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recommendations for a good air (or space) combat game?

Brainlord Mesomorph

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If I could only have 1 flight/space sim where I get to shoot things up, it would have to be TIE Fighter, preferably the CD ROM version. Might need DOSBox to run it though but most flight sticks should work, especially single, no throttle, non-programmable ones.

If you fancy 90's helicopter sims, not really complicated but somewhat "realistic" for games that old, you could look up Hind, or Apache95.

If you want to go haywire full on study sim, Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, but honestly, that one is not one for casual gaming. Same goes for the DCS series of high fidelity sims.

Last edit, promise: Forgot. For the DSC games, you probably want a full set of flight controls, not just a single button stick.

Edited by LN400
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  r4pt0r said:
IL-2 1946 is an old combat flight sim you could get for cheap. I still play it occasionally.

Warning to Brainlord:

IL2 1946 is EXTREMELY realistic. So realistic, in fact, that if you're used to playing more "lenient" flightsims like I am, IL-2 will be harder than a block of titanium strapped to a Rocky Mountain. Just a friendly warning before you spend the dough.

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My pick for space combat: Descent: FreeSpace / FreeSpace 2.

'tis a little old, but but dirt cheap on GOG. There's an updated open-source engine & enough mods and add-on campaigns to keep one occupied for quite some time.

Runs on Windows, GNU/linux & OSX. Installer can be found here, mods & info @ Hard Light Productions.

If you've never played it, I suggest you do :) Joystick highly recommended.

Edited by steve_v
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Noticed X:Tension is on Steam as well. That one is great as well. Like Elite, or rather more so, trade has a big part in it but it's definitely possible to go all out pirate hunting and blow up all the things.

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  Black Dog said:
Look for Star Cititzen and then watch as your CPU melts and your provider sends you angry emails for using the bandwidth of an entire cafe offering free XXX streams for alll customers...

eh, not that bad.... depends on the PC...

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You can try DCS World - base game is free on steam and you will get 2 very detailed planes with it - if you want more simulator experience.

If you looking for casual fun in MP - try War Thunder, its also free.

Space games - Elite Dangerous is pretty good.

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Hey I was ~12 when I first managed to fly in il2 1946, I'd recommend it (with some dummed down realism settings), you would also need to go to the mission4today forum and pickup the latest patches (even more planes and maps) + extras...

Theres also the x-wing and tie fighter series on gog and steam (I might be able to play anyone with XVT)...

can't really think of anything else, its all already mentioned here....

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Elite Dangerous

IL-2 1946 or IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad

DCS World


Edit: Thanks to "Nemrav" above I've just discovered the IL-2 1956 mod which i will try when I get the chance.

Edited by gmiddlemass
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Yeah, definitely Elite Dangerous, as quite a few others have already mentioned.

Star Citizen, you might want to wait a little longer because it's still sort of in bits and pieces, but it's definitely coming along.

I do have an older game to recommend, though; Starlancer, made by the same guy who's doing Star Citizen now. It might be a little dicey trying to get it to run, but if you do, then you'll have a blast, trust me :cool:

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the agreed list seems to be:

Elite Dangerous

IL-2 1946 or IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad

DCS World


also, Did I understand that FlightSim X has a combat mod?

/I first played Flight Sim in v 1.0 on an original IBM PC with a monochrome amber monitor (not green like everyone else) , a "Hercules" graphics card and no sound card. It went "put put put put put put put put" through the PC speaker. To this day whenever I see arial shots of Chicago, I see them in orange

//I'm old.

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