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The K Prize - 100% reusable spaceplane to orbit and back

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I really like the way the K-prize is set up. If I were to assume control over it, I will keep the rules and the objectives the same (with the exception of adding the new planets and planetoids added for acomplishments of course).

You would be welcome to take control Suzaku, it only remains to decide if that is what you would like to do.

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Fair enough. :D

I present to you, the Bifurcator XN nuclear spaceplane!

It was actually just a test flight which I expected to fail very quickly, so I didn't take any screens until - against all odds - it managed orbit. After that, I think I had all criteria. I'm an idiot and landed on the wrong continent. Should remember for next time: it's the one that looks a little bit like Africa...

Screen 6 shows the 72x77 orbit, 7 is during orbit, 9 is post reentry and 10&11 depict the landing procedure. The NERVA provides a good amount of delta v, but very slowly - it nearly dropped out of orbit. Staging is the two jets for ascent to about 8km, then the two aerospikes for leaving atmosphere, then the NERVA. I would've had better results from firing the nuclear engine while in the upper atmosphere instead of waiting for the aerospikes to burn out, but see above with relation to idiocy. I think it should be able to make a much higher orbit safely, but the Mun is stretching it. There's another variant without the heavy NERVA which pipes those fuel tanks behind the cockpit into the aerospikes. Didn't test that one, but it should orbit more easily due to having more readily available (but less overall) delta v. Once I iron out a few problems (like the jets being barely able to lift the thing) I'll go for the piloting awards - it's more than capable of pulling off a runway landing, even as-is.

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Hey guys, I can't get my Precision Lifter into orbit anymore..... did something change? It worked flawlessly in 16.0, and I was a full throttle the whole time, so it wasn't the fuel bug..... help!

Yes, my spaceplane now can barely make it to orbit... And I didn't think my delta V calculations were that far off.

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Hey guys... Hooligan Labs & zekes.

The fuel bug caused under consumption in some (all?) fuel crossflow situations. It was not just a throttle thing. Good news is that the new NERVA engine is a great edition to an SSTO builders inventory.

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Presenting my first stock SSTO, the Daedalus K (Clever boffins at the hangar derived it from the not so very stock Daedalus for participation in the K-Prize).

For the flight it contained a few non stock but K-prize legal parts (Mechjeb, Flood lights). All wings, tanks and thrusters are stock.

(Attached craft file is without the lights and mechjeb for ease of loading)

I had to give the landing a second go as I botched the approach on the first attempt. Thats why the fuel tanks are wrongly displayed as full in the staging. Theyre empty though, as you can see in the weight vessel information from mechjeb. Otherwise, fairly uneventful flight.

Pictures: http://tinyurl.com/8h6kjs3 (flickr)

Improvements can definitely be made (both to the craft and the pilot) as for the moment I can't do much more than get up there and go down again. Fitting in a trip round the mun would be nice :)

Zero mathematics were performed during the creation of this vehicle (because maths .. ugh!) so I'm sure the delta-V or whatever the crazy engineering boffins like to talk about is way the heck off.

(Version 0.17)

Edited by sloth
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Thank sal_vager for unlocking the thread which somehow locked itself due to some kind of vBulletin glitch (perhaps it was triggered by passing page#20).

While there are Kerbal pilots who dare to fly above the sky and wish to publish their mission reports, there should be a K Prize to honour their achievements, the adventure continues...

Speaking of which thanks G Addict for your latest report on the flight of 'Bifurcator XN' which clearly made orbit albeit unexpectedly and a serendipitous reentry which permitted an unpowered landing on flat terrain outside KSC, demonstrating gliding flight as a strength of the design as well as the skill of the pilot in using it to good effect. Undoubtedly a deserving K Prize winner and by a further stroke of good fortune the current maximalist record holder. Welcome back to the guest list in v17.

Thanks also sloth for your complete mission report for the successful K Prize orbital flight of the stripped down Daedalus K. Its faultlessly precise landing on the KSC runway with a small amount of fuel remaining surely earned the respect of all spaceplane pilots everywhere and qualifies for the special kudos of an advanced pilot precision award. Congratulations and welcome to the K Prize roll of honour, (aka "the guest list", for the party at the Dog and Booster).

After some deliberation (totting up parts on back of envelope) Archangel Lucifer has been awarded the minimalist record in v17 for the efficient design of the 'Widowmaker'.

zekes, Hooligan Labs, bsalis and all good luck with your R&D!

