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Anyone having trouble attaching parts in the new version?

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Since I updated to the newest version, it seems like I've been having more problems getting parts to attach to other parts. For instance, the newer pre-built Kerbal X rocket has 6 liquid fuel boosters with the NCS nose cone (the one with fuel in it). The cones only show up on 5 of the boosters, and if I try and add it to the missing one, it keeps trying to attach sideways. If I flip the part around to the correct orientation, it doesn't want to 'click' into place, rather tries to embed itself in another part, rather than attach. I've also noticed this problem with the advanced nose cone part.

And not just on the preloaded craft, I've also started one from scratch, so as to not have any existing errors in production, and have run into the same problem where sometimes nose cones (and other pieces) keep trying to attach sideways when they are obviously at the top of the part, and there are no other parts close by that they could be getting confused by and trying to attach to. Either they refuse to attach (correctly anyway) to all the similar parts, or (in the case of a rocket with two boosters) will attach just fine to booster 1, but not 2.

Is this a known problem, and is there a way to fix it, or am I just doing something wrong?

Edited by SignalCorps
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Yes, some of the attachment mechanics and the way some of the parts connect were changed. As DeMatt says, holding ALT will probably help you out. If that doesn't do it, a quick picture of what you're trying to do would help us give more specific advice.



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I don't feel it much while bulding a rocket but i had some fraustrating moments trying to build a plane. I feel like they have changed something wrong. Sometimes the damn part just doesn't want to connect with the node yet its not like it wants to connect with anything else either. It just doesn't connect unless i change my camera angle to something that the part accepts to connect and it literally comes down to luck...

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  • 2 years later...

Pressing ALT doesn't always fix the problem. Sometimes when you can't attach something you can first attach a small cubic strut, attach the part you want to that and then offset.

Also the camera angle can affect how they attach. I've noticed this while attaching nose cones to radial mounted engines. Lowering the camera angle allows them to attach correctly.

Edited by CrashyMcCrashFace
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This is a pretty old thread and chances are whatever current difficulty you may be seeing is not related to the subject of this thread, so the thread will be closed now. 

In the process, a post or two have been removed. We were all forum newbies once, guys. There's no need to be impatient with them. 

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