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What top 10 (or less) mods couldn't you do without?


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With the exception of bug-fixing modules that are nearly inevitable and different for each version of KSP, I use the following:

MechJeb (0.15+)

KIS, KAS (ever since KAS was released, unsure what KSP version that was)

Modular Rocket Systems (0.24+

SpaceY heavy lifters (new addition from 1.02 on)

Kethane (0.18 to 0.23)

Karbonite (0.24+, no longer "must have" per se, but I always install it anyways.)

K+, MKS, FTT, ART (as soon as it gets updated again, if ever)

Module Manager, Community Tech Tree, and Community Resource Pack always find their way into my installs, but they don't strictly count as "mods". They're closer to API extensions, IMO.

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If you'vebeen paying attention, you'll have noticed a lot of:

Kerbal Alarm Clock

KER / VOID / MechJeb

There is a reason for this. Alarm Clock is for managing time warp. The new "warp-to" in stock is a step in the right direction, but KAC is still more functional and flexible.

The others I group together because they all solve a serious problem in stock - the player is information-starved. Take or leave the build information - doing it by hand gives you a lot of insight as to what is actually going on, but it's tedious. Take or leave the autopilot - it's what the real pros do, but it somewhat turns the game from "flying" to "programming" your flights. But do yourself a favor and never fly without an AGL altimeter or a vertical/horizontal speed readout again!

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Nertea's Cryo Rockets - I do not go to space without these because I enjoy something called efficiency. Squad took that from us.

The entire Near Future suite - Don't use them in game as much as I should, but I insist on having them.

Assorted partless mods - given the nature of your project these matter naught to you.

Stockalike Station Parts Pack - Because stock just doesnt have enough stuff for effective space station building. These make everything better (not to mention the heavy docking ports w/monoprop are a Kodsend).

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Zero. I love stock. I love the challenge of stock. And despite the frequent complaints, I almost never encounter bugs other than the occasional Kraken.

Most mods are cheats anyway. Granting disproportionately capable engines or something.

That said, I will have to install mechjeb again once I'm back to building 4,000-ton ships that utilize Octo-docking in their design. Because there's just no frickin way I'm octo-docking anything manually. Screw dat.

But since I have a great PC, I was gonna pick up some visual mods pretty soon here.

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Editor Extentions

Kerbal Engineer


Editor Extensions isn't quite as necessary as it used to be, but it's still really nice to have.

I did go without Engineer for a long while. It was sort of neat using spreadsheets to figure out delta-V and stuff on my own, but after proving to myself that I could build/plan/fly effectively that way, it really just became a waste of time to keep tabbing around plugging in numbers when Engineer could just give me the numbers in-game.

DynamicWarp is one of my favorites because I don't trust the stock physics warp. Also nice for when my altitude doesn't allow high timewarps for some arbitrary reason, and for watching things break in slow motion - either to figure out why something is failing or just because it looks cool.

Edited by zarakon
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I like playing heavily modded, but since I have to choose, I would select the few mods i'm absolutly waiting for them to update every patches before playing :

  • TweakScale
  • Procedural Parts
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Transfer Windows Planner
  • Kerbal Engineer
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (no more wet noodle rocket/mothership)
  • ScienceAlert! (thanks you so much, no more scienceclickfest)
  • StageRecovery
  • TAC fuel Balancer

Of course, Active Texture Management (or my game won't even launch), module manager & Toolbar because of dependency.

I like to have FAR, TAC Life Support, RemoteTech2 and Scansat for more in depth gameplay, as i'm also using eye candy mods like KSP:Renaissance, but these last five, I can do without :)

Edited by mielgato
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Right now I'm only using

• Waypoint Manager (because it's so much easier than looking at the map every five seconds)

• Kerbal Attachment System (because grappling hooks and post-launch-editable struts are awesome)

• Kerbal Inventory System (because required for KAS, and because tools and explosive satchels are hilarious)

In 0.90 I also used

• Karbonite (no longer needed because mostly stock)

• SCANsat (thinking of installing again; maps are awesome)

• Procedural Fairings (stock fairings are okay, I guess)

• kOS (never quite got the hang of the commands, but I'm up for trying again sometime)

• Action Group Manager (this one's fantastic; I need to go install this again right now)

• Universal Storage (but only for the EVA propellant tank, which is now in KIS anyway)

• Umbra Space Industries Exploration Pack (because teeny tiny cockpits are SO CUTE)

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EVE + EngineLighting + PlanetShine + TextureReplacer


KW Rocketry

DMagic Orbital Science + Universal Storage

Procedural Fairings

Stage Recovery

Kerbal Alarm Clock + Transfer Window Planner

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Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Raster Prop Monitor (IVA is simply too cool), and alot of plugins that work with it, to spice things up:)

Science Alert (YES, an alert when a science experiment is available i havent done.)

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These are the mods I mostly play with. Not much, but I couldn´t imagine a game without a single of them.

Kerbal Engineer Redux

BahamutoD´s armory


Envriomental Visual Enhancements


Kronal Vessel Viewer

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KER, KJR and KAC are all really necessary.

Though I have to add, Final Frontier, KAS/KIS, Kerbal Construction Time (After all it is stupid you can build and launch hundreds of rockets, yet never leave the first day!), SCANSat, Docking Alignment, Orbital Science.

On the visual side there are a lot, planetshine, DOE, EVE. There are loads more, that I run, but, those 3 are the base ones that I must have.

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This is very useful info! Looks like most people play with stock parts plus gameplay mods (which is what my tech tree is designed for) rather than part packs... and "must have" part packs can be whittled down to quite a small list. Will be very helpful in making optional support for part packs :)

I should really pitch in too, my must haves are...

For game play...


Life support (sometimes I use tac, sometimes IFI)

mechjeb (for calculating more than controlling)

Remotetech (or sometimes antenna range)

But I also like to stack up many little tweaks to functionality and also as many graphics mods as I can! (thank you 64bit workaround!)


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  Mulbin said:
This is very useful info! Looks like most people play with stock parts plus gameplay mods (which is what my tech tree is designed for) rather than part packs... and "must have" part packs can be whittled down to quite a small list. Will be very helpful in making optional support for part packs :)

I should really pitch in too, my must haves are...

For game play...


Life support (sometimes I use tac, sometimes IFI)

mechjeb (for calculating more than controlling)

Remotetech (or sometimes antenna range)

But I also like to stack up many little tweaks to functionality and also as many graphics mods as I can! (thank you 64bit workaround!)


Ooh where did you get the lens flair effect?

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I'll add a couple of external tools that I frequently use:

KSP Launch Window Planner by Alex Moon - Generates porkchop plots (dV) and gives launch windows for interplanetary trajectories, also ejection angles, correction dV's, etc. Invaluable.

Optimal Rocket Calculator by Gary Court - Given a desired dV and TWR, generates multiple possible rockets (staged, asparagus, etc) for that sorted by mass. I use it to sketch out what kind of rocket I need, rather than just copying the plan, but it's great for thinking through what I'm going to do.

These people put in a lot of work in their free time - donate!

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