Edited by boolybooly
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Thanks for carrying on boolybooly!

Well, time to take a break from planets. After putting a Duna return mission under my belt, I think it's time get me a 0.17 K-prize. I decided to roll out my favorite, enjoyable, and often infuriating SSTO. The Avenger. I have posted this VTOL SSTO here before, but I used MechJeb on the Ascent. So I have run it through its paces in 0.17 without using it (though it's still attached, along with other mods, but as-per rules all lifting surfaces, tanks and engines are stock). Good news is that the delta-V is still there in ample quantities post-fuel-bug-fix. My piloting skill is a little rusty... quickload had a bit of a workout. VTOL landings are not easy since the engines are sort of dragging on the ground. Not much I can do about that.

Anyhows, enough rambling... onto the pictures...










edit: attached craft file - someone asked for it

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What can I say bsalis, the Avenger (or should that be the new Avenger!?) is a technological marvel and I am glad you have managed to construct such an advanced craft in complete accordance with the rules as you so rightly say. It is also possible to detect a small amount of horizontal travel in the vertical take off which, given that you have checked the rules, I am assuming was the initial vector of the craft, which is also a rule kept, so you rightly deserve your v17 K-Prize and an advanced pilot precision award for landing with all wheels on the runway, while your craft is the largest to date in v17 and wins the maximalist record from G Addict, so congratulations for winning that as well. Your mission & craft also deserve a special mention for such a slick use of robotics so I have mentioned the VTOL capability in the roll of honour. Thanks for your report and thanks also for your thanks :wink:

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Thanks for the minimalist award booly, Widowmaker was my first forray into 0.17 SSTO builds and uses four 400L and three 200L fuel tanks to spread the weight around. Its a well balanced ship, although a little back heavy during the reentry glide resulting in many failed reentry attempts during testing. The correct re-entry orientation was finally discovered at the cost of many a poor Kerbal, earning this craft its name. :)

After many countless hours of testing I have another submission that meets both the Maximalist and Altitudinalist criteria. It also boasts a 3 man crew!

Introducing the...

In the hanger.




Finally airborne!


Gaining some height.


Aerospike rocket engage!


Deactivating the jet engines.


In orbit.


Apopsis and Periapsis.


Deceleration burn.


KSC sighted.


Banking after KSC Flyby.






Descent to KSC.


Landing approach begins.


Final adjustments.


Almost there.


Mission results.


The crew.


Weighing at least 87.65 tons (perhaps someone with MechJeb can confirm for me?) the Space Wing is capable of reaching a circular orbit of 1,200km and safely returning all crew back to Kerbin. With precision piloting this craft can also be sent on a one way trip for a Mun flyby but is incapable of returning or getting into Munar orbit. Flight is initiated with 6 turbojet engines and then the 4 Aerospike rockets are fired at around 10km.

Having a Periapsis of just over 1,200km sets the benchmark for all budding Kerbanauts to beat and hopefully has gained me the 0.17 Maximalist and Altitudinalist awards.

I'll also include both the Widowmaker and Space Wing craft files.

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A bit of a late response, but I have been busy with Work IRL and Out.

Boolybooly, I also might be too busy for taking care of the K-prize. I'm not sure if I can do it by myself.

Anyways, here is my newest single man SSTO, the K-17. It retains all the previous features of the K-15, Vertical Take Off, Efficient Design Single Stage, Etc. Minimalist Record Attempt 13.5 Tons.

The tail has been removed in favor for wing rudders due to tail fins wanting to participate with the function of rolling.

Getting ready for launch


The new starsphere is pretty....


In Orbit


Missed KSC by this much... :(


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Minimalist Record Attempt 13.5 Tons.

I think you can do better. I put this together...



I used MechJeb so that disqualifies it. I also have failed to get it under control to fly/glide it post re-entry, and in my books that disqualifies it as well. However I think it proves that 11 to 12 tons SSTO is possible in v0.17.

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I think you can do better. I put this together...



I used MechJeb so that disqualifies it. I also have failed to get it under control to fly/glide it post re-entry, and in my books that disqualifies it as well. However I think it proves that 11 to 12 tons SSTO is possible in v0.17.

Ooooo, I see your design and I know what's wrong. Due to the modified physics engine and fuel tank drain, flying wings are now just as unstable as they are in real life and have the tendency to backflip. Though a 11 ton ssto is intresting and as you've shown it's possible. I will attempt a lighterweight ssto later, but keep us up to date on your design.

