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Remember when KSP was fun?


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yeahhhh... not sure how many people are awaiting your game reviews with bated breath there, buddy.

Squad gets a 96 from PC Gamer but two angry trolls down from "K3RB4L d00d", that'll be their doom for sure.

You're a diabolical villain of epic proportions, you know that? Single handily putting Squad in the poor-house because you couldn't learn to TAP one key along your prograde vector, instead of holding the "D" harder than Lorena Bobbitt with a kitchen knife.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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This is priceless. Obvious troll and the forums are still being polite and trying to help this guy out, rather than telling him where to shove it. Best forums out there and way to fail, K3RBAL KOL4!

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  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Also, memory leaking with temp gauges that cannot be disabled permanently through a logical settings checkbox. How about that one? Seems much more of a serious issue than what they broke with 1.0.1 and 1.0.2.

Oh, also SAS wobbling ships to the point of completely shattering.. Gimbals are broken.. Just another GLARING, OBVIOUS, issue.. And still Squad hasn't even said a thing about all of their fail.

But I guess you are right. I paid for it, and instead of telling people to get KSP, I'll just give them my .90 version for free with all of those mods for .90 and say "this is much more FUN than buying 1.0 and it's free" and Squad can keep making 'realistic physics simulators' with major bugs and a chore-like Aero system.

If you do not like this version then you have 3 options;

1. Shut up complaining and learn how to deal with it.

2. Stop playing for a while and try again in a few more versions.

3. Shut up and never play again.

Basically the best option for by the sounds of things is number 3!

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I've never use FAR in my entire history of playing KSP. At least 95% of the time, I was fully stock.

When the new aero came around, and I played for the first time, My rockets immediately behaved dramatically differently from how they had before. Some flipped, some just went completely wild. So naturally I was irritated that improving the game meant I had to relearn something.

No wait. I meant the other thing.... "Thrilled".

Now the rockets I design work just fine because I've paid attention to the new behaviors and understand relatively well how it works.

Entirely new life has been breathed into a game I've already loved. Naturally, this is a lot of fun.

Also, you can have even more pride in launching something wild and ridiculous, because you had to fly an aerodynamic rocket, and didn't just blast a flying flatbed into space for which you may or may not even bother capping the boosters with something aerodynamic.

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  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Well good for you.. If you look through the forums it is clearly becoming less fun for many players because of the aero.

For some definition of many. For every thread like this there are two where the OP listens to advice and manages to overcome their launch issues, and some that do say that they're having as much fun after adapting as they did before.

  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
And we wonder why nothing has been done to make this Alpha-esque game actually become what was promised to paying customers.

You might want to reread the terms you agreed to when paying for the game. You were promised the version available at the time and future updates with no promises that there would even be future updates. Personally, I find 1.0 (and 1.0.2) to be a major improvement over 0.90, largely because of the new aerodynamics, in fact. This update wasn't perfect, but none ever are. As long as the game continues to get better, I'm happy. When it stops getting better, I'll look at all the hours of enjoyment I've gotten out of the game, and be content with the fact that it was a good run.

  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Also, memory leaking with temp gauges that cannot be disabled permanently through a logical settings checkbox. How about that one?
  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
I'll just give them my .90 version for free with all of those mods for .90 and say "this is much more FUN than buying 1.0 and it's free"

Given the number of memory leaks that were fixed between 0.90 and 1.0, this is hardly an argument in favor of 0.90, especially because this memory leak can be modded out, unlike the 0.90 memory leaks.

Nice way to seize the moral high ground threatening piracy, BTW.

Edited by Eric S
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Oh man, I came just to say the same joke I found in the second post XD.

KSP is all about learning and relearning, and that's supposed to be fun.

If you fail at something, learn what you did wrong and improve.

In my case, if I have a wobbly-tippy rocket I turn less gradually, leaving the atmosphere as soon as possible, it takes more fuel but it saves the rocket.

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KSP is a lot more fun for me. Been playing since 17.1 and I am enjoying KSP as much if not more than when I first discovered this game. And the aero changes in 1.02 are the reason. It took me all of 30 mins to learn how to get my rockets into space again. Most of that was watching a few videos and reading a few posts on the forums. And I don't use fins. It's all Nav-Ball and throttle for me. And I've launched some massive crafts -- 146 tonnes into LKO - without a mishap. (FASA's Nova 1st stage is a big beautiful beastie.) Plus my planes, ssto's all fly better or maybe it's just that I can understand the flight dynamics now.

