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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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Also, there seems to be some odd shading on your parts. Darker on the leading edges and lighter on the back ends. I don't kno why, I know nothing about modeling.

Known issue, fix will be in upcoming update.

you shoudl totally make a mk.3 expansion that adds wider fuselages for cargo transportation! and all sorts of other stuff!

I'll take it into consideration, but mk2 parts (at least for now) are my main priority.

You should get this on CKAN!

Will do.

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I'm finally going through the parts pack, i like what i see.

A few things:

Put your name on them, not C7's, it's easier to sort them with Filter Extensions. Right now i wouldn't be surprised if i skipped a part or two in your pack because it just says C7 and i'm not too familiar with the Stock ones

Inverter section and Spade tail could use LF-only versions (same config file as the LFO part, same textures and all)

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The Interstellar fuelswitch plugin is based on FSfuelswitch, its essentially just a bugfixed version with some extra features, so FSfuelswitch configs still work with it.

I think the main change is the way it handles changing cost when the fuel config is changed, something that apparently required a lot more work in fsfuelswitch, tough it still supports the old format.

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Does the Intersteller one offer better functionality?

The forum demands more characters than just a simple "yes":


- Improved persistence in VAB and in Flight

- Improved integration with Tweakscale

- Improved in flight switching behavior

- Improved tank cost calculation which compensates for resource cost

- Improved GUI

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I went with the Firespitter FSfuelswitch module. Does the Intersteller one offer better functionality?

Please make it so this fuel switcher module could be deleted without any negative consequences for your pack (except for the tanks being LF\OX only, of course). I've never installed these things - I don't want my other mods to get such functionality (and possible bugs associated with it).

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UPDATE 1.1.1 is out

Version 1.1.0 changelog


-Added new part: PLUTO engine.

-Added new part: Nosecap.

-Added new part: Fishhead cockpit w/IVA.

-tweaked Turbojet thrust curve - slightly higher max speed.

-tweaked ramjet thrust curve - now produces less thrust subsonic.

-tweaked VTOL thrust to 170.

-cosmetic tweak to all parts, Z-lighting bugs squashed, some new UV maps.

-Implemented InterstellarFuelSwitch - fuel tanks can now be LF, LF/O or structural, optional patch.

-Interstellarfuelswitch and ModuleManager bundled.

-Added new corporation Insanity Aerospace as manufacturer of all parts for ease of editor sorting.

Fuel tank fuel switching is done with the InterstellarFuelSwitch plugin, which is bundled as an optional extra along with the tankswitch MM config for those who (don't) want to mess with extra plugins, at their discretion.

CKAN integration is currently on hold, as netkan apparently doesn't like me and I've banged my head against that particular wall long enough today

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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So um. Recent changes look really good. Especially love the fishhead cockpit--never thought of designing my spaceplanes like fish, but now you've got me thinking that maybe the fish are on to something with that hydrodynamic efficiency thing. Overall, big fan of this expansion pack. However, something wonky seems to be going on with the Fishhead cockpit. Plane flies great, but inevitably, I get up to a pretty good speed, and BLAM spontaneous disintegration, in a very spectacular manner. As far as I can tell, it's not overheating, and the last time it happened was right around Mach 1, though I've had it happen at slower speeds. Seems to be a collision with Right_eyetransform or Left_eyetransform, whatever those are.


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These... Need hotrockets!

Here is a config file for hotrockets I made. Just create Mk2Expansion_hotrockets.cfg in the MP_Nazari folder in GameData, with the squad_hotrockets.cfg, nasa_hotrockets.cfg, etc files. Then put the code below in it :cool: It probably doesn't matter what you name it, as long as it's in that folder and has the extension .cfg, but idk. It works for me.

It just copies the basic jet engine for the turbojet (since it's similar) and the turbojet engine effect for the ramjet (since they're similar). Enjoy!

// Andon's HotRockets! ModuleManager File modified by Vaelkyrie for Mk2 Expansion Jet Engines
// HotRockets for Mk2Expansion engines
// 05/21/2015

@PART[Mk2Turbojet]:FOR[HotRockets] //Turbojet
name = flamejet3
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamejet3
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.42 0.0
emission = 0.54 1.55
emission = 1.0 1.78
speed = 0.0 1.45
speed = 1.0 0.55
energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy
energy = 0.5 0.77 // Same for energy
energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy
fixedEmissions = false
name = sndjet1
channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_low
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 0.0001 1.12
volume = 1.0 1.32
pitch = 0.0 0.3
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
name = sndjet2
channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_deep
volume = 0.1 0.0
volume = 0.3 1.12
volume = 1.0 1.25
pitch = 0.0 0.3
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
name = smokethrust
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock
energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy
energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy
speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed
speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed
grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%
size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch
collide = false // Collision active or not
collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface
fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50
// ***************
// From here the value are not the default anymore.
// ***************
angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°
angle = 45.0 1.0
angle = 50.0 1.0
distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110
distance = 100.0 1.0
distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale
mach = 0.0 1.0
mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8
mach = 1.0 1.0
density = 1.0 1.0
density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo
density = 0.3 1.0
density = 0.002 1.0
density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001
//@name = ModuleEnginesFX
//engineID = rocketengine
//flameoutEffectName = flameout
%powerEffectName = powerflame
//engageEffectName = engage
//disengageEffectName = disengage
%spoolEffectName = powersmoke
// old effect names
//runningEffectName = powersmoke
//directThrottleEffectName = powerflame

