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skywing, a real spaceplane

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hello and welcom

today i present to you: HMS skywing III

stock parts only, made in the VAB


inspired by the space shuttle and the shuttle from avatar.

i made this plane to go in to orbit and land any where on kerbin


when in orbit,


it drops its feul tanks, with only 2 tanks tanks of feul left.


and when ready fires its re-entry rocket and drops it as soon as he hits the atmosfeer,


where the wings take over. the plane has feul to travel 1/4 of the planet and is very stabel.


here is the link to download the skywing III (kerbin orbit only)


here is the link to download the skywing IV (mun lander)


have fun and don\'t stop inventing

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yea i know my grammar is bad, but i dont usually speak/write English

as for the space craft, i felt there was a lack of spaceplanes (planes actual that go into space)

so i made one.

greatings from holland, basbr

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As is yours. It should be 'your grammar is a bit bad'. Kinda pointless to tell people about their grammar on the Internet don\'t you think?

Technically, that\'s a spelling error.

yea i know my grammer is bad, but i dont usually speak/write English

as for the space craft, i felt there was a lack of spaceplanes (planes actual that go into space)

so i made one.

greatings from holland, basbr

You\'re doing fine on the English as far as I care. Better than most of our fellow Dutchmen.

Great spaceplane. It\'s a lot more stable than anything I\'ve been able to come up with.

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Guys, it\'s spelling, not grammar. Get your terms right.

Back on topic; pretty nice looking spaceplane you have there! My suggestion would be to add an rcs tank somewhere for orbital maneuvers. Good job and have fun flying!

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My suggestion would be to add an rcs tank somewhere for orbital maneuvers.

way ahead of you, look at the re-entry part of the rocket (the decopeling of the main fueltank gives the best look)

if you look careful you wil see one rcs tank.

thanks for the suggestion thou, i like your thinking

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Nice, but your grammer is a bit bad.

[gmod]You spelled grammar wrong, so do us all a favor and stay on track and stop posting things like that yeah? As for the rest of you, stay on topic.[/gmod]

Any-who, good looking space plane bud!


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This is really good. Though I don\'t see any fuel lines to the engine nacelles. Are they behind the wings?

thanks for the commend, there arent any fuel lines, if a fueltank is placed on a other fueltank then that conection functions as a fuelline.

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So the outer nacelles are rendered useless after a short flight time?

oh you mean the plane itself, wel if a wing is conecet to a fueltank it wil pas the fuel to everything conectet, including other wings. so if you have a fueltank someware conected to the wing, the fuel wil flow through the wing into the engine. the jetengines work all 4 until every last drop of gas is used.

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Wow, Just wow dude, seriously, like he said the plane itself is a dream to fly, max of about 746m/s in atmosphere and relatively easy to orbit. Brilliant design. However do you know why it breaks apart when you try reload it from the Tracking station?

Also do you think you could get this to be a Munar craft, I know its pushing it but do you think its possible???

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Wow, Just wow dude, seriously, like he said the plane itself is a dream to fly, max of about 746m/s in atmosphere and relatively easy to orbit. Brilliant design. However do you know why it breaks apart when you try reload it from the Tracking station?

Also do you think you could get this to be a Munar craft, I know its pushing it but do you think its possible???

thanks for your commend and welcom to the forum

hello everyone,

i was flying the plane and i noticed the air-intakes came lose after orbeting, you can soleve this by removing them,this may solve the reload problem.

a munar craft you say, sins there is no admosphere on the moon there is little use for a plane. but it shoud look cool, il have a shot at it. in the meantime give it a try youself.


50+ downloads, the mass production has been started.

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a munar craft you say, sins there is no admosphere on the moon there is little use for a plane. but it shoud look cool, il have a shot at it.

There shouldn\'t be a problem if it is given RCS. It would require a design overhaul for the launch-to-orbit stages, to lift the heavier weight. But don\'t worry, I\'ve landed far heavier craft on the Mun with RCS. Such as the Kestrel. That was really heavy.

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Thanks for the welcome.

Been messing around in the game for a while, thought it was about time to join the forum. :)

I tried a munar space plane with the C7 mod and its inline spaceplane RCS tanks and tis perfectly possible if you go for a 270* landing, as long as you have a rocket stage for the safety burn to get you down to < 100m/s before attempting an RCS landing.

Vanilla though, Im gonna try over / under wing rockets for the space stage. Tomorrow though, its late here and I have a physics exam tomorrow. :)

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hello everyone

I took the challenge to go to the mun

with the white wing when i saw something strange


anyway as for the whitewing going to the mun, its realy hard to do i have just enough fuel to make it

il keep at it

gr basbr

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I managed a Munar landing with some extra fuel tanks and mini engines, (all still stock). However, with the game for some reason consuming all of my 8GB of ram and after a laggy reload, it decided to fall apart on the munar surface.

The crew did not survive. :(

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hello everyone

here is the new mun lander of skywing:skywingIV

there is a link at the first post

here are some pics




it has about 1500 kg of fuel left so i think it can make it back to kerbin

mybe someone else with more skil can land savely, ifso please post a pic

gr basbr

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I never realized entering the atmosphere at 3 km/s could be such smooth sailing... I skimmed across a sea of air at 30km altitude for what seemed like ages before finally setting down. Beautiful plane, thanks for sharing.

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