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MK16 and MK2-R Radial parachutes.


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Trying to do a sub-orbital with the 909 "Terrier". I get to the 80km test range and testing goes well. When I come in from orbit both types of parachutes just burn up even when I have the heat shield taking the brunt of the heat. I have tried both types of chutes as well different angles when I enter the atmosphere. Nothing helps did 1.0.2 break this? I am also running a custom game and set the heat to about 70%.

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What is likely occurring is your parachutes are deploying during reentry, because you've activated the stage with them in it. Make sure that you place your chutes in a separate stage, and deploy them manually once you get slow enough, say around 400m/s, or so.

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I found .32 works best though a heavy section could be in trouble coming down over mountains. Any lower and sections that come in steep can still be too fast any higher. I use this setting on all stages and then use stage recovery.

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"I NEVER pay attention to the atm, when i am falling through 5000m i open the chutes and manually"

I normally do this... but sometimes I have unmanned probes that run out of power on the way down after retracting panels, and I can't manually deploy them at that point.

Setting the semi-deploy to 0.2, and fully deployed to 1,000, and then activating them as soon as I retract the solar panels results in a safe landing all the time.

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