But I can understand how for some players the aero changes "broke' their playing style and how annoying that can be. They too found a game they enjoyed and suddenly it was a "new" game. Maybe even a harder game or just not as fun. I can sympathize. Can't tell you how many times another game that I enjoyed had some aspect nerf'd and I thought, well darn there goes my fun. Such is the gamers' life.

However no matter how much complaining is done, Squad was always moving their game in this direction. I seriously doubt they are going to go back to atmo-soup. (I hope not.) So we can adapt, learn a new playing style or play an older version or even wave good-bye. With that said, I do hope that all of the players who are having difficulty with the aero changes will open themselves to learning something new and discover just how much fun this game is. After all it's hardly rocket science (yet.)

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Remember when it was fun? I sure do, 1.0.2 was great fun just before starting to write this post, and I'm highly confident that it will be at least as much fun after I finish writing the post, probably even more fun as I expand my exploration through my endless stream of highly successful and easy rocket launches.

The new aero is great, for both rockets and planes. The old Aero was a pile of steaming monkey poo for everything, rockets, planes, and even the occasional innocent sperm whale suddenly appearing in the upper atmosphere. The new aero physics are such a huge improvement, that I'm sure even the sperm whales will be pleased with them. Once you get used to it, it's easier for everything, you just have to build them correctly, then fly them correctly. Building them correctly isn't terribly restrictive, and rockets that are at least vaguely realistic are quite likely to require less fuel, or have an improved payload capacity if flown close to optimally. Unrealistic craft are still quite possible, but may require significant effort to solve or mitigate any fundamentally terrible aerodynamics.

OP, you keep complaining about lack of substance, frankly you're not offering any real substance to this thread yourself.

"Many" people not liking them, nope not really seeing the evidence for that, just a vocal minority that seem to either be refusing or be incapable of adapting to change. It's a shame really, because it's a massive improvement, and they are missing out on it, plus they could probably learn some new things about real world aerodynamic physics. What I'm seeing on the forum is a minority of people that don't think it's a huge improvement, and many more who vary from quite happy to very happy with it.

Good riddance to "45 @ 10", may you burn forever in a pile of smoking rocket wreckage from a badly piloted launch! Good riddance to ridiculous air hogging! Good riddance to achieving orbit 99% on turbojets and 1% on rocket power!

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I have actually been enjoying the new aero. Granted, it might not be perfect yet, but it seems better than 0.90 to me. I wasn't sure if I would like it at first, but I like the challenge of the more realistic(-ish) aerodynamics. Now K3RBAL KOL4, you have been

criticizing other people rebuttals as lacking substance, which find a bit hypocritical given that your main post lacks any suggestions to improve what you are complaining about. So, I must ask, what would you suggest to make this game more fun?

  Samlow said:
The memory leak thing is real though.

Since I play heavily modded to get an interstellar campaign, I was running close to max mem without the leak already.

Basically I did this:

- Get the Temperature Gauge Killer https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/775/Temperature%20Gauge%20Killer

- Check how much RAM youre using. If youre close to 3.8Gigs youll crash often. (as its a hardcap on the 32 bit engine)

- If youre crashing a lot due to memory write errors (see above), run the game in opengl render mode. You might have to manually put the game on higher GFX card settings in your cataclysm/nvidia settings to make it pretty again. (google that .... to find out how to run this mode)

That basically dropped me from 3.6 Gigs to 2.4 Gigs ram usage, and havent crashed in a single playing session (upto 10 hours with alt tabbing) yet.

Lot of manual work, but better then just not playing whilst waiting for a hotfix.

Thanks for posting this, I heard about this, but I didn't know it made that much of a difference. I'm currently playing by forcing open_gl, but maybe I don't have to if I just kill those temp gauges. Then again, I'm sorta addicted to a good couple of mods... I think this should be stickied for those playing with mods, unless it already is and I am dumb.

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I was one of the vocal anti-realists. Even with the aero system in 1.0.2 I don't feel like my style is being cramped. Did I have to learn how to cope with the new aerodynamics? Sure. I rarely use fairings, launch some laughably inefficient stuff, but it all gets to where I want it. I'm having even more fun now as I laugh in the face of heat and aero. :)

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  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Thanks guys for being such great help and ignoring that fact that the Aero is bad, and you know it.

