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Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]

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Mk3 Expansion pack

This is a parts pack intended to flesh out the stock mk3 parts lineup with new engines, cockpits, fuselage parts and more, to give players more options when building spaceplanes. parts almost exclusively use MODEL nodes and stock textures, so RAM footprint should be almost non-existent.

Album a/8AyGC will appear when post is submitted


  • Mk3 Cupola
  • Mk3 Hypersonic cockpit
  • Mk3 Drone Core
  • Mk3 Inline Cockpit


  • C.L.E.A.V.E.R. Mk3 Dual-mode Engine
  • 'Cyclone' Concentric Toroidial Aerospike
  • 'Fulcrum' gimballed Linear Aerospike
  • 'Firestorm' Air-Augmented Rocket
  • 'Buffalo' 2.5m Thrust-Reverser equipped Turbofan
  • 'Hurricane'  2.5m Propeller Engine
  • 'Nyx' Ion Engine
  • 'Wellington' Mk3 basic Jet
  • 'Wyvern' TurboRamjet
  • 'Coxswain' Orbital Maneuvering System
  • 'Hades' Nuclear rocket
  • 'Sievert' Nuclear Jet
  • Taurus Solid Booster
  • Minotaur Solid Booster
  • 'Atlas' Mk3 SRB
  • 'Elephant' Mk3 VTOL Jet


  • Mk3-1.25m adapter
  • Mk3-mk2 tricoupler
  • Mk3-1.25m tricoupler
  • Mk3-1.25m quadcoupler
  • Mk3-Inverted Mk2
  • Mk3 Service Tank
  • Mk3 Hypersonic nosecone
  • Mk3 rounded nose cap
  • OMS shoulder tank


  • Chine Cap w/ RCS
  • Chine Segment RCS
  • Fuselage Extension RCS cap
  • Fuselage Extension RCS segment
  • Heavy RCS thruster
  • Mk3 SAS


  • Mk3 Decoupler
  • Mk3 T-Hub
  • Mk3 X-Hub
  • Mk3 L-Hub
  • Mk3 Structural Tube
  • Mk3 Structural X Tube
  • Mk3 Structural T Tube
  • Mk3 Structural L Tube
  • Radial Fuselage Extension/saddle tanks, 5 variants(endcap, 2m, 4m, intake, 1.25m adapter)
  • Radial Fuselage Extension crew cabin
  • Truncated Fuselage Extension for Mk3 cargo bays
  • Mk3 Endcap
  • Mk3 Radial Mount


  • Chines in three flavors; short, long, endcap
  • Big-S class wing boards - square, rectangular, and triangular
  • Mk3 Circular Intake
  • Mk3 Shock cone
  • Mk3 Ramp Intake
  • Mk3 Precooler
  • Big-S Airbrakes


  • Mk3 Service Bay
  • Mk3 Inline docking port
  • Mk3 shielded docking port
  • Mk3 Aligned Docking port
  • Mk3 Nuclear Reactor
  • Mk3 Nose Cargo ramp
  • Mk3-Mk2 Adapter Cargo Ramp
  • Mk3 flat Cargo hatch
  • Mk3 Cargo Container

Download from Spacedock or GitHub



-KSP 1.12.x update
-Part Rework: CLEAVER
-New Part: Structural X fuselage
-New Part: Strucutural T Fuselage
-New part: Structural L Fuselage
-Fixes missing texture on Cyclone Engine
-Fixes missing texture on Hurricane Engine
-Fixes missing texture on Service Bay
-Fixes missing texture on Minotaur SRBs
-Fixes missing Testure on Atlas SRB
-Fixes missing texture on Linear Aerospike
-Fixes missing texture on Service bay
-Model Rework: Aligned Docking Port
-Model Rework: Inline Docking Port
-Model Rework: Stack Docking Port

