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[1.0] ZRC - Krueger: An mk2 shuttle to transfer your crew to LKO stations.

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You know, I tried to make an SSTO. But 1.0.2 doesn't love me. So I made a shuttle instead.

ZRC - Krueger.

Indeed, ZRC(1) has built a three-staged shuttle. The name was chosen because it's phonetically similar to "Crewer" which is basically its function, to transfer crew. It's also the same as in Freddy Krueger due to its capability to chop your Kerbals really bad if things go awry. It carries up to 6 kerbals (pilots included). It's deadly easy to fly it to LKO (as long as your pilot has Track Prograde available) and ends up there with 700 m/s of spare deltaV. It costs 70K funds, of which 30K belong to the spaceplane and can, thus, return back.

No mods needed.

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Parts needed: Squad.

Crew: 6 (2M).

Vacuum dV: 960 m/s

Spaceplane shuttle. Best used to transfer crew from bases to stations and back.

- Uzric Rash

Stage: Start FUEL CELL

Brakes: Toggle ENGINES and BRAKES and SPOILERS

Abort: Retract LADDER and enable COCKPIT REACTION WHEELS and start FUEL CELL and Decouple SPACEPLANE from SHUTTLE BODY

1: Switch RAPIER engine mode

0: Crew report

Note: It comes only with 15 monopropellant because that's enough for me for docking. If you need more, you can set it up to 90 by tweaking the ammount in the inline docking port. Just remember to lock it at launch so you can use the Vernors without loosing monopropellant and unlock it when you need to dock.

Note: The top orange fuel tank is at 80% of its capacity. You can increase it for more deltaV but launches will become more difficult. Your choice.

DOWNLOAD: Dropbox.

(1)ZRC is the non-existant civilian division of ZRM(2).

(2)ZRM is my non-existant military corporation.

Edited by Uzric
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