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[WIP][1.0.2] Antares/Cygnus - v0.2 - 5-24-15


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So here's a model I found online that I thought I'd quickly convert over for KSP, seeing as how there are a lack of Antares/Cygnus mods here.

So far Cygnus is done, no idea whether or not I'll do the rocket also, maybe, maybe not. I did this on a whim so I may not even ever update it again, just giving fair warning.




This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited


-Original Cygnus model: Don Gallagher

-Circular Solar Panels Model: Yogui87 BY-NC-SA

Edited by diomedea
corrected link to Imgur album
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Good idea. My original plan with my Castor 30 was to produce something I wanted that was low quality, and have the public convince an amazing modder to make a great one. With this project, raider nick has done this.

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