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Challenge, Failure and Exploration


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My personal belief in what makes this little piece of joy in gaming, one of thee greatest ideas in the industry in years....


There\'s always a balance that you need in games, between making something to hard and making it to easy. There\'s always a point where games that are too easy are boring, and games that are too hard are frustrating. KSP on the other hand? Provides you with a balance between 'To Easy' and 'To Hard' , and gives you something to look at with a sense of accomplishment. How many of you looked up at the moon and thought, 'I\'m going there' when you first got KSP? I\'d wager we all did, and I\'d ask another question...

How many of you, that made it to the moon, sat there with the UI turned off, watched a kerbol-rise or a kerbin-rise and took a picture and just smiled? Thinking to yourself, 'I did it ... I really did it.' How many of you were glad just to get into orbit? There\'s this huge sense of accomplishment in each step to the stars that this game gives us all as gamers. Now we\'ve got Spaceplanes as well giving us a sense of accomplishment when they fly.


Put shortly and sweetly? Is a good thing and should always be an option in video games. It should always be a learning tool and in KSP it is... When you fail? You go back to the drawing board and rack your brain trying to figure out what went wrong. Why? Because you want to succeed and failure is a driving force that teaches you how to succeed and builds a desire in you to succeed.


let\'s be honest, when we look at total explorable landmass across all three stellar bodies right now, and then think of a fully realized solar system? Well, Skyrim aint got sh*t on that. :)

Just a few thoughts, we can all only hope this gem grows and gives us another year of stary eyed dreams, red faced frustration, mind racking research and plain ol fun.

Dream for the stars and you just might get them.

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Well, gotta admit, that was a bit over-dramatic!

Also, when I first got KSP, I couldn\'t look up at the Mun. It wasn\'t there yet :(.

Yeah, and I also remember the great winter of July where all the seas had frozen completely...

I wish I still had a copy of the first KSP, that was still so fun to orbit at 40km.

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Yeah, and I also remember the great winter of July where all the seas had frozen completely...

I wish I still had a copy of the first KSP, that was still so fun to orbit at 40km.

I remember the days before time compression , nav-balls and orbital maps , when achieving a perfect orbit meant an hour or more of gradually trimming your orbital speed and checking calculators.

All I can say is , thank god for mecha-jeb =P

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let\'s be honest, when we look at total explorable landmass across all three stellar bodies right now, and then think of a fully realized solar system? Well, Skyrim aint got sh*t on that. :)

Well said Damion. Well said.

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This is exactly how I feel.

My first Mun landing was so full of tension, I had my friends over my shoulder (none of which had actually landed) telling me how to do it. I kept quiet, adjusting the throttle, using the RCS... Touch down!

Well... The next mission was just as exciting, I got them home this time. ;)

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KSP needs a Hardcore mode that turns off ALL the features that have been added and we take for granted. ;D


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Gotta make sure it disables the stacking of fuel tanks, eh? :P

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KSP needs a Hardcore mode that turns off ALL the features that have been added and we take for granted. ;D


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

We do, it\'s called F2. Take away the instrument display and you just ramped up the challenge ten-fold. I don\'t even think about how much I lean on the navball and map, anymore. Might be a good time to unbind Map Display and hit F2 for a mission, see how well I do. (Spoiler: Not well!)

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I would see the need to connect every one of them with fuel lines though. Maybe internal ones.

No, it\'s because the first public version of KSP didn\'t allow stacking fuel tanks. It\'d only drain from one tank. Fuel lines weren\'t back then either.

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