Version 1.6
KSP 1.11.x update
- New Part: Mk3 Cargo Container
- Adds Cargo/Inventory part functionality
- Fixes Mk3 Inline Docking Port dragcube
- Adds optional MM patch to add stock heat/reactor decay mechanics to Sievert NTJ
- Adds optional MM patch to add dual-cycle capability to Sievert NTJ
- Adds System Heat compatibility MM patch
- Localization fix for Short Truncated Saddletank

version 1.5
-New Part: Mk3 Heavy VTOL engine
-New Part: Mk3 Ram Intake
-Model Rework: Mk3 cockpit
-Model Rework: Mk3 Turbofan
-Fixes Hurricane prop attach node size
-Fixes Taurus/Minotaur/Atlas texture
-Fixes short Mk3-S2 adapter fuel qty.
-Fixes decoupler crossfeed issue
-Kerbals no longer hidden behind consoles in Mk3 Inline Cockpit IVA portrait cams
-Fixes Firestorm drag cube
-Mk3 Intake prices/masses/intake volumes brought inline with stock
-All Mk3 parts now have correct breakingForce & breakingTorque values
-Rework of variant part names and descriptions.
-Fixes ShovelCockpit naming

-Model Rework: Mk3 Decoupler. Now hollow!
-Fixes drag cubes for Mk3 Drone core, Mk3 SAS, Mk3 Aligned Docking Port, Mk3 Decoupler, Mk3 Radial Mount
-Fixes Mk3 Service Bay not shielding its contents
-Fixes Service Bay LF/O missing texture

KSP 1.8.x update
-Fixes Coxswain OMS texture
-Cupola now has cylindrical variant
-inline bridge IVA now has speed display

version 1.4.8
-Fixes tweakscale patch, no longer conflicts with TS's M3X patch
-Hubs now have stack symmetry
-Fixes scaled flag for agency contracts
-Fixes missing bulkhead profiles
-Adds Whitelist for ReStock compatibility
-Fixes OMS engine white texture

-Adds Tweakscale patch, see readme
-Fixes B9PS subtype localization
-Fixes Chinese localization
-Fixes MM syntax for patches with multiple :NEEDS
-tweaked MFT patch, should play nicer with B9 PS now
-Fixes FuelSwitch XHub double reference

Version 1.4.7
-KSP 1.5 update
-New Part: Cargo Bay Nose
-New Part: Mk2 Adapter Cargo Ramp
-New Part: Mk3 Cargo Hatch
-New Part: Radial Mount
-New part: Mk3 Endplate
-New Part: Short Size2 Adapter
-Model Rework: Mk3 Service Bay
-CLEAVER mass and price increased
-Fixed Service Tank surface attach offset.
-New Example Craft; Transport VTOL
Adds USI LS compatibility patch
-Conversion from from Interstellar FuelSwitch to B9 Part Switch

Version 1.4.5
KSP Version 1.4 compatibility
-New Part: Mk3 Structural tube
-New Part: LHub
-New Part: Mk3 SAS
-Model Rework: Seivert NTJ
-Model Rework: Mk3 Drone Core
-Hub masses reduced, now have LF/O
-Hubs no longer have SAS
-New SFX for Jet engines
-Adds RPM IVAs
-Chinese localization, credit to levin845

version 1.4
-Added Localization
-M3X parts now have their own manufacturer
-New part: BigS Airbrake A
-New Part: BigS Airbrake B
-New Part: Mk3 Precooler
-New Part: Service Tank
-New Part: Air-Augmented Rocket
-New part: Mk3 Reactor
-New part: Mk3 Ion Engine
-New Part: Mk3 Docking Port
-New Part: 1.875m SRB
-New Part: Long 1.875m SRB
-Model Rework: Mk3 Inline Cockpit
-Model Rework: Saddletank Intake
-Model Rework Mk3 Circular Intake
-Part Rework: Coxswain OMS
-Mk3 Inline Cockpit now has IVA
-Improved turboprop throttle response
-Fixed Turboprop IntakeAir usage
-BigS Wing connection strength improved
-Various Price/mass/techtree rebalances
-Buffed Mk3 hypersonic cockpit heat tolerance
-buffed command part torque wheels
-Fixed NFE compatibility
-Added M3X example Craft

