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Raidernick's Historical Rockets, Probes and Stations


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This is a handy post for links directly to Raidernick's awesome historical craft threads:


Salyut Stations-Soyuz Ferries 


Soviet Probes

Soviet Rockets

US Probes Pack

US Rockets Pack

US Soviet Solar Panels Pack

For the gallery of the contents of all these mods please click here.


These mods are protected by the Creative Commons License 3.0.

This license does not cover mod packs. Putting this work into a mod pack is prohibited. Using any of these mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, and add-ons is prohibited.

Edited by Probus
Changed links to forum threads
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  RyanRising said:
The mod looks cool, but what I want to know is how did you get the imgur albums to be the old style? As in, black and grey and green?

Use: /embed?background=292929&text=ffffff&link=4e76c9 after your imgur code.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What actually happened to raidernick? I left the forums for a bit and just came back to find all his threads were locked at his request.

If this is a touchy subject, then I'll retract my question.

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  Blacks said:
my be i am a litle confuse but this it not bring same part / item like Tantares done by Beale O.o ?!?!

Both modders have covered similar spacecraft in their own mods, but these are Raidernick's parts, which are supposed to be as close to the real vehicles as possible, and not stock-alike, like Beale's

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  Budgie said:
What actually happened to raidernick? I left the forums for a bit and just came back to find all his threads were locked at his request.

If this is a touchy subject, then I'll retract my question.

^^^ also this also is it 1.0.4 compatable?

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My first post here must be to thank Raidernick for his amazing job. I use his mods for a long time now and I always loved his attention to detail. Also it's awesome to have Voyager and New Horizons, so thank you very much.

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  AtomicUnicorn64 said:
Were is the download link?
  Cheesecake said:
Above the Pictures in Post #1!?

Yup. Loads and loads of links, if you just look.

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Raidernick updated Soviet Probes.


  • Added Luna 11
  • Added Luna 13
  • Replaced airbag texture with a better one
  • Updated Firespitter dependency
  • Added craft files

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So... I'm having slight problems in that I have zero thrust at takeoff. I'm using MechJeb, full throttle, all the effects and everything are playing, but if I drop it from LSEs the whole thing just crashes down and explodes, and actually falls through the pad. This is with the Sputnik launcher, hand-built. It seems I'm short on engines, maybe?

Edited by Hachiro
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Salyut Stations-Soyuz Ferries - Updated to 1.7

Fixed almaz proportions

Doubled texture resolution for almaz and fixed color/shading variations in texture

Redid UV mapping on station to not suck

Added mm config fix for FAR voxels lag

Soviet Rockets - v 1.2 Updated Aug 6, 2015

Updated block D to remove DM2 logo

Added separate verniers for block D

Updated firespitter dependency

Added alternate larger soyuz fairing to prevent clipping

Added gimbal constrains for new km gimbal version

Updated km gimbal dependency

See original post for download information:


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