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B-52 Kerbalfortress [0.15 STOCK]

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UPDATE: 0.16 version released

0.16 stats:

Cruise Altitude: 13,000m

Cruise Speed: 580 m/s

Range: 500 - 550 km

Armament: 4 heavy bombs

Glide range from cruise altitude: ~50km

Part count reduced to 247 (from 346 on previous version)

Flight instructions:

- set precision controls

- full throttle

- hold brake (B) until fully spooled

- use yaw to keep straight on runway, pitch up at end

- set pitch trim to +3 notches above centre

- external tanks will drain first, then use manual fuel flow control to maintain centre of gravity

- never disable flow from an external tank, due to fuel glitches it will not resume when re-enabled

- after reaching 12,000m increase pitch trim to +5 notches

Craft file (attachments broken on new forum), right click -> save as: http://www.darkorbitmedia.com/ksp/0.15/B-52 Kerbalfortress [0.15].craft

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce to you the B-52 Kerbalfortress. After browsing the spaceship exchange forums and seeing no large-scale aircraft, I decided to build a replica of the renowned B-52 heavy bomber.

This aircraft is an absolute pleasure to fly, extremely stable (can even be flown at 2x time safely). It carries 4 bombs which double as external fuel tanks) that are dropped in pairs, and are quite easy to aim (see video for demonstration). Stats:

Cruise Altitude: 14,000m - 15,000m

Cruise Speed: 500 - 550 m/s

Range: approx. 400km

Flight instructions:

- set precision controls (caps lock)

- full throttle

- ignite engines

- hold wheel brakes (B) for several seconds

- release brakes

- hold pitch up. Should take off right at the end of the runway

- SPACE to release first set of bombs

- SPACE again to release second set of bombs

- SPACE to open deceleration parachute after touchdown

Watch the video for a full demonstration of takeoff, reaching cruise altitude/speed, bombing, and landing (on runway).

This has been another quality Chronic release. Enjoy!

Craft file (attachments broken on new forum), right click -> save as: http://www.darkorbitmedia.com/ksp/0.16/B-52 Kerbalfortress [0.16].craft


Edited by ChronicSilence
New version released
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Wow. This craft caused my KSP to transform into a slideshow and upon attempting to launch veered off the runway and destroyed one of my F-56s. Six kerbals lost. Any recommendations? ???

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@Volt: I\'ve never actually had any problems with veering off the runway. The slideshow might have something to do with that problem, it not being able to respond to controls fast enough. Maybe reduce quality/AA to pick up the framerate for better responsiveness? Also, make sure you have precision controls turned on.

@MrMadGameplay: once you get it off the ground, it\'s actually incredibly easy to fly. I was flying at 2x time warp WITHOUT ASAS at some points. So much momentum that it just doesn\'t roll around much.

@Forge: to get to orbit I\'d need to use the toroidal rocket engines, and they burn fuel so fast that I don\'t think it would ever get there. You\'re welcome to replace the atmospheric engines with the other ones though, see if you can do it. Extra thrust might tear the wings off though.

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This is a phenominal aircraft!

Large, Immensly Powerful, Strong, Well Equiped, BOMB\'s included...

This is Kerbal Engineering at its best!

But even on my system, its crippling! Can you kindly release a Lite version, with all the fuel + engines, just not as many wiglets or struts, too reduce lag!

- If you do, I\'ll keep it in my SPH forever!

Thank you for sharing!

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@Seanoog: I\'d love to release a lite version, and I\'ve been trying to build one, but unfortunately by removing struts the wings refuse to stay connected (fall off as soon as you put it on the runway). This is partially due to how much torque is on the wings because of the engines being placed so far forward (a necessity for replicating the B-52, which was the point of this exercise). Every wing component gives 1 'unit' of lift to the aircraft, so removing those makes it impossible to get off the ground.

Suggestions on how to improve this would be welcomed.

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  antbin said:

Dat wing :o


This is a picture showing the result of an over agressive landing!

AN it was perfectly flyable, with a fine touch! :o 8)


Please find a new craft file, for a slightly edited version!

Stripped the redundent wheels, too save on weight, an removed 3 sets of struts from the top section of the wing

May be 32 Parts stripped from the craft!

Will try editting it further! (Please take this as a compliment, as its not every day, a member posts up a beast of a plane, like this in the exchange section.)

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Heh, thanks for the update! I too have spent some time trying to lighten it up. I found that by moving the engine mount pylons back a little I could reduce the torque on the wing, and so reduce the number of struts needed to support it. I\'m still having trouble making it fully reliable, wings like to snap if you try some aerobatics and so on. Hopefully, they\'ll maybe increase the connection strength of wing segments in an upcoming patch.

I also removed the redundant sets, and while take-off/flight worked fine, I found it to be extremely difficult to land this beast without breaking stuff. Having the doubles seems to help with cushioning the landing.

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  Seanoog said:

This is a phenominal aircraft!

Large, Immensly Powerful, Strong, Well Equiped, BOMB\'s included...

This is Kerbal Engineering at its best!

But even on my system, its crippling! Can you kindly release a Lite version, with all the fuel + engines, just not as many wiglets or struts, too reduce lag!

- If you do, I\'ll keep it in my SPH forever!

Thank you for sharing!

now i know i cant get this. >:(

cuz my computer lags like hell already :\'(

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  DrBurst said:

Just note, this made me buy the game because it was so awesome.

There are many good reasons to own this game, glad I could help push you to getting it.

  Gojira said:


How did you do those wings.

Teach me your secrets, master.

If you hit the arrow keys up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then type 'BA', it will unlock a new special piece in the 'Structure' area.

Also, about 150 flight attempts to find the right places to put struts so the wings don\'t snap apart.

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Thanks for uploading this!

Even thou 0.15 has just arrived this craft is already exelent.

You made this faster than I could create a properly functioning plane (without tipping on the runway or spinning in mid-air).

You sir, need a medal.

By the way, I would like to have some Extended-Extended Range Kerbalfortress, one without any weapon and the possibility to carry more fuel and go further.

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  Jeroen52 said:

By the way, I would like to have some Extended-Extended Range Kerbalfortress, one without any weapon and the possibility to carry more fuel and go further.

The 'weapons' are actually external fuel tanks that can be dropped as bombs, so they do extend the range significantly. They drain first in the regular edition and second in the extended edition (after the tanks the engines are mounted on).

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