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EVA re-entry is possible?

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I was fooling around with something in sandbox at 100km orbit and my ship exploded while my Kerbal was on EVA. So I thought to myself, "hey, why not re-enter?". And I did. Landed in a pond... and survived!

Is that... normal? I thought for sure I'd either get burned up, or at the very least the kerbal wouldn't survive the impact, even in the water, and yet he did.

Edited by guitarxe
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Kerbal helmets are indestructible. :) It's saved Jeb many times, when I chose a bad landing site and had to bail out of the ship.

And re-entry heating is pretty weak when it's just from LKO. I haven't lost a single part to overheating since upgrading to 1.0.2.

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I'm kind of surprised he survived a water impact, but Mitch is right - his melon is indestructible.

I've always wanted to try a "rescue" using a suborbital probe that just gets close enough to switch to rescuee. Then I can use his jet pack to land. So far I haven't been able to get the timing right, though.

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Wait, so you're saying the correct way to re-enter was to dash his head against the rocks?


I can make most every kerbal survive a landing. I saved 3 at once one time from a FUBAR reentry. It seemed... immersion breaking, so I installed EVA parachutes. At least that mod makes it make sense lol

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Depends on how fast you came down. If it was a gentle deorbit' date=' I could see a kerbal surviving down the surface.[/quote']

Doesn't matter how fast you came down; regardless of your original trajectory, you'll be falling straight down at terminal velocity by the time you get down to the surface. And then you survive.

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