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Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]

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In patches/Mk2X_NTJ_decay.cfg:

'@PART[M2X_AtomicJet]' has no needs attached for whatever mod it is for.

In any event, would it be possible for you to add a:


I have added FOR[] fields that will prevent conflicts if you can do that.

Also, for the MFT patch, could you change the NEEDS[modularFuelTanks] to NEEDS[modularFuelTanks|RealFuels]?

I have submitted all these things to you via pull request on github

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@ABZB;Pull request noted. The patches/Mk2X_NTJ_decay.cfg is an optional extra for those who want the Rontgen Atomic Jet to have a nuclear decay mechanic and is for M2X itself, rather than a compatibility patch for another mod.


-Mk3 NERVA, never considered one, but sure, why not?

-Mk3 high-visibilty cockpit; I think the IVA for the cockpit I posted a page or so back will cover that

-Mk3 ISRU: Planned, along w/ ore tank and inline auger

-MK3 xenon tanks; Easy enough

-Mk3 Space Shuttle-style heatshields: I think I know how I could get this to work decently, I'll give it a try

-Mk3 inline cockpit: I'll consider it, but nor for ver 1.0

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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-Mk3 fusion reactor

-Mk3 cockpit that references the Cyclops from Subnautica

-Mk3 ion engine

-Mk3 science lab

-Mk3 inline landing legs

-Mk3 rover cockpit

-Mk3 VASIMR - complete with Mk3 argon tanks

As an FYI, I plan on extending my KSPI patch to the mk3 parts as they come into being.

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@Overlocker; Huh. That meets the flat shuttle bottom adapter need as well.


-Mk3 aircraft fusion reactor; After including a mk2 reactor, it would be remiss of me to not do a mk3 version

-Mk3 cockpit that references the Cyclops from Subnautica; No idea what that looks like

-Mk3 ion engine; Will probably happen at some point

-Mk3 science lab; planned

-Mk3 inline landing legs; planned

-Mk3 rover cockpit; a mk3 rover cockpit? I suppose some sort of bomber-nose style forward observation 'pit might work

-Mk3 hypersonic cockpit; in the works

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-Mk3 cupola

-Mk3 formfactor intake

-Mk3 giant closed-cycle dual-mode torodial aerospike

-Mk3 inline solar array similar to Skylab's solar arrays

-Mk3 Space Shuttle-style nosecone with RCS and reaction wheels

-Mk3 expandable warp-drive powered by Xenon

-Mk3 inflatable centrifuge, perfect for artificial gravity on giant motherships using Mk3 parts

-Mk3 tail boom

-Mk3 jet fighter cockpit

-Mk3 battery

-Mk3 to Mk2 cockpit

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@ Autochton; Interesting. Yes, something like that would work for a mk3 rover cockpit/cupola.

@ AJTheMighty;

-Mk3 cupola; Given the request for hub pieces earlier, sure

-Mk3 formfactor intake; Not sure why you'd need that much intake air, but why not?

-Mk3 giant closed-cycle dual-mode torodial aerospike: Already have a pair of aerospike engines and a dual-mode mk3 engine

-Mk3 inline solar array similar to Skylab's solar arrays: Some sort of solar panels will come with later releases

-Mk3 Space Shuttle-style nosecone with RCS and reaction wheels: See the Comorant Aerology mod linked a few posts up

-Mk3 expandable warp-drive powered by Xenon: Sort of outside the current scope of the mod

-Mk3 inflatable centrifuge: Not sure where I'd even begin, that would require at least a custom animation plugin

-Mk3 tail boom: Will probably happen at some point

-Mk3 jet fighter cockpit; Mk3 craft seem more suited for command bridges than bubble canopies

-Mk3 battery: Could possibly happen at some point

-Mk3 to Mk2 cockpit: Maybe?

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-Mk3 dark matter drive that works equally as well in the atmosphere as it does in space

-Mk3 shielded docking port

-Mk3 inline docking port

-Mk3 bubble canopy cockpit that faces forward

-Mk3 space shuttle OMS

-Mk3 decoupler and separator

-Mk3 inline parachute

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-Mk3 dark matter drive that works equally as well in the atmosphere as it does in space

-Mk3 shielded docking port

-Mk3 inline docking port

-Mk3 bubble canopy cockpit that faces forward

-Mk3 space shuttle engines in 1 part, complete with OMS

There's several mods with RCS nosecones for Mk. 3 parts but no rear RCS pods (so you have to awkwardly place a bunch of single linear ports all over the rear of the ship). That would be nice.

Mk. 3 decoupler? Mk. 3 inline parachutes?

