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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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as for the shuttle lifting capacity I can make a more powerfull booster variant if needed. will just need a cfg file to download.

I have found a solution for me. I delete the ETC-Folder. Now I can transport a cargo of 12 tons to 180x180km orbit.

Edit: You have linked to a .jpg.

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45t payload launch with new boosters:


no problem

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I have found a solution for me. I delete the ETC-Folder. Now I can transport a cargo of 12 tons to 180x180km orbit.

Edit: You have linked to a .jpg.

thanks link is fixed.

have you noticed a difference in booster characteristics when deleting the ETC folder?

it was meant to enable realistic thrust curves with the boosters

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hmm ok I will check it out

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I see the centre of thrust or weight is off to one side.

maybe typo.

will check now

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ah huh.

on RIGHT tail I had this:

CoLOffset = 2.2, -3.18, -0.7

CoLOffset = 2.2, -3.18, -0.7

it should be this:

CoMOffset = 2.2, -3.18, -0.7

CoLOffset = 2.2, -3.18, -0.7

me and my typos

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that's the file if you want to replace manually

I will fix the main download also now

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thanks for the heads up

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now added craft file to main download

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front wheel turn axis is wrong, tail control surface not working 100%...

also flaps are defaulted to 'brakes' group

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inbox was full sorry. now emptied if you require pm's to be sent

Edited by Mike-NZ
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Alright, I tested it, looks good.

So, building the B747 took me about ten minutes.

It was pretty straightforward, but you may want to make a craft file for those who have trouble finding parts.


Typically, the shuttle would be inclined towards the mounting.

You may want to put a second attachment node there.

The textures are nice, but could use a bit of shadowing, especially on the fuselage and wings. The blue color is slightly too bright, but it's good.

To flight:

I liked the fan animations on the engines!


As said by Sampa and reese1221, it veers quite hard, and so I tore an engine off. :P


I separated the shuttle and.. it was embedded into the 747's fuselage. You may want to pitch the shuttle up slightly more in assembly.


Well.. erm..


It was finally gone, but the 747's course was erratic. Then again, a whole engine is gone.


Crashed into water, but the fuselage survived.

All in all, the modeling and animation is very good, but the texturing and performance could do a bit of work. It's still good, though. Thanks for reading!

EDIT: During the 30-minute span of time I've typed this, the 747 was updated.. I'll try testing that.

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thanks for the post!

I have yet to do:

textures (as stated) I am using placeholder for now

inclined node attachmen for shuttle (rotate in SPH for now)

decoupler force (maybe)

and its still early stage in dev so will be buggy sorry...

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...increase fan speed,

higher altitude and speed (doing now)

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agh finally.



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Somethings not right here bob!


HMMM no, should we be on fire?!?!?!


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ahh. that's been fixed somewhat. now it tops out at an altitude of 45k if you're willing to cruise that high...

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we will get there in no time bob!!!!




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separation isn't too hard. just aim down a bit with engines reduces and it floats away and infact flies ahead a bit:


actually quite pretty!

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Thanks, couldn't resist,the,joke. Btw, downloaded that gantry.

I put in all the co-ordinates hoping it will show automatically. let me know if it doesnt

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Mike, are you the reincarnation of Stachanov? Man, take a rest :)

Hehe I was about to say the same thing.

It s very impressive the amount of good work you re doing Mike. One of the few threads in development I enjoy following everyday. Plus I really like the shuttle/dreamer/ISS so it s work hours very well spent in my opinion. On top of that the 747 + shuttle is very useful for me to learn as I m trying to make my first mod ( A300 with soar shuttle) Thanks for the great work!!


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