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"Duna, Ore Bust!" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (COMPLETE)

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WOW...... this captivated me from start to finish... but please, I have to inform you of a boo boo first...

You spell it Major.... not Majer ... so, yes, it was a Major Boo Boo....

This is a classic, I gave you some rep.

NOW.... You called this organisation KerbalFleet.... did you not? I cannot remember now. The closeness to Star Fleet is not lost.

I there suggest that since there are no red shirts in this navy of yours, that the white suits take their place.

Yes, seriously, you must kill a few white suits.... all in the line of duty....

Other than that, the best bit that had me in hysterics was the ship name joke.

YOU sir, are amazingly brilliant. If Squad had any sense, they'd hire you to do a regular comic as a way to get others interested in the game...

You deserve all the rep there is, and then some. :)

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Stickied! Wow, what a great surprise to find when I finally got to a hotel that had wifi--it's a 'majer' honor of course, and I would celebrate with some more panels right now if I had a PC with me. For now we'll just have to imagine Walt's reaction to getting stickied and all the rep. Cheers!

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Stickied! Wow, what a great surprise to find when I finally got to a hotel that had wifi--it's a 'majer' honor of course, and I would celebrate with some more panels right now if I had a PC with me. For now we'll just have to imagine Walt's reaction to getting stickied and all the rep. Cheers!

Celebrate with mass quantities of alcoholic beverages.

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I imagine kerbfleet's PR department is having a wild party. Kindaof a shame that you got stickied just as updates are on hold due to your vacation. :(

Well I don't think there's a 'bad' time to get stickied--such an honor could finally get Walt out of his hazmat suit and into party clothes! Hopefully anyone who just discovered the comic will read through, subscribe, and then will get all the updates going forward.

Regarding the proper spelling of Kerbfleet Air Service ranks, they are as follows:

2nd Looty (equiv. to Space Service Enzin)

1st Looty (equiv. to space Looty Jr.)

Kaptin (equiv. to space Looty)

Majer (equiv. Looty Comder)

Looty Kernel (equiv. Comder)

Kernel (equiv. space Kaptin)

I hope that clears everything up. :)

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Regarding the proper spelling of Kerbfleet Air Service ranks, they are as follows:

2nd Looty (equiv. to Space Service Enzin)

1st Looty (equiv. to space Looty Jr.)

Kaptin (equiv. to space Looty)

Majer (equiv. Looty Comder)

Looty Kernel (equiv. Comder)

Kernel (equiv. space Kaptin)

I hope that clears everything up. :)

As clear as the old Mk1 Inline Cockpit. :)

The only difference if it were my program would be 'Lefty' instead of 'Looty'.

Happy landings!

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Well I don't think there's a 'bad' time to get stickied--such an honor could finally get Walt out of his hazmat suit and into party clothes! Hopefully anyone who just discovered the comic will read through, subscribe, and then will get all the updates going forward.

Regarding the proper spelling of Kerbfleet Air Service ranks, they are as follows:

2nd Looty (equiv. to Space Service Enzin)

1st Looty (equiv. to space Looty Jr.)

Kaptin (equiv. to space Looty)

Majer (equiv. Looty Comder)

Looty Kernel (equiv. Comder)

Kernel (equiv. space Kaptin)

I hope that clears everything up. :)

Nope. Its still Major. :)

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I must say, good show.

You've also inspired me to make a self-fueling rocket plane for Duna exploration (and surveys) ASAP. The design limitations I set myself are making it a little complex. I'm a bit obsessed with streamlining, am peculiar about certain forms of clipping, and I prefer a throttleable VTOL engine. Really wish the mid-size gear could steer.

How did you test the flight envelope of the airframe? Seems like 10-14 km on kerbin should be a reasonable approximation of low altitude Duna flight.

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I laughed at the thought that Mortimer could take out a life insurance policy on the astronauts. The monthly premiums for Jeb alone probably be what the real-world Apollo program cost in it's entirety. The most you could say for Jeb is that he's a non-smoker.

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It's actually fun to fly there now, instead of being just bloody hard work.

Wait, what's changes now that you're talking about exactly?

And... Why aren't you still taking anything for the Flying Duna Challenge? You know, I keep poking my head in there every now and then (you know it was where I made my first post ever on the forums, right?), and I still dream of earning that patch. I developed helicopters, spaceplanes, and dedicated atmospheric planes all for the task- the only problem was that every time that one was about to get there, real life would rear its ugly head and then KSP would undergo some kind of major update before I ever finished it...

Now I've decided to opt for a slightly less ambitious Constellation-style mission first (it's possible all-stock in 1.0.x thanks to ISRU, fairings, and improved aerodynamics) as I've never actually put Kerbal boots on the ground on Duna (except for a certain survivable crash of the Eagle Mk2 for the Flying Duna Challenge a long time back), but I'm still going for a plane or helicopter mission there (probably the latter- as it's never been done) in the long run... I want that patch! :)

Anyways, sorry to go off-topic. I've been following along the comic strip- great work Kuzzter!



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Yay Bill!

And welcome back. Hope Plutostille Day went well for you. Glad you survived the horrors of reentry from a trans-Atlantic flight. Last time I did that, the customs pervs were all for .... probes. I thought I'd been abducted by UFO aliens :).

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And welcome back. Hope Plutostille Day went well for you. Glad you survived the horrors of reentry from a trans-Atlantic flight. Last time I did that, the customs pervs were all for .... probes. I thought I'd been abducted by UFO aliens :).

Thanks! It was not bad at all. The Air France crew decorated the jetway for Bastille Day, put on berets and handed out flags to the kids. One of the gate agents even got on the mic and sang "La Marseillaise" to entertain us while we were waiting to board, and of course we all joined in. it felt kind of like that great scene in Casablanca, except instead of singing over "Die Wacht am Rhein" we were competing with the boarding announcements for other flights.

And here's a vacation photo I took especially for my friends on the Forum: 'Eve' and "Jool' over the rooftops of Paris! Sorry I couldn't stabilize the image any better than this--wine may have been involved.


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