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To All of the KSP Modders: STOP IT!


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Look, I've got a bone to pick with all of you. I've been playing KSP every day for years now. And you Modders are driving me insane. Listen, I play a modded KSP. Stock isn't bad, but modded is just how I roll. I mod even in RL, ok? I mean I modded my truck (nitrous on a 4 cyl is killer), my computer (overclocked the overclock), my house (fully electric shower), my girlfriend (nope, not saying what I did there, but it's spectacular).

I mod everything, ok? Heckfire, I even downloaded Linux so I could add more mods to KSP. And all of you are driving me crazy! Every single one of you.

Here's the problem, just as soon as I download a mod, get it into my game, somebody finds a bug or suggests a new part and you do a new release!!! I'm never getting to play the game because I'm constantly downloading and updating. I had to buy a 3rd HD just to hold all of the updates. You know how many Mobo's I've replaced just to get more RAM capability?!! CPU's??!! I've just given up and now I build a new computer every release. And it's all your fault.

So I'm begging you, please stop it. Stop being so responsive to your fanbase. Stop always reaching for perfection and playability. Stop giving unselfishly to the community. Please, I'm afraid I'll have to build my own Cray XK7 Titan if you don't. Please.


(Please modify the location of this thread if in the wrong place)

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Feel ya bro!

I was 'working' today, babysitting a bachelor party in the venue I work at. Guests where behaving perfectly and I had nothing to do but to make sure there was no fire. so I installed KSP on the computer in my office for a 'fun' KSP game.... Took me almost a hour to find and download all the mods that I wanted in my game! Cut my playing time in 1/3th...

Ah well, was worth it :)

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Not to mention coming up with all these really good ideas for NEW mods, causing me to add yet another mod to my vast array. 1.0 eliminated the need for a lot of mods, and what to you all do? Rest on your laurels, retiring after a job well done? Pfft. Never. You just keep coming up with more.

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  hugix said:
Feel ya bro!

I was 'working' today, babysitting a bachelor party in the venue I work at. Guests where behaving perfectly and I had nothing to do but to make sure there was no fire. so I installed KSP on the computer in my office for a 'fun' KSP game.... Took me almost a hour to find and download all the mods that I wanted in my game! Cut my playing time in 1/3th...

Ah well, was worth it :)

It always is. It always is.

(A bachelor partying with guests behaving themselves??!! Should have invited me. I would have modified that fast enough.)

Edited by Voidryder
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"To all of the KSP modders: STOP IT"


*stops modding*

Happy now? From now on if anyone bugs me about updating my mod I'll point them here ;P

But seriously folks.

A: Not all of us update all that often. When we do, it's usually a minor hotfix.

B: You can CHOOSE whether to update your installed mods or not. I, for example, use KAC, and my version is out of date simply because all the latest version does at the time of this post is improve compatibility with ModuleManager, which I don't use.

Just in case you were actually serious of course ;)

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And the modders here are genuinely unsympathetic (ahem CK) about the time it takes to fix your config files largely because of poorly written mods.

My problem with the mods is that every upgrade I spend a week upgradeing or weeding the mods.

[Patting self on back] my own mods required very few changes.

The worst mods have the code



Texture =

Model =


This took out a whole bunch of fuel tanks, large-scale RTG,

As Squad has a radar (:^) ) that detects when folks are modifying their model and then changes the directory of the part or deletes the model in the new game or change the modes name in an existing directory. So many modders used to do this and so many parts are now useless.

Better to make your own parts or borrow someone blend files and create files in your own part directory that doesn't change.

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::facepalms:: Guessing my tongue-in-cheek posting was a bit too subtle for some of you. I completely respect and appreciate mod authors, even Regex. :D (<- Note cheesy grin to signify no disrespect or insult meant.)

Maybe I should do another thread where I say Stock Only Players* are the Greatest...on second thought...

(*Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing against Stock Only Players. Seriously. Some of my best friends play stock only. No, seriously I have friends. They help push my 4 cyl truck up hills. :wink: )

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Although I'm just a lowly noob KSPer, I can sympathise with the OP entirely.

Each time I turn around I find that some aspect of what I need to do IRL is subject to one 'upgrade' (sic) or another. I'm fast approaching the point where I'm going to need to reboot my brain just to tie my shoelaces. And I only need to take one look at my poor ole mum struggling to find an email to be in mortal fear of my own dotage; I can just imagine being unable to put a dash of milk in my tea because I'll need to perform the mental equivalent of the proverbial double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the 'Star Spangled Banner'* just to open the fridge door.

* Douglas Adams was a genius.

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I don't know what you're talking about. Mods take ages to update. And besides, it makes sense to update it to fix a bug, because bugs ruin everything. I had infernal robotics and the textures bugged out and it looked so ugly. But it's fixed now (although honestly that could of just been my computer).

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