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How can i add a new resource (ballast)

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One of the requisites for lifting things with a crane is an appropriate amount of counterweight.

In KSP it means using large fueltanks which have to be balanced while lifting.

It's clear that using large fueltanks isn't ideal, small tanks would be much better as they don't take up a large volume.

On the other hand, small tanks do require a very heavy liquid to achieve the same weight.

I seem to remember that someone made a faq describing how to create your own resource but i'm unable to find it.

Can someone please point me in the right direction (or explain how i can create a new, quite heavy resource myself)?

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You would need to add something like this to the generic resources in the squad folder or create your own .cfg file.

RESOURCE_DEFINITION //Must be this Verbatim
name = YourResourceName
density = 0.001 // Higher numbers = more mass per unit = heavier resource
flowMode = NO_FLOW //Do you want it draw resource from elsewhere automatically? NO_FLOW means... no.
transfer = NONE //Whether or not you can manually transfer the resource (PUMP, NONE)
isTweakable = False //Whether or not you can alter the amount of resource carried in a the VAB/SPH


See the WIKI for more details

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