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Using MechJeb btw is within the rules but landing your craft intact is definitely a requirement for winning the K Prize and the kudos goals, not a requirement for the gate crashers list though :wink:

Archangel Lucifer, Space Wing is a powerful looking machine with a kind of muscular elegance which would not seem out of place in a SciFi movie. I was particularly intrigued by the creative use of the conical extensions and RCS jets to assist with zero G manoevures. Must have taken quite a bit or work to get all the engines balanced. It is certainly the heaviest to date in v17 and also the highest orbit yet seen, the evidence is clear that your mission is the current maximalist and altitudinalist record holder so congratulations on a holding the clean sweep of all three records for approx 13 hours and 19 minutes, that was until Suzaku made a successful bid for the minimalist record, see below! Thanks to EndlessWaves for measuring the weight of Space Wing at 89.38 tons.

Hooligan Labs, thanks very much for your latest bouncy (in a different way) mission report video. That was a very careful landing for such a big craft, however did you check the periapsis was above 70km during the flight? I went through your video, frame by frame at some points and checked every time there was a periapsis reading and also took craft velocity for both apoapsese (where the climb indicator goes to zero) and plugged them into the KSP calculator for eliptical orbits and came out with a PE about 65km every time. So unless you know different and you cut part of the flight out of the vid, which has a precedent btw, I have a sneaky feeling you might not have made an orbit which was completely in space. So I have tried to devise a suitably good humoured new caption for the gate crashers list for now :D and will revise it if you say that you made orbit or make another attempt successfully. I am certain that you can do it with that craft if you so choose because AP was high enough at 90km and FYI there was room for greater efficiency in the lift off (because straight up then across is not quite the most efficient path to orbit IMHO) so I hope you try again and win the K Prize.

Suzaku, thanks very much for your screeny record of your minimalist record mission. You took the K-17 design down to 4 x 400L tanks undercutting the previous record holder, Archangel Lucifer's Widowmaker which had tanks numbering 5.5 x 400L. You needed fewer wing parts as a result and also upped the ante by dropping ASAS and going with mechjeb which is within the rules and a valid way to cut weight. In this way as your screenshot clearly shows, you were able to make orbit and with a successful landing became the rightful holder of the minimalist record in v17... for now! Congratulations. (re K Prize, I will carry on for now then, np :) )

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Thanks once again for the commendations booly, Space wing - while not the most creatively named ship, had many untold hours of investment in figuring out how to balance the weight around and is a testament to the power of Turbo jet engines. Amazingly, 6 engines were enough to get it off the ground. I had hoped to figure out a way to get it to the Mun but the AstroKerbal and KosmoKerbal awards seem out of reach atm so I had instead used it to set the benchmark for SSTO size and altitude in 0.17. I'd imagine if it appeared in a Sci-Fi movie the forward facing tail sections would be some sort of weapon (Most likely Laser based but some sort of cool projectile weapon wouldn't be out of place either, dual rail guns would be a mighty setup indeed, but I digress...).

Well done to Suzaku on creating such an efficient design, I didn't think a stable orbit was possible with such a limited amount of fuel. Congats on the minimalist award.

Being consumed by SSTO fever atm, I have yet another design to submit that doesn't claim any awards other than a safe landing back on Kerbin but I think it looks cool nonetheless.

In the hanger.






Aerospike rocket engage!


In flight.


Deactivating the jet engines.


In orbit.


Apopsis and Periapsis.


Deceleration burn.


Re-entry trajectory.


Landing approach begins.


Final adjustments.




Parachute deployed.


Mission results.


The crew.


I designed this one to take a 3 man crew to KSC2 but on this particular run I didn't save enough fuel to complete my re-entry burn and had to make an emergency landing on a small island off the coast and just south of KSC. It was my first SSTO design to use a parachute after landing which was lucky considering the size of the island I landed on. It's a robust design and extremely stable during re-entry - I am yet to loose control of it. KSC2 will have to have it's first crew assignment delayed somewhat while Mavericks crew are rescued and the ship is refueled. :) It's powerhouse is 2 turbojet engines during takeoff and a single aerospike rocket for orbital insertion and re-entry. I reckon I could make a single stage booster for it so it could go to the Mun or even further but ofcourse then it wouldn't qualify for the K-prize.

I'd also highly recommend checking out wikipedia and reading about anhedral/dihedral type aircraft configurations and the various type of tailplane designs used on real planes. It helped me make my designs more stable.

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