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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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I'm quite nervous about this decision, as this now means Squad has a large corporation breathing down their neck each patch. And console players are a lot less forgiving of bugs than the PC crowd. The game already has enough bugs and issues as is, porting it to a weaker and less popular market seems like a bad idea.

The tweet for reference:


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I don't know. I think they should get the game working on this platform before they try to port it over to a console. But I'm hoping that it's not actually the game, and that they're making some kind of thing that will compliment KSP. Or maybe they're making something similar. I don't know how well a console will deal with this game, anyway.

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Cross-posting some Reddit comments -

(Relevant posts that Maxmaps has replied to, in sequence.)

KSP on the PS4 confirmed!


Aaaand we can finally talk about what I've been being cheeky on the devnotes for literal months. Woo!


Max has tweeted extensively in the past about how consoles are bad and why the PC is such a great platform for something like KSP. I expect Sony is paying them to do this.


They aren't! I've tweeted about bad practices in console gaming but we would never jump into something like this if we didn't believe in the platform. Sony have cleared any doubts or worries we may have had about it, and have treated us well. Plus, it works really, really well on the DualShock 4.


This has potential to greatly expand the audience, which I think is awesome. But 1.0.3?!


We're thrilled to grow the KSP family, of course. And 1.0.3's doing pretty well so far. I won't give a date to avoid disappointing but we hope to not keep you waiting much longer.

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  MysteriousSteve said:



I don't own a Playstation, so I need to find someone to drive the Playstation HypeTrain. You must prove to me that you have what it takes to be a good hypeTrain driver for such a console.

To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed. I don't think KSP can work as a console game. The piloting would be fine but you'd need to drastically simplify the editors.

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Disappointed. No mods for ps4, crazy controller game for sure. Would of rather had a mobile version announced to be honest. Still waiting for PC fixes btw...

I bet they rely on the small touchpad on the controller for building and such, this will not end well.

Edited by Holyvision
Fixed typo.
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Hotfix for major memory leak incoming! We are also introducing new thermodynamics and aerodynamic changes! Finally finalizing the release of 1.0 with the 1.0.3 patch! (Shiny object attracts attention to a PS4 logo sitting on a pile of cash.)

NM fixing game, PS4 BABY!!!

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As I said here:

  RocketPilot573 said:

Though now I realize, the only reason Squad would even attempt to run the game on such a poor device is if Unity 5 has resulted in MASSIVE performance boosts! Another google search reveals that Unity does indeed support PS4. As a PC user (like we all are) such a performance boost would likely mean 1000 part ships running at 60 FPS....

Anyways another minor issue....


Take a look at that list.... Nearly ever key on the entire keyboard is used.

Now bind EVERY control to THIS:


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It worries me alot... There is a good chance they will have to add limitations to make it run smooth on PS4..

The best case scenario is that the ps4 users are getting a more stripped down game with part limitations.

Worst case scenario is that it will both take away resources from developing the pc game, it will lead to GUI being rewritten to work better with consoles and other limitations.

And if it does not sell well on ps4 then that could lead to squad ending up with financial issues.

I really doubt there are many people on console that will buy a more hardcore simulator with very limited graphics.

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I don't particularly understand why, but it sounds cool.

That said I don't particularly care, and I can see the "SQUAD PORTING PC GAME TO CONSOLE LIKE BAD DEVELOPERS DO KILL ALL OF THEM!" from a mile away.

Not like the whole Squad Sucks mentality is uncommon tho.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Now bind EVERY control to THIS:
We can't knock it until we've tried it... I imagine various things will be chorded or sequenced; so you would press one "mode" button to call up options for symmetry type, symmetry amount. And press one button to enter the part functions 1-2-3-4 (move part, rotate, re-root.)
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  boxman said:
It worries me alot... There is a good chance they will have to add limitations to make it run smooth on PS4..

The best case scenario is that the ps4 users are getting a more stripped down game with part limitations.

Worst case scenario is that it will both take away resources from developing the pc game, it will lead to GUI being rewritten to work better with consoles and other limitations.

And if it does not sell well on ps4 then that could lead to squad ending up with financial issues.

I really doubt there are many people on console that will buy a more hardcore simulator with very limited graphics.

As I said in the above, I think the best case scenario would be that Unity 5 has done wonders for performance and it will run on the PS4 without losing features, meanwhile the computer version will run at ludicrous speed.

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