%type = ModuleEnginesFX
@PART[Mk2Ramjet]:FOR[HotRockets] //RamJet
name = flamejet1
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamejet
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0
emission = 0.67 0.0
emission = 0.71 1.4
emission = 1.0 1.5
speed = 0.0 1.5
speed = 1.0 1.2
energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy
energy = 0.7 0.33 // Same for energy
energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy
fixedEmissions = false
name = sndjet2
channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_deep
volume = 0.1 0.0
volume = 0.3 1.12
volume = 1.0 1.25
pitch = 0.0 0.4
pitch = 1.0 1.0
loop = true
name = sndjet1
channel = Ship
clip = sound_jet_low
volume = 0.0 0.0
volume = 0.0001 1.12
volume = 1.0 1.25
pitch = 0.0 0.4
pitch = 1.0 1.05
loop = true
name = smokethrust
modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet
transformName = thrustTransform
emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock
emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock
energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy
energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy
speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed
speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed
grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )
scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%
offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters
size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%
size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch
collide = false // Collision active or not
collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface
fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50
// ***************
// From here the value are not the default anymore.
// ***************
angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°
angle = 45.0 1.0
angle = 50.0 1.0
distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110
distance = 100.0 1.0
distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale
mach = 0.0 1.0
mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8
mach = 1.0 1.0
density = 1.0 1.0
density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo
density = 0.3 1.0
density = 0.002 1.0
density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001
//@name = ModuleEnginesFX
//engineID = rocketengine
%spoolEffectName = powersmoke
%powerEffectName = powerflame
!fxOffset = del

%type = ModuleEnginesFX

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I have no idea what exactly you've done to the ESTOC engine but I do not like it.


This thing used to make it to orbit with, depending on flight profile, 800 to 1000 m/s left in the tanks. Now it can't even break mach1. Not at sea level, at 15 km or anywhere in between.


I replaced the ESTOC engine and rear nacelle tanks with a bicoupler and dual RAPIERs and it goes to orbit again as it used to. So my general design is not at fault.


I took some time to compare the ESTOC part.cfg's from v1.0 and v1.02. Now I understand why the ESTOC performs so poorly. From v1.0 to v1.02 it has lost roughly 30% of it's power. And compare it to the stock RAPIER it weighs three times as much but delivers only 150% of it's power. The stock RAPIER wins on all fronts. WITH EASE!

Edited by Tex_NL
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Turns out designing planes like fish is hard. Which, after my most recent attempt went into an uncontrollable and nearly-unrecoverable spin, seems obvious--at high speeds, slight turns or wobbles will present the entire face of the craft to the oncoming air, inducing enormous drag. Maybe fish don't have to deal with this because water is incompressible, unlike air. Regardless, this poses a whole new set of challenges to spaceplane design that will be very interesting to tackle!

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I have no idea what exactly you've done to the ESTOC engine but I do not like it.

I took some time to compare the ESTOC part.cfg's from v1.0 and v1.02. Now I understand why the ESTOC performs so poorly. From v1.0 to v1.02 it has lost roughly 30% of it's power.

The ESTOC recieved a 25% thrust nerf following V1.0.

And compare it to the stock RAPIER it weighs three times as much but delivers only 150% of it's power. The stock RAPIER wins on all fronts. WITH EASE!

Where are you getting that? ESTOC weights 3 tons, RAPIER weights 2 tons. ESTOC, at present, is 150% more powerful than the RAPIER at 150% the mass cost. Before the nerf, ESTOC was 200% thrust for 150% mass.

Edit: Tex_NL, I just tested a replica of the plane you posted, using ver1.1.2, and I'm not seeing any of the behaviors you are describing - replica plane hit orbit 150x150km, ~900 dV left, mach 1 soon after launch. So a few questions: Mod version# you are using? Stock or nuFAR atmo model? Any mods that might affect engines?

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
Flight testing
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Great mod, but I have noticed some things that really bug me.

1. The VTOL engine hits its max thrust at 8 km, which makes absolutely no sense for an engine designed specifically to take off. I would probably make it stronger as well, because of how hard it is to set up a craft with more than one of those things. I think that the thrust curve used for the J-33 would work fairly well here

2. The Vectoring turbojet's performance just barely surpasses that of the J-33. I understand that the vectoring-ness of the engine is a reason to weaken it, but that level of maneuverability is easily obtained through other means at speeds that low. I would reccomend a slightly nerfed version of the J-X4's thrust curve for this one

3. The aerospace intake could stand to be a bit pointier. Or not. I don't care too strongly about this.

4. The Ramjet is actually a turbo ramjet, or else it wouldn't produce any thrust while standing still. Once again, I don't care too strongly about this

5. The Engines in general seem a bit wimpy. IMO, they should have around they perform around 210% of the engines Mk I counterpart, and should have 205% of the mass.

EDIT>6. In the new update, the ramjet flat out under-performs compared to the J-X4. It only manages half of the max thrust, compared to the already weak ~120% max thrust that it used to have.

Complaining about awesome content offered to me completely free of charge aside, this really is a great mod, and I hope you keep up the good work.

Edited by temporalExile
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