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Congruent Triangles + KSP = Gaaah in Math Class


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So in Math we are currently dealing with congruent triangles, which means SSS SSA ASA a few others and SAS. Everytime I hear SAS in mathclass my brain goes instantly to KSP. Do I have a problem?

Well hey, it's not like KSP goes away when you're not playing the game.

This has happened to me too.

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There are at most two triangles defined by SSA if we restrict ourselves to Euclidean space.

The closest thing to SSA is Hypotenuse-Leg. But that's in right triangles.

Maybe an equilateral triangle if you use the Law of Sines and you have the correct information. But that's the Law of Sines, not SSA per se. Law of Cosines might be applicable as well... Depending on what info you have.

But that's why it doesn't exist, it depends on exactly which info you have...

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I've always wondered why their wasn't an Angle-Side-Side proof... :P

My class kept agreeing that it was indeed a proof, and the teacher always told us that it is "not possible to prove two triangles are congruent with it," and to "keep it out of school." :P

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You should see me when I hear the upper graded (is that the term?) students learning orbital mechanics.

I want to steal their textbooks and cross out all the clearly incorrect answers

What? How can you not know what the longitude of ascending node is? Do you even lift(ers)?

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