Version 1.35
-New Part: Mk3 bicoupler
-Fixes MM patch conflict with GTindustries
-Fixes NFE issue with nuclear engines
-Model retetexture: Mk3 Inline Cockpit
-Fixes chine lift vector issue. Craft with chines will likely need to be rebuilt
-fixes cyclone FX vector
-Cyclone  Smoke FX working now
-Adds Agency/manufacturer tab support
-CLS MM patch updated
-Adds WIP Mk3 cupola IVA

Version 1.3
-New Part; Mk3 inline Cockpit
-New Part: RCS fuselage extension
-New Part: RCS endcap Fuselage Extension
-New part; 'Atlas' Mk3 SRB
-New Part: Heavy RCS block
-New Part: 'Hurricane' 2.5m prop engine
-New Part: RCS Chine Cap
-New Part: RCS Chine segment
-New Part RCS Fuselage Extension cap
-New Part: RCS Fuselage Extension segment
-Fixes Engine FX, no longer has interaction with Aero/mach FX
-'Elephant' size2 turbofan moved to HeavyAerodynamics
-Elephant moved to legacy parts pending depreciation
-'Wellington' mk3 turbofan moved to HeavyAerodynamics
-Mk3-2 cockpit moved to ExperimentalAerodynamics
-Chines and Fuselage Extensions moved to ExperimentalAerodynamics
-BigS wing segments moved to HeavyAerodynamics
-Mk3 circular Intake moved to HeavyAerodynamics
-Fixed cost of Mk3 science lab
-Docking ports now have CLS support
-Mk3 shockcone maxtemp increased to 2500
-Adjusted BreakingForce and BreakingTorque values for all parts
-Fixed Crew cabin fuselage extension IVA orientation - this will mess up crafts using the CCFX
-Crew cabin FX now has working light emissives
-cockpit lights now have Light AG by default
-Fuselage Extension parts moved to FuelTanks
-Fuselage extension crewcabin moved to Utility
-Crew Cabin Fuselage Extension now has airlocks
-Various part costs adjusted to be more in line with stock prices

Version 1.2.1
-Update for KSP 1.2
-Part categories updated to use 1.2 categories
-Fixes Inline docking port control from here issue
-New Part: Mk3 Science Lab
-Model Rework: Mk2 Inverted adapter now has horizontal/vertical variants
-Coxswain OMS now uses new FX
-Mk3-2 cockpit now uses new RCS FX
-Fixed Linear Aerospike bottom node orientation
-Tweaked part costs to be closer to stock prices
-Fixes various typos in part descriptions

Version 1.2
-Model Rework; CLEAVER now has fairing, bottom attach node
-Model Rework: Concentric Aerospike now has fairing, bottom attach node
-Model Rework: Linear Aerospike now has fairing, bottom attach node
-Model Rework: Hades NTR now has fairing
-Model Rework: Big-S wing segments now standardized, configurable, stock compatible
-New part: Big-S small Delta Wing
-New part: Big-S large Delta Wing
-New part: Big-S Elevon C
-New part: Big-S Elevon D
-new Part: Big-S Elevon E

Version 1.1.04
-fixes NFE patch assigning LH2 conversion to the Hades. Functionality moved to the Kerbal Atomics patch

Version 1.1.03
-CLS MM patch tweaked: Crew Fuselage Extension now surface passable
-Fixes issue with Mk3 docking ports
-Fixes 'Elephant' Jet Engine
-fixes CLEAVER node size
-Fixes Elephant node size

Version 1.1.02
-Fixed Turboramjet tech node placement
-Fixed Texture for cockpit windows
-Fixed T hub node alignment
-Fixed Hades NTR NoAttach collider

