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What parts do you feel need an art pass/redone model?

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In all honesty, I think much of the 1.25 tanks and 2.5 m tanks need an art pass the most - They just don't look.. appealing compared to newer parts such as the 3.75 engines, Twin Boars, and nose cones - They seem to look.. a little cartoony in my opinion. (Mainsail and LV-T45, I'm looking at you!)

What KSP parts/models do you think need an art pass the most/look a little unfitting for you?

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Decouplers (1.25 and 2.5m! 0.75 and 3.75m are OK). They are way too big for what they're designed to do. I much prefer the low profile KW Rocketry decouplers.

Edited by Tex_NL
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Every wing section except for the new FAT-S and BIG-S or whatever they are called. They are ugly as hell ! Also the first fin you get, the unsteerable one, the cheapest one (you know wich one i'm talking about ? that white hideous thing) should get a new texture...

And then the mk1 parts could use a texture revamp, along with decouplers and...... FAIRINGS ! the fairings are by far the ugliest things in the game (in addition to be crappy gameplay-wise). I'm talking about both the Stock procedural fairings and the heatshield fairings : the gray-ish fairings that stick out of the rocket are meh

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The 2.5 meter decoupler is WAY too big. I feel it should be scaled down a bit.

As for an art pass, at least the Command Pod Mk2 should get one. It's a bit ugly. In the long run, all the textures should be updated to give a more consistent feel. This mash-up of textures was covered in one of bac9's blogs, you can read it HERE. When he made the new KSC buildings, he made sure to keep the textures simple, and consistent between buildings. For parts, perhaps they should not be simple textures (who doesn't love a little detail-work), but they should all have a consistent art style. Right now you've got parts from old Kerbal Space Program, parts from the newer versions, the ARM parts, Porkjet's Spaceplane Plus parts... it's a lot to take in. Not that any of the parts look "bad": it's that they do not mesh together well.

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Pretty much everything needs harmonising into a single aesthetic. The dirty, blurry trashcan look doesn't work when compared to the higher standards delivered by Porkjet.

The ARM parts are also weirdly inconsistent in their texturing quality. The S3 KS-25x4 is pin-sharp, while the accompanying fuel tanks are the usual smudgy, blurred mess.

Hoping for an art pass in 1.3, if we get that far.

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  TMS said:
Pretty much everything needs harmonising into a single aesthetic. The dirty, blurry trashcan look doesn't work when compared to the higher standards delivered by Porkjet.

The ARM parts are also weirdly inconsistent in their texturing quality. The S3 KS-25x4 is pin-sharp, while the accompanying fuel tanks are the usual smudgy, blurred mess.

Hoping for an art pass in 1.3, if we get that far.

Yes. Forgot to mention those. Probably because I use them so rare. And the 2.5m decoupler too.

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  Rickenbacker said:
I hate the 2.5m decoupler with all my heart. I go out of my way to avoid using it unless I absolutely have to.

Yes, this.

This is why I always use the separator - It's much more inline IMHO.

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Aso, I forgot to mention: The Mk1 tanks seem not to fit together - They have black edges!

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  TheJewelOfJool said:
I agree with the Fairings. The yellow stripes are ugly. Also, every seperator/decoupler that has a bulge.

Yes. Ples. They look rather unfitting, and the base looks odd.

  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Pretty much everything suggested here, except the unsteerable fin.

Those fins really have a lot of potential for aesthetics as well.

*cough*cough V-2 and Airbus wingtip fences *cough*cough*

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Even Novasilisko, the person behind the Rockomax tanks agrees they need updating.

From reddit:

  /u/novasilisko said:

I think, if I were to do it again today, the style of all the parts would be very similar to the design of Titan rockets-

  /u/novasilisko said:
Titan_4B_with_Cassini-Huygens_on_board_with_the_second_launch_attempt_at_Lauch_Pad_40.jpg Just sort of
a patchy bizarre look to it, with exposed metal and paint in unison. It fits the Kerbal mindset, I think, to be absent-minded about painting it consistently.

For some reason it's not quoting right and insists on 2 quote bubbles. Oh well.

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  klgraham1013 said:
The "stock aesthetic" is actually all over the place. From the sleek Porkjet plane parts to the cartoonish 2.5 meter oil drums. There doesn't actually appear to be a "Kerbal" look in my opinion.

I like this about the stock aesthetic. To me, the Porket parts are far too smooth. I like turning an old tin can into a sleek space machine in spite of its deficiencies. Sometimes, I go out of my way to fit an orange can, or other 2.5 meter tank in to break up the whiteness of all the new parts.

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  Tw1 said:
I like this about the stock aesthetic. To me, the Porket parts are far too smooth. I like turning an old tin can into a sleek space machine in spite of its deficiencies. Sometimes, I go out of my way to fit an orange can, or other 2.5 meter tank in to break up the whiteness of all the new parts.

It'd be fine if everything was batman batteries and oil drums from the the junk yard, but it's not.

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A consistent aesthetic can do a lot for a game, whether the gamer consciously or subconsciously notices it.

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