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Which planets/moons do you need ladders to get back in your capsule instead of the jetpack?

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I can easily use the RCS jet pack on the Mun and Minmus get get back into my lander without need to climb a ladder. That would not work on Kerbin. What about Duna? I am trying to find where I can rely on a jetpack and where the gravity is too high to easily do so.

Edited by Invader Jim
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I just checked the wiki. The only bodies you CAN'T jetpack on are Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, and Tylo (and obviously Jool).


It's also possible to jetpack into orbit on bodies with Minmus gravity or less (or with a "boost" from a rocket exhaust stream if you feel like being inventive).

Edited by zxczxczbfg
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Note that on Kerbin, Laythe and Tylo (And even Eve but it's pretty marginal) you can do a jetpack-jump to get up onto something that you can't simply jump on. I've successfully jet-jumped onto the wing of my return plane on Laythe, when jumping and jetpacking alone didn't do the trick. May work even better in 1.0 with the clambering.

Interestingly, the Oberth Effect rules this kind of thing. Jumping, then jetpacking at the apex doesn't help, but jumping and instantly jetpacking does.

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