Version 1.1
-Update for KSP 1.1
-New Part: mk3 shock cone
-New Part: 'Sievert' Nuclear Thermal Jet
-New Part: 'Hades' Nuclear Rocket
-New Part: 'Wipeout' TurboRamJet
-New Part: mk3 docking port
-New Part: Shielded mk3 docking port
-Model rework: 'Wellington' reworked, now has thrust reverser
-Model rework; Coxswain OMs symmetry fixed, now has 0.625m  Buran style variant
-Model Rework: crew fuselage extension
-Mk3-2 Cockpit now has IVA
-Fixed symmetry issues with chines
-Fixed Symmetry issues with Fuselage extensions
-Added search tags
-Fixed Mk3 T Hub
-Fixed node alignment on Mk3 X Hub
-Model Tweak; Service Bay: fixed bad UV map issue
-Fixed concentric Aerospike node size
-Fixed Linear Aerospike node size
-Depreciated KM_Gimbal Plugin
-fixed some texture refeence URLS, depreciated depreciated stock textures
-Added FAR MM compatibility patch
-Added NFE MM compatibility patch

Version 1.09
-Update for KSP 1.05

Version 1.08
-New Part; Truncated fuselage Extension (three variants)
-New Part: Crew Tank Fuselage extension
-Model Rework: Fueslage Extensions now use IFS mesh switch
-New Part: mk3 cupola
-New part: T-Hub
-New PArt: X-Hub
-New part; mk3 basic jet engine
-New part: Mk3 circular Intake
-Model rework: Big-S wing boards A-D
-Model rework: Hypersonic Nosecone retextured, lengthened
-model rework: mk3-1.25m adapter, lengthened
-Texture rework: mk2 inverter adapter retextured
-Cfg tweak: N-couplers now have proper symmetry
-Added AJE MM Patch
-Added CLS MM Patch
-Added DRE MM Patch
-Added MFT MM Patch

Version 1.05
-New part: Mk3 Drone Core
-New part: Mk3 Decoupler
-New part: Big-S Wing board
-New Part: Big-S Wing Segment A
-New Part; Big-S Wing Segment B
-New Part: Big-S Wing Segment C
-New Part; Big-S Wing Segment D
-FX tweak; CLEAVER rocket mode FX bulked up

Version 1.0.1
-New part: OMS shoulder
-New part: Mk3 OMS unit

Version 1.0
-Fixed CLEAVER smoke FX
-Fixed Linear Aerospkike smoke FX
-Fixed Linear Aerospike gimbal

Version 0.8
-New Part: New Mk3 cockpit w/WIP IVA
-New Part; CLEAVER dual mode engine
-New Part; Linear Aerospike
-new part; mk3-size1 adapter
-new part: mk3 tricoupler
-new part: mk3 quadcoupler
-new part; Fuselage extension/saddletank cap
-new part; Fuselage extension/saddletank short
-new part; Fuselage extension/saddletank long
-new part; Fuselage extension/saddletank intake
-new part; Fuselage extension/saddletank size1 mount
-part removed; 'Brute' jet engine

Version 0.5.1
-New Part: JE-4'Hercules' 2.5m turbofan

Version 0.5
-New Part: Mk3 Chine Cap
-New Part: Mk3 Short Chine
-New Part: Mk3 Long chine
-New Part: 'Brute' 2.5m turbojet engine
-New Part: 'Cyclone' Mk3 Concentric Aerospike engine
-New Part: Mk3 Hypersonic Nosecone
-New Part: Mk3 Nosecap
-New Part: Mk3 service bay
-new Part: Mk3-inveted mk2 adapter
-New part; Mk3-mk2/1.25 tricoupler


The contents of this mod are distributed a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


This mod uses the B9 Part Switch plugin

Feel free to post comments/critiques/feedback, and if any of you have ideas for parts that you simply have to have to flesh out your mk2/mk3 experience, speak up! Ideas for new parts are welcome.


Edited by SuicidalInsanity
updating OP
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Tts still being tweaked; I'm not quite happy with it yet.

In the meantime, to avoid burnout , I mocked up some engines:


Are these something people would want to see ingame?

Yes. Yes they are.

A note about the fishhead cockpit though- it might be better for the windows to be, instead of on-top, to be about in the middle. That way, although the view would be a bit limited, the cockpit could hold more than a kerbal (and get the helmet in without cracking the glass :P ).

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In the OP, when you say 'nose cap', do you mean something like a normal nose cone? Because it'd be nice to round off the back or Mk2 fuselages with a simple nose cone, but the hypersonic nosecone is a bit much.

