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[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Antares & Cygnus - Joint Project - (KIS/RT Support configs added) - 7-24-21


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This is a joint release between Kartoffelkuchen and Raidernick combining our Cygnus and Antares mods.

Development Thread



-Cygnus Extended

-Antares Launch Vehicle

For all the "geniuses" who can't read and claim I steal all my stuff without attribution, try reading the bottom of any OP for any of my mods. I ALWAYS make an attribution list of the original mesh authors for parts if I use something that wasn't originally mine. I NEVER use something without contacting and asking the original author for permission even if they have an open license that allows usage without asking. I am always transparent about whether or not I made the parts from scratch and have NEVER claimed to have made something 100% myself when I did not. I kindly ask that people stop spreading lies around because they are angry and have a vendetta against me, you know who you are.




Stock Remotetech Support:

-If you use remotetech in STOCK KSP, here is a module manager config to make the craft compatible, do NOT use this with Realism Overhaul: https://www.dropbox.com/s/po2ddzhalc1fmb7/Cygnus_RT.cfg?dl=0

KIS Support:

-If you use KIS/KAS, here is a module manager config to make the craft compatible: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tl9zhmh028sq06y/Cygnus_KIS.cfg?dl=0


Unzip into your main KSP folder, overwrite if already installed.



Download and install ONE of these Dependency Packages(REQUIRED) :

This mod is also available on CKAN

NOTE: I DO NOT support CKAN installs, if you use ckan at all do not even bother submitting a bug report, I will ignore it. CKAN installs my mods incorrectly frequently, and other mods incorrectly which cause mine to not work(i.e. FAR, RSS, RO). If I continue to get false CKAN bug reports under the ruse of a manual install I'll be forced to change my license to forbid CKAN from listing my mods.



-Antares: Kartoffelkuchen

-Original Cygnus model: Don Gallagher

-Circular Solar Panels Model: Yogui87 BY-NC-SA

Bahasp and rnmodules source: https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules

Reflection Plugin Source: https://github.com/raidernick/Reflection-Plugin-Continued




This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.

Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited

Edited by raidernick
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I like it very much but what does it actually do? It has no cargo?

EDIT: wait I see it has lifesupport, its kind of large tho, would be nice if it could carry cargo :)

Edited by Kerbal007
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  Kerbal007 said:
I like it very much but what does it actually do? It has no cargo?

EDIT: wait I see it has lifesupport, its kind of large tho, would be nice if it could carry cargo :)

Do you use KIS? If yes, you can use this Module Manager config to add an inventory to it.

//KIS container for Cygnus
//name = ModuleKISInventory
//the real Cygnus has 18.9 m³ of payload volume, using 0.64 scale gives 12.1 m³
maxVolume = 12100
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 6
slotsY = 4
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

//KIS container for Cygnus Extended
//name = ModuleKISInventory
//the real Cygnus has 27 m³ of payload volume, using 0.64 scale gives 17.3 m³
maxVolume = 17300
externalAccess = true
internalAccess = true
slotsX = 8
slotsY = 4
slotSize = 50
itemIconResolution = 128
selfIconResolution = 128
openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

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Okay, field report time!

-OH. MY. GOD. LOVE the Antares. It's become a cornerstone of my launcher arsenal already.

-Both the Cygnus variants have imbalanced propellant loadouts. One runs out significantly earlier than the other... can't remember which off the top of my head right now. I'll edit this post when I remember/test fly another launch...

-The docking port doesn't size well compared to other options, and other ports look... off... when mounted on the Cygnus. Also haven't had an opportunity to try docking a CBM-equipped Cygnus with a standard Clamp-o-Tron yet, but I have a nagging suspicion that it may not play nice with it...

All in all, a fantastic pack that could use a few final touches, but is forever a part of my game from now on.

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I've started a career mode RO/RSS game on a fresh install, and I just... accepted all suggested mods and parts packs in CKAN.  I've notice that this mod pack (and a few others) while nice, appear way too early on in the tech tree.   I'm in the 1950s and my parts list is already filled with 2000-era satellites and super efficient boosters.  I was wondering, I've got some experience with ini-file editing, so I could just tweak the parts myself, change them so they appear much further down the tech tree.  Where in the ini-file would I do this though?  What's the name of the variable that dictates which tech tree the part appears in. 

Also, is there a way to change this for multiple parts at the same time?  Or do I have to go through each part and edit them one by one?

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  On 4/30/2017 at 3:04 PM, doogie1987 said:

Hi all, does this work with usi life support? if not what life support system does it work with?


It is made to work with TAC life support. Is has enough resources for 45 Kerbal*days, you can replace the TAC LS resources (Food, Water, Oxygen, Waste...) with USI resources (Supplies, Mulch) yourself

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