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Help Jeb Survive Re-Entry, Please!

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Hello, all! Today I achieved my first manned orbit after a little while, but soon, what was once all good and golden turned bad! Jeb went out on a quick EVA, but he accidentally made the craft gyrate out of balance, and he couldn't get back in! I tried to help, but now he has no more EVA propellant and he cannot fly to the ship, even though it is near.. How do I get him back? Please help Jeb, he will not survive reentry, which is coming soon, I think.. ;.;

Edited by CaptainApollo
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Send up an unmanned retrieval ship with a reentry-worthy capsule for Jeb to ride in. You'll probably need to look up tutorials for rendezvous maneuvers. Until then, though, just leave Jeb in orbit (Kerbals don't need life support in the stock game and there's no time limit for EVA).

Failing that, I don't think Kerbals can die from re-entry heating. You could just nudge Jeb out of orbit (make sure to land him on his head, which is the toughest part of any Kerbal, believe it or not).

In any case, if Jeb dies he respawns automatically.

Edited by zxczxczbfg
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I agree with the poster above. You'll need to do it quickly, though. Make sure it has a probe, and at least 2 capsules.

And quicksave, to be sure.

What is your Pe?

If you can't do it at all, revert to launch.

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My Periapsis is 72,987 metres! Will that keep him in orbit? I may revert, I don't want Jeb to meet a fiery end..

Anyways, I will keep that in mind, and I will come back with an update soon! As disastrous as this is, it's so fun! :D

Thanks everyone, I will make a rescue craft I suppose.

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Yeah, he's in a very stable orbit. The min altitude is 69,400 meters.

You have as much time as you want now.

The only thing I'd be concerned about is your rescue ship. It might enter the atmosphere. So try for a high approach.

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Great, so I have time. I will try for a high approach, thanks. Will make a craft ASAP! And, Uh.. Perhaps, I actually would rather do that than revert. But for now I will try to do the rescue solution! And guys, you've got to hand it to Jeb. Look at him, in the middle of this situation.. :D


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Overlooking some important info here... Jeb is out of reaction fuel. He can't board a rescue ship by himself, or just time-warping to stop his own ship's spin could get him back aboard. You'll need full RCS maneuverability on the rescue pod, and then nudge the pod hatch up next to jeb with the ship's thrusters, then quick-switch and grab the ladder before he gets bumped away.

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You could, as a memorial.

Or, if you want the funds, you could rendezvous with it, EVA out, and then control it again like nothing happened.

Your choice.

^^ Yep, that's important, but that bridge should be crossed when he gets there. Again, without RCS it'll be really, really tricky.

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I am busy now and will do it in a few hours, but I have a quick question: What about the Mercury II? Do I just leave it in orbit, doomed to orbit? Thanks.

You could:

1) Leave it

2) Get Jeb into a capsule and then have him EVA back to it. Once he gets in a ship his jetpack will be refilled.

3) Blow it up from the Space Center.

- - - Updated - - -

Overlooking some important info here... Jeb is out of reaction fuel. He can't board a rescue ship by himself, or just time-warping to stop his own ship's spin could get him back aboard. You'll need full RCS maneuverability on the rescue pod, and then nudge the pod hatch up next to jeb with the ship's thrusters, then quick-switch and grab the ladder before he gets bumped away.

Too bad Kerbals could not tether together.

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OR you can alt F12 and click infinite eva fuel in the cheat menu :P

Believe it or not, I do not think this works after you have already run out of EVA fuel. Yes I found this out the hard way! Maybe it has changed in 1.0 though, doesn't seem likely however.

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It sure will be challenging, and I will sure post it later on today when I do it. You think I should make a challenge? How do post the mission, Dman?

And also, it said this when I completed the orbit contract: We didn't tell the recovery team you would be staying up there, so they're still looking! They'll be looking for a long time! :huh:

Thank you so much everyone, this one sounds good to me: 'Get Jeb into a capsule and then have him EVA back to it. Once he gets in a ship his jetpack will be refilled.' I will attempt this, and I will try to save the Mercury II as well. KSP is so much fun, I never saw this coming! All in all, my mission: Make a probe with a capsule, use it to get to Jeb, quickly put him in, then forget about the rescue ship and get back to Mercury. :D

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Upload the savegame to a file-sharing site.

Then figure out a way to score it, and the rules. (For example, the lowest cost and quickest rescue wins. Points for recovering Mercury II. No MJ or KER.)

Post your chalenge in the subforum, and include the DL link

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There is no specific place to post something like this, so just use [artwork] as the tag and [request] should be typed in the header.

Speaking of tags, I would change this thread to [Answered!]

And post your mission in mission reports, also in fanworks.

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Thanks, I will ask right now, and post the challenge later. I will also post it in Mission Reports, at least the first part for now.

Where can I change it to 'answered?' Thanks, sorry for being a complete Newbie.

- - - Updated - - -

Dman, here is the mission report: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123449-Jeb-s-Orbital-Adventure?p=1979058#post1979058

And the artwork thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123452-Request-Banner-and-Sigpic-Needed-For-Future-Challenge-The-Save-Poor-Jeb-Challenge?p=1979074#post1979074

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