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Constellation Mission Packs Discussion Thread!

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Much better dude. How's the rest coming along?

The Duna Hab is still under the de-modding process (Un-tweakscaling then adding moar struts+girders), the Orion and Ares are done (Will post pics soon), and I am working on the Altair. I posted my Copernicus DTV a bit back.

EDIT: redoing the SPR, again!

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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How time flies! Also, do I recognize that hab? :)

Yes, you do recognize that, I used your intake trick. :)

Am I the only one who sometimes thinks: "Is anyone actually going to fly my mission? I might as well just not test it." Then I go ahead and test it, because I don't want to release a bad product. :)

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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I'm plodding along. Found some bugs with one of the landers..

Fixing that, and I rebuilt the Atlas V, testing that with every piece of cargo. Then test DTV. Ect ect.

You guys beginning to see how much there is to do!

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I'm plodding along. Found some bugs with one of the landers..

Fixing that, and I rebuilt the Atlas V, testing that with every piece of cargo. Then test DTV. Ect ect.

You guys beginning to see how much there is to do!

Yes, I do see, I've been testing the DTV for hours, just burning out of LKO.

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Acid! My Ares V just cannot get enough thrust!

i am using a mainsail, 4 reliants, and 4 of the radial engines. It can get to orbit, without a payload, but with one...

Can you shed any weight? Add more boosters? The stock boosters are rubbish individually, bunch them together.

- - - Updated - - -

You guessed it! She's sitting on my chest as I type.

Squweeee! Can I has photo?

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