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@ObsessedWithKSP; I think davidy12 was referring to the Comorant Aerology mod


-Mk3 dark matter drive; a bit out of scope at the moment

-Mk3 shielded docking port; planned

-Mk3 inline docking port; planned

-Mk3 bubble canopy cockpit that faces forward: forward bubble canopy like a fighter jet, or like the sub on the last page?

-Mk3 space shuttle OMS; in the works

-Mk3 decoupler and separator; planned

-Mk3 inline parachute; That would be one massive parachute

So, got some work done on a Shuttle Orbiter-style OMS module:


Since people have expressed interest in integrated RCS, I decided the best way to go about it was 2 parts - shoulder and thruster - it permits freedom of placement as well as control over RCS thrust vectors.


That said, i haven't decided If the shoulder should be a 1.25m mount or a twin 0.625m mount. Thoughts?

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-Mk3 bubble canopy cockpit that faces forward: forward bubble canopy like a fighter jet, or like the sub on the last page?

So, got some work done on a Shuttle Orbiter-style OMS module:


Since people have expressed interest in integrated RCS, I decided the best way to go about it was 2 parts - shoulder and thruster - it permits freedom of placement as well as control over RCS thrust vectors.


That said, i haven't decided If the shoulder should be a 1.25m mount or a twin 0.625m mount. Thoughts?


Yes, I want it like the sub on the last page - that's our Mk3 rover cockpit! Plus, I want it with toggleable lights for the cupola and headlights. Also, try and keep that dark matter drive reserved for the third or fourth release ;)

2 more suggestions:

- Connected Living Space support for both mods

- Mk3 RCS-SAS hybrid stabilization module with RCS ports on the outside, monopropellant tanks on the inside, and a short crew tube for CLS - ideal for decreasing part count

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I'm leaning toward the single-mount system, as that matches the shuttle closer. Although on that, the configuration is closer to the twin mount pod there, with the OMS nozzle on the upper/inner mount point and the RCS thruster pod on the lower/outer. But that would entail doing them as separate units.

These single units, are they planned as just an RCS pod, or will the OM engine be throttle controlled?

Line drawing of real-world shuttle OMS/RCS pod:


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Link please?



And If you think its tricky to fly


- - - Updated - - -

Also, Insanity, whatever is more realistic. But I'd say the 1.25m because it has a single nozzle. Also, what thrust will it have?

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@ ObsessedWithKSP yeah, I think I'm going to go with 1.25m

@AJTheMighty;Considering I have a mk2 RCSAS part, you can count on there being a mk3 version. CLS support is easy enough, just another MM patch

@Autochton; I was working off of something similar, but to fit the part within KSP formfactor limitations I had to take some liberties with the Shuttle OMS design, choosing to make it a two part OMS as a compromise between maximum placement options and utility on one hand and part count and complexity on the other.

Functionally, it'll be a throttled monoprop engine with RCS

@davidy12; I haven't decided on engine stats yet, but the main OM engine will likely be in the 80-120 thrust range, RCS thrust will probably be around 2

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Alright. I pray this will be on the next release. *Prepares to throw away linear RCS ports*

PS: Try to make it have at least 1000 m/s on two mono prop tanks, that's about how much the shuttle has in real life.

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A few more suggestions:

-Mk3 fusion drive that works almost exclusively in space, powered by LF/O and Electric Charge

-Mk3 airliner cockpit

-Mk3 2.5m triple-mode scramjet/turbofan/rocket hybrid engine

-Mk3 inline capacitor

-Mk3 chine-form jet engine

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Something of a niggle-possibility: While trying to work on a P.I.E. Launcher for your other pack, I found that the current Mk2 bicouplers are... a bit too lengthy. They do the job, but if you're trying to design a shorter ship they add too much length to the craft, and an extremely truncated version might help out for space saving needs.

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-Mk3 fusion drive: Sounds like ABZB will have that covered

-Mk3 airliner cockpit: Will probably happen at some point.

-Mk3 2.5m triple-mode scramjet/turbofan/rocket hybrid engine: I do have a half-finished 2.5m jet engine, probably won't end up tri-mode, though

-Mk3 inline capacitor: As in NFE capacitors?

-Mk3 chine-form jet engine: Better solution would be mounting a 1.25m Jet on a fuselage extender mount, a chine sized jet would be in the .625m range, which seems too small for behemoth mk3 craft

@CptRichardson; -stubbie bicoupler: Done.

And continuing the trend of working on whatever random part I feel like at the moment, I started working on some mining kit - have a mk3 inline ISRU drill:


Mk2 drill and ISRU refineries are likely to follow.

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Very interesting. How's the OMS coming? That's what I'm really excited about, the OMS coupled with the new engines in 1.1, additional 2 seats in Mk3 shuttle cockpit mod, and mk3 mini expansion/comorant nose cone, I'll finally have the Shuttle I've dreamed about. :D

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