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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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Awesome, I'll download it and check out the non-RO version.

Non ro is basically the same as the one on page one right now. Possibly older in some areas. Mainly a new download location. I would still stick with page one download until I check it all out tonight

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Everything basic seemed to work great. :)

Still waiting on that Canadarm fix. The one that the other guy did worked fine but wouldn't lock on to anything.

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Non ro is basically the same as the one on page one right now. Possibly older in some areas. Mainly a new download location. I would still stick with page one download until I check it all out tonight

I'm not worried about screwing up something. I've done that plenty of times trying to mod on my own, haha. I don't mind trying it out.

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Yes I will upload all arms to github tonight.

I am still working on romfarer.

I compiled the source files after fixing a few errors and built the plugin, still no change. Need to know how ksp 1.0.4 broke it. Then I can fix it.

I did pm romfarer, not sure if he will reply

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Making cfg's is super easy, plugins is all new to me haha. Gotta try learn c# in less than a week. will get back to work on the RO and do the plugin on the side. In the meantime I will upload the infetnal robotic arms

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Making cfg's is super easy, plugins is all new to me haha. Gotta try learn c# in less than a week. will get back to work on the RO and do the plugin on the side. In the meantime I will upload the infetnal robotic arms

I should know C# considering my major is computers and information systems but sadly its not one of the languages we cover. Wish I could help you on that though.

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Everything basic seemed to work great. :)

Still waiting on that Canadarm fix. The one that the other guy did worked fine but wouldn't lock on to anything.

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I'm not worried about screwing up something. I've done that plenty of times trying to mod on my own, haha. I don't mind trying it out.

It does, you have to switch on the magnet, like it says in the manual ;)

Mike I might be able to help with C#

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It does, you have to switch on the magnet, like it says in the manual ;)

Mike I might be able to help with C#

Thank you. I was going to make a start at making something like lazor robotic arms or infernal robotics. I will probably get stuck and ask for your help.

Or you can load up the source code of romfarers work and see whats not working?

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both shuttle and ISS arms working and uploaded to page 1 for download


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Ok, been a,while since i last checked this. So what has changed?

minor changes/fixes to ISS, updated RO version with FAR

have been trying to fix romfarer.

also will post up jeasts arm download link when I find it.

also all arms require KAS for the magnet grab ability

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Sure! :)

ran out of time today. will try for tomorrow

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woot. page 200!

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I installed v1.4.1 but it isn't working. It loads fine until it reaches the STSOMSEngineLeft file and then it just stops. Is anyone else having the same trouble?

Not sure why the oms issue is back... I just never get this. When it freezes can you open debug menu and see what it stopped on? Might say invalid character or unrecognized something...

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So, the CRAFT file is missing from the new download. Also, all the arm parts are gone as well. This may be just me but the STS decoupler, I couldn't hook the STS Boosters into them.

Interesting. Let me check ot out

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Shuttle Canadarm Is there.


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I decided I'll just not worry about it for now. I reverted the shuttle back to, and I'll wait for future updates. The next mission I'm doing requires the arm, but when I installed it, the parts from 1.4.1 don't appear in the VAB. As a solution, I installed the parts from 1.4, but the base in unusable. This is what happens when I move it.


That is definately not right. I don't know how the github release isn't working.

Ok I will make a new ksp install and only download my own mod and install it.

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