I'm sorry, you really have to speak for yourself here. I love the new aero, seriously. I have never built such advanced planes in my nearly two years of playing. In my opinion, flying feels much more responsive and real than ever before. Yes, rockets are difficult to fly now, but KSP is about challenge and overcoming tremendous obstacles. Rockets won't stop flipping? Then find the problem, tweak your design, and trying again. If need be, watch tutorials and get help here on the forums. Whining about it won't change anything.

This game is not for the impatient nor the easy angered. Everyone here has poured hours into some mission only to have it destroyed in a blinding flash. If you can't stand trial and error, then this game is not for you.

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  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Well your insults and elitism has driven this player away from KSP. Already deleted from Steam local. But don't worry, me and my .90 will have fun again, as well as the thousands of others who find my link for it in the coming days.

Thanks guys for being such great help and ignoring that fact that the Aero is bad, and you know it.

From where I sit, it appears that you were never interested in help, and proceeded to be actively hostile towards anyone who tried to tell you what the problems you were facing were. It appears that you created this thread solely to throw a tantrum because you're too myopic to actually see the reality here, and too stuck in your ways to adapt to change which was both entirely expected and absolutely required for the full release. Well done, you've had your tantrum. The help was there, had you come forward with a reasonable attitude and open mind, but you snubbed it comprehensively.

And, since you're now stating your intention to wilfully engage in facilitating copyright infringement:

Door is that way, mind it doesn't hit you on the way out!

Still, if it comes to court, that will certainly be helpful, as normally the court has to infer intent, rather than have intent clearly stated by the defendant in advance!

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  Murph said:
From where I sit, it appears that you were never interested in help, and proceeded to be actively hostile towards anyone who tried to tell you what the problems you were facing were. It appears that you created this thread solely to throw a tantrum because you're too myopic to actually see the reality here, and too stuck in your ways to adapt to change which was both entirely expected and absolutely required for the full release. Well done, you've had your tantrum. The help was there, had you come forward with a reasonable attitude and open mind, but you snubbed it comprehensively.

And, since you're now stating your intention to wilfully engage in facilitating copyright infringement:

Door is that way, mind it doesn't hit you on the way out!

Still, if it comes to court, that will certainly be helpful, as normally the court has to infer intent, rather than have intent clearly stated by the defendant in advance!

If you haven't done so already, report K3RBAL KOL4. I've already reported him to the mods three times today, which is a record in my entire time here on the forums. Just...AGH. I HATE TROLLS. AGSAGHDAGHSDAGHSD!!!

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Bad troll is bad.

If you're going to pretend to ragequit on a game, at least pick a topic that has to do with the actual game.

Also the whole "Delta IV doesn't flip!" thing, doesn't the Delta IV have gimbled engines, and without that control it would in fact flip (Catastrophically).

EDIT: Oh, posts removed, well then.

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  K3RBAL KOL4 said:
Yes, I'm sure that Squad has the resources to gather a legal team and fight the distribution of their beta version (which is better than their official game). Oh wait, now that they have surely spent what little they made from you fanboys pre-1.0 I'm sure they have the funds for it after spending what little was left on salaries for a game that is in the hands already of 95% of what will be it's player base (push those local school districts to learn 'real physics', lololol).

My god, you're making me so angry! Do you even like space...at all? If not, what are you doing here?! This game is not made for the Average Joe, simply because it takes time, effort, determination, and skill to take in everything this game has to offer. You appear to be giving up, which is totally against the spirit of the game. Here my challenge to you: fire up the game just one more time and actually use the resources this thread alone has provided to thrive in kerbal universe. It's harsh and challenging, but that is exactly what this game is about. Period.

I am done. Goodnight.

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  Thomas988 said:
My god, you're making me so angry! Do you even like space...at all? If not, what are you doing here?! This game is not made for the Average Joe, simply because it takes time, effort, determination, and skill to take in everything this game has to offer. You appear to be giving up, which is totally against the spirit of the game. Here my challenge to you: fire up the game just one more time and actually use the resources this thread alone has provided to thrive in kerbal universe. It's harsh and challenging, but that is exactly what this game is about. Period.

I am done. Goodnight.

The worst thing you can do is let OP make you angry, as that is clearly their goal. Have a good night.

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This thread has deteriorated into personal animosities, and is no longer serving a constructive purpose. Please, go do something else for a while, folks, and return to the forum when you can discuss the game without insulting each other.

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