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Pewdiepie Kerbal Space Program Video


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I've never really watched much of his stuff, I was looking for like an Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth thing on it, but I saw his video from back in April. I got so annoyed, I turned it off after like 10 seconds. I just had to vent somewhere about it.

Of course it's not supposed to be serious, but it wasn't even joking in a way that I couldn't suspend my knowledge of it. Maybe its me.

But he starts by giving his own names to the title screen Kerbals. Jeb is Jeb, he may not be renamed. It just bothered me. I turned it off when he took two propellant tanks and then attached a Mainsail to them. I was done. I may have become too invested in the game. I could not help but be pissed off.:mad:

Take a look at it.

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I saw it. It was...forced...to say the least. I didn't find it too interesting, either. Just the cliche "get confused at what capsule to use, throw stuff on it, find symmetry glitch, abuse it, etc." No offense to new players, of course, but it was quite a disappointing video.

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Hey now, I watched it for the first time when it came out in April, and honestly I couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious how he attempted to figure out the game, and while I don't watch Pewds very often because he doesn't play good games like he used to, let's take a moment to consider that he did take the time to give KSP a try.

Will he make more videos? Probably not, it's been over a month.

But don't criticize him too harshly for the things he does in his videos, because remember that that is his style. Random and stupid. Apparently, a strategy that works.

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it was quite a disappointing video.

It sucked hard. I've never relly liked pewdiepie videos, and this one made it worse. i agree with the OP : it starts up my OCD when he puts the wrong symmetry, wrong fuel for wrong engines, *renames kerbals* ... its showing what the game isn't ! i don't think KSP was ever designed to be about rockets that cannot even get off the launchpad

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Hey now, I watched it for the first time when it came out in April, and honestly I couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious how he attempted to figure out the game, and while I don't watch Pewds very often because he doesn't play good games like he used to, let's take a moment to consider that he did take the time to give KSP a try.

Will he make more videos? Probably not, it's been over a month.

But don't criticize him too harshly for the things he does in his videos, because remember that that is his style. Random and stupid. Apparently, a strategy that works.

It does at least show that KSP is obtaining some status. I do like that. I'm a bright side kind of guy.

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It does at least show that KSP is obtaining some status. I do like that. I'm a bright side kind of guy.

Actually, it shows that Squad threw him some money: it was a sponsored video.

But it was openly presented as such, so that's fine.

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Guest Jack6251

I think you guys miss the point of his stuff by a country mile since it's not really in-depth analytical stuff nor meant to be a players guide to anything much in any game he focusses on. If it weren't for him I would never have found the game and that was pretty much the point of his vid, so cut some slack since all his reviews are shallow and simply giving a taste and flavour of the game and not particularly an endorsement either.

Hello by the way, first post :)

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I think you guys miss the point of his stuff by a country mile since it's not really in-depth analytical stuff nor meant to be a players guide to anything much in any game he focusses on. If it weren't for him I would never have found the game and that was pretty much the point of his vid, so cut some slack since all his reviews are shallow and simply giving a taste and flavour of the game and not particularly an endorsement either.

Hello by the way, first post :)

Hi, and I agree. Pewdiepie's video didn't downplay the game at all, nor was it supposed to showcase it. It was just him screwing around with KSP. And that is fine.

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To be fair, the Kerbals on the title screen are not neccesarily Jeb, Bill, and Bob. If they were, Val would probably be with them, after all! A female Kerbal is also shown, but again not necessarily Valentina.

At any rate the Pewdiepie video was horrid.

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....but I saw his video from back in April. I got so annoyed, I turned it off after like 10 seconds.... I could not help but be pissed off.:mad:.

my reaction to all Pewdiepie videos actually.

I try to avoid them at all costs unless he's the only one with an English video of a game I'd like a preview of.

and even then, I mute the audio


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Yeah, even this thread says that the vid came out the same day 1.0 came out.

Also, I don't like the Pewds that much.

Also, I don't like the Pewds that much.
the Pewds

I suggest calling him "Newbs" instead.

I hate pewdiepie, and I didn't watch the video either or ANY of his "videos". One of my "friends" (or rather, some kid that hangs out with us at lunch) is a major fan of pewdiepie, and on the day the video was released he came up to me and said "[mythbusters844], I think you'll like this video" and showed me that diepewpie made a KSP video. I was absolutely stunned and didn't say anything for two hours. Thank God the community hasn't gone down the drain like other communities have from pewdiepie.

Edited by mythbusters844
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Good ol' forced screaming and "lol so random explosions and ...." coming from a pasty guy who makes sexual assault jokes on his videos; exactly the kind of advertising KSP doesn't need more of, old hat or not

I think his channel can be summed up by

(warning: bad language, obviously)
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Hey now, I watched it for the first time when it came out in April, and honestly I couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious how he attempted to figure out the game, and while I don't watch Pewds very often because he doesn't play good games like he used to, let's take a moment to consider that he did take the time to give KSP a try.

Will he make more videos? Probably not, it's been over a month.

But don't criticize him too harshly for the things he does in his videos, because remember that that is his style. Random and stupid. Apparently, a strategy that works.

His audience demographic that he caters to are teen girls and boys. I can't relate to that sort of stuff anymore.

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Not a fan of the Pewds. However, my 10 year old son will watch his videos for hours! The Pew, Markiplyer (sp?), Jacksseptictank (Sp? again) my son eats them up.

During the infancy of video gaming, the contrarians would shout from the roof tops "playing video games will rot yer brain! Go outside!" Now I shout at my son "watching videos of other people playing video games will rot yer brain! Play the game yerdamnself!"

Kids these days, sheesh.

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His audience demographic that he caters to are teen girls and boys. I can't relate to that sort of stuff anymore.

I don't have any animosity for pewdiepie or his style... it's his job to entertain his demographic and he does it well. I would be thrilled beyond measure to end up with 1/10th the views he gets. Gotta respect successful youtubers for making it work.

And I don't think this is bad advertising for KSP at all. Anybody want to guess how many of those 3.5 million viewers are younger kids who get interested in KSP, interested in science?

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I suggest calling him "Newbs" instead.

I hate pewdiepie, and I didn't watch the video either or ANY of his "videos". One of my "friends" (or rather, some kid that hangs out with us at lunch) is a major fan of pewdiepie, and on the day the video was released he came up to me and said "[mythbusters844], I think you'll like this video" and showed me that diepewpie made a KSP video. I was absolutely stunned and didn't say anything for two hours. Thank God the community hasn't gone down the drain like other communities have from pewdiepie.

The only people who are permitted to enjoy Pewdiepie are kids who just barely went through puberty.

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...let's take a moment to consider that he did take the time to give KSP a try.

Will he make more videos? Probably not, it's been over a month.

let's take a moment to consider that he was paid to make that video

it clearly states it when the video starts

...Random and stupid. Apparently, a strategy that works.

what we need to stop and think about is 3 million of the worlds youth find him entertaining.

If that doesn't scare the crap outta you....

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I think you guys miss the point of his stuff by a country mile since it's not really in-depth analytical stuff nor meant to be a players guide to anything much in any game he focusses on. If it weren't for him I would never have found the game and that was pretty much the point of his vid, so cut some slack since all his reviews are shallow and simply giving a taste and flavour of the game and not particularly an endorsement either.

Hello by the way, first post :)

Welcome! And yes, I figured I might sound like that to people regularly watch his stuff. I like to think I was more polite to seek solace here, than in the horde of YouTube commentors.

- - - Updated - - -

Hatfield is truly a great Astronaut for the modern age. So glad he does those videos

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