based on Stock, and thus ends up rounding down to the nearest level it can comprehend (so 0, in the case of Yemo's first upgrade). 

The better question is: why in the name of Kraken did Squad use a float in the range 0..1 for that in the first place, instead of using an int like any sane developer? :huh:

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8 hours ago, coolguy8445 said:

Hmm, I was worried about that. My guess, then, would be that the VAB (and possibly other buildings) is basing what it *thinks* the level is on what stock does with the levels. In Stock, and in CBK's default, there are only 3 building levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.5, and 1 for the level. Yemo's, on the other hand, has 7 levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.16777...(floating point precision problems), 0.3333...., and so on (this is in the save file). I'm wondering if the VAB is trying to read the level based on Stock, and thus ends up rounding down to the nearest level it can comprehend (so 0, in the case of Yemo's first upgrade). 

The better question is: why in the name of Kraken did Squad use a float in the range 0..1 for that in the first place, instead of using an int like any sane developer? :huh:

Maybe there is some work around. The upgrade is properly handled by the launch pad itself: you can design a rocket beyond the level 1 upgrade, save it,  upgrade the launch pad and launch it from the upgraded launch pad. However, as soon as you enter again the VAB and go back, the launc pad is reverted again:(

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I am starting to getting tired of this. I spent 30 minute testing and I could not duplicate any of the problems reported in the last 6 post. And since no one thought that posting a log might be of any interest I won't have a look at all for 2 weeks.

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28 minutes ago, sarbian said:

I am starting to getting tired of this. I spent 30 minute testing and I could not duplicate any of the problems reported in the last 6 post. And since no one thought that posting a log might be of any interest I won't have a look at all for 2 weeks.

And with this remark I have removed your mod and all associated mods as well and I will no longer use anything you make. Some people don't even know there is a log file, just rude man absolutely rude. If you don't want to deal with us users and our questions, you really shouldn't release a mod. I don't understand creators that act like this and act as if the end user should have no opinion of things, when in fact their opinion matters the most. As the creator you have the ultimate decision has what to do with your work not the end user, but to tell everyone "hey you didn't give me the log file so I won't even look at things for 2 weeks" I'll be surprised if you have another download take place. As far as me I'm out, good luck in the future.

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Just now, Next_Star_Industries said:

And with this remark I have removed your mod and all associated mods as well and I will no longer use anything you make. Some people don't even know there is a log file, just rude man absolutely rude. If you don't want to deal with us users and our questions, you really shouldn't release a mod. I don't understand creators that act like this and act as if the end user should have no opinion of things, when in fact their opinion matters the most. As the creator you have the ultimate decision has what to do with your work not the end user, but to tell everyone "hey you didn't give me the log file so I won't even look at things for 2 weeks" I'll be surprised if you have another download take place. As far as me I'm out, good luck in the future.

The first sentence in the OP is "No logs => no support" with a link to how to get logs.
Also, you're now going to play modded ksp without ModuleManager? Good luck with that.

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12 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

The first sentence in the OP is "No logs => no support" with a link to how to get logs.
Also, you're now going to play modded ksp without ModuleManager? Good luck with that.

To easy to go around MM so no worries. That link is being hidden the way it is, I barely noticed it was a link

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17 minutes ago, Next_Star_Industries said:

And with this remark I have removed your mod and all associated mods as well and I will no longer use anything you make.

Don't forget to remove MM from your mods. Thx.

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1 minute ago, Next_Star_Industries said:

I don't use MM in my mod no need to. I think I had one mod out of the 43 I use that used MM and that mod doesn't really need it. So yeah all removed. Thx

Your mods post show otherwise.

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@sarbian Gets MORE people blaming him when they can't launch a rocket that has giant fins on the very top and a fairing closed around the SRBs than any 10 of the rest of us combined.   He has saintly level patience when it comes to dealing with people asking for support.   He said he's already tried to duplicate the problem even though nobody gave him logs, which he is VERY clear about as a basic requirement before he'll feel obligated to help out.  Then he told you it was going to be a while before he got back to it.  I didn't take his post as 'punishment - because you were naughty I'm going to refuse to support it for two weeks to teach you a lesson!'   It was simply him saying he was going to be busy.  And he doesn't OWE us support.   Shrugging and saying "I dunno...  I guess don't use this mod?" would be a perfectly reasonable answer but instead he said he'd work on it more, even without logs, but that it would be a while.   What more do people want from him?  

If we looked at the number of hours I've played this game... vs the number of hours I'd have played this game WITHOUT mechjeb to take care of both the routine and boring (launches!) and the difficult and tedious (interplanetary transfers and maneuver planning), I'd say Squad probably owes Sarbian about 80% of what I paid for the game. And then include the fact that a lot of my KSP time has been since I got interested in modding... and...  I don't know what plugin author HASN'T at some point had to dig through Mechjeb's code to figure out how to do or access something...   I bet I'm not the only one who can say that well over half of my enjoyment of this game has hinged on work sarbian is involved with.

Edited by artwhaley
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On 8/11/2017 at 0:01 PM, terminalmonky said:

I am having a very very similar issue.  I am on 1.3 and do not have KCT installed, but I am heavily modded.  Whenever upgrade the tracking station or landing pad they revert back to level 0 when i enter the VAB and then exit it again.


Edit: According to the version file in the mod directory I am on 1.1.14 also.  Removing Custom Barn Kit fixed the issue.  I do not have the time to test further with a clean install for a couple days but when I do I will post here.

Sarbian,  Sorry I have not circled back on this.  I should have some time to test this a bit and get some logs uploaded to you.  Thanks for the work you do.  

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