Also, I'm always down for more engines, would love to see them. For the aerospike, remember that that they can't gimbal left/right so you'll need KM_gimbal to disable that. And those fins on the NTR better reduce overheating ;)

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Yep, the nose cap will be like the normal rounded nose cone, but in mk2 form factor. As for the NTR fins, yeah, those were intended from the beginning to be radiators.

I won't have much time for KSP stuff the next couple days, but I should be able to finalize a few more parts, maybe post an update around Wednesday or so.

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In the OP, when you say 'nose cap', do you mean something like a normal nose cone? Because it'd be nice to round off the back or Mk2 fuselages with a simple nose cone, but the hypersonic nosecone is a bit much.

Also, I'm always down for more engines, would love to see them. For the aerospike, remember that that they can't gimbal left/right so you'll need KM_gimbal to disable that. And those fins on the NTR better reduce overheating ;)

I dunno, I think you could get away with a lot of teeny nozzles shifting back and forth on the model to crudely shift back and forth.

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I do... But won't the hottest spot be in the throat of the engine? That's where the pressure and temperature ought to be highest, and where I'd expect the heat glow to be coming from.

I think that's right. Some smart person on Porkjet's atomic rocket thread said this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104855-1-0-Atomic-Age-Nuclear-Rockets

Edited by MinorInconvenience
Fixing dumb mistakes
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Amazing idea, can't wait to see the final version of that cockpit! Btw, upcoming B9 update will have a part that will play really well with it, allowing attachment to horizontal MK2 assemblies.


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Hi very nice mod, but have you ever think make a part like a Nose(tail)-DockingPort ? It would be nice for some SSTO

Instead, I've noticed that the "Two-state aerospace intake" can't change status in the hangar.

One last thing about the NUKE engine. Why you don't make some kind of aerodynamics protection, removable like fairings or just mobile? I know that is a lot of work, so i'd like to hear the opinions of all of us.

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Your main pack and these parts look great! I've been getting into spaceplanes a lot since 1.0 came out and I've been looking for a lot of these. Great work!

Amazing idea, can't wait to see the final version of that cockpit! Btw, upcoming B9 update will have a part that will play really well with it, allowing attachment to horizontal MK2 assemblies.

Bac9 those parts look great! Glad to hear B9 is still under development.

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Hi very nice mod, but have you ever think make a part like a Nose(tail)-DockingPort ? It would be nice for some SSTO.
Are you thinking something like the stock shielded docking port, but mk2 and pointier? If so, yeah, I have an idea for that. Added to the To-Do list.
One last thing about the NUKE engine. Why you don't make some kind of aerodynamics protection, removable like fairings or just mobile? I know that is a lot of work, so i'd like to hear the opinions of all of us.

Ha, on my concept sketch for the PLUTO there was a fairing shroud I doodled on as an afterthought, and when I was finalizing the model there was a nagging feeling in my mind it needed one. As to adding a shroud to it though, not too hard. At present the Shrouded Engine Mount can serve as a stopgap. That said, I see three ways of proceeding, in order of difficulty. I can 1: Add a longer version of the current Shrouded Engine Mount to stick long thinks like nuke engines in, 2: Add the aeroshroud as an engine fairing, or 3: use plugin technosorcery to add an animated shroud, closed while the engine is off, and transitions to an open state dependent on engine throttle.

Also, a teaser for what I'm currently working on:


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At present, those three will cover prograde/retrograde thrusting, roll, pitch, yaw, and vertical/horizontal translation, and the fuselage segment has a torque wheel for good measure. I've been debating whether or not to do some more traditional rcs blocks, like a 4-way or 5 way-block in an aero housing. Thoughts?

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At present, those three will cover prograde/retrograde thrusting, roll, pitch, yaw, and vertical/horizontal translation, and the fuselage segment has a torque wheel for good measure. I've been debating whether or not to do some more traditional rcs blocks, like a 4-way or 5 way-block in an aero housing. Thoughts?
I'd say do it, RCS balancing benefits from a wide array of parts to fit individual craft needs. I think a 5-way aerodynamic block designed to sit on the flat side slope of the MK2 fuselage would be fantastic.
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