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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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There is a working dev version of multiplayer, and it's been in development for years. Suffice to say it works, and they are going to implement it.

I hope this happens, but what I was saying is that there's a chance that it could happen. Resources were working in-game when they got scrapped (and was replaced by a resource, note the singularity) so it's slightly reasonable but worrying to suspect that multiplayer might get canceled.

If by "truth" you mean "your own bitter, bitter conjecture". You seem to have an entire scenario planned out in your head to be angry about that's based on a handful of words that do not support it.

Because if I disclose that conjecture I'll be met with a formidable retaliation by fellow forum members and infractions from moderators.

Edited by mythbusters844
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I'm pretty fed up with Sony in general. If they were giving away free ice cream and cookies, I would say no thank you. There would be some sort of catch anyway. Yeah, here is your free ice cream and cookies, but we require a one year subscription to the Sony PlayStation network before you are allowed to eat them. I'm glad KSP is having such huge success. But, if Sony was to catch on fire, I would help fan the flames.

Edited by Otis
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I hope this happens, but what I was saying is that there's a chance that it could happen. Resources were working in-game when they got scrapped (and was replaced by a resource, note the singularity) so it's slightly reasonable but worrying to suspect that multiplayer might get canceled.
Multiplayer progress was briefly discussed in this recent Squadcast. After 1.0.3 is released and work on v1.1 has all the developer's attention:
Multiplayer development is getting seriously done, so HarvesteR is going to concentrate more on that, while Mu will take care of KSP core in general.
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I'm pretty fed up with Sony in general. If they were giving away free ice cream and cookies, I would say no thank you. There would be some sort of catch anyway. Yeah, here is your free ice cream and cookies, but we require a one year subscription to the Sony PlayStation network before you are allowed to eat them. I'm glad KSP is having such huge success. But, if Sony was to catch on fire, I would help fan the flames.

I dont pick console sides, I switched from n64, to ps2, to 360, to ps4. sony is alright by my book. they are lending branches out to smaller dev teams and indie games, while EA would just swallow them up. powerhouse publishers are the problem.

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To the people concerned about control scheme for PS4. Bear in mind my last console was my PS2. Buttt..... even my PS2 supported a keyboard via usb. I used it to enter hex-codes and custom game labels for gametiger all the time :) I believe PS4 has native keyboard/mouse support. And why wouldn't you be able to use a joystick, or custom controller?

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1: Good for them. I am happy to see KSP get a wider audience and Squad get more money.:)

2: I do hope they get the PC version back to a stage where people are happy with it before focussing too much effort on PS4 (as opposed to dropping all PC dev work whilst they do the port).:(

3: It will be interesting to see how they handle porting of some features. Which, unfortunately, is a polite was of saying they are going to have some substantial work on their hands, which means more PS4 port work and less resources for PC dev work.:(

Bit of a mixed bag there, but can't blame them for making the decision.

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honestly I'm not mad they are porting or anything like that it honestly has nothing to do with me so my reaction should be a simple "good luck" instead I'm mad they took up the whole devnote with this and hyped it to boot.

I take it back this port announcement is why we suddenly jumped from 0.90 to 1.0 and even then it wasn't finished every bad decision that the community complains about since 0.25 has stemmed from this damn port. Forget mad now I just plain feel betrayed.

Edited by passinglurker
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Since I don't own a PS4, or any other console, I don't give a flying squid about the lack of a proper CPU in a PS4, the game having to be stripped down, not enough buttons on the controllers, no mods, etc.

What worries me is the obvious effort they are putting into a questionable task, while the core game still lacks some essential aspects and needs some serious bug squashing.

I would like to draw your attention to this devblog.

Anyhow, we expect the patch should be getting ready to go soon… In terms of days, not weeks.

Well, it's been weeks, and with this announcement today I can't shake the feeling that's Squad has dropped (or significantly reduced) the work on 1.0.3 in order to push PS4 thing, which goes against what they claim in today's note.

Will this have a negative effect on the development of the PC version?

Absolutely not. If anything, working in collaboration with Flying Tiger has helped us speed up processes like the Unity 5 upgrade, but in general the two will remain separate versions of the game, much like the educational version TeacherGaming works on!

Oh, and Sony... I really don't like them. They are the source of all DRM, copyright crap, etc. Once the PS4 version comes out, I wouldn't be too surprised if Sony started pulling down all KSP Youtube videos, due to some bogus copyright infringement claim. I really don't like them.

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Honestly, not really excited by this. We own a Wii (not a Wii U, mind you, a Wii). My kids play Wii Sports and Lego Star Wars on it. That's as close to console gaming as I get. I'm glad that Squad is securing revenue streams, wouldn't want to see them go out of business or anything. But, other than that, this is a total non-issue for me. I get that there isn't much else to say on the dev notes, but that makes it three weeks in a row that there hasn't been much to say on the dev notes. Not that that's a crime or anything, but we are all kinda hanging out here waiting for 1.0.3, it would be nice to hear something more about it than, "It's almost here!"

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What we should be angry about is that they never finished it for PC.

They aren't done yet... It isn't like this is going to be the end of PC updates.

That being said.. I don't really care if they go to PS4 or not. I don't own a PS4 (or any of the latest gen consols for that matter) so it doesn't matter to me. However, the notion that you will have to use the PS4 controller isn't necessarily true, you can use a USB keyboard/mouse on the PS4 so I don't see playing as being much of an obstacle.

Great to hear that Unity 5 is bringing in better than expected results, hope to see it soon so I can finally get a decent framerate when I go over 300ish parts on my potato.

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How do you even build a rocket with a gamepad? Also, according to the wiki, there are over 100 key bindings + action groups for ksp, where are they going to put all of them? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings

And what about performance issues? ksp after 1.0 barely runs on pc...

Edited by Alberto De Beni
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oh man...this is conflicting.

Especially since I own an xbox. :sealed:

What is funny is that the xbox would be more capable since it has exact same CPU except it is clocked 150mhz higher per core.

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How do you even build a rocket with a gamepad? Also, according to the wiki, there are over 100 key bindings + action groups for ksp, where are they going to put all of them? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings/it

And what about performance issues? ksp after 1.0 barely runs on pc...

I think I remember Dualshock 4 having a small touchpad. They're probably going to utilize that for the building.

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I think I remember Dualshock 4 having a small touchpad. They're probably going to utilize that for the building.

I am excited for that. Using the touchpad just for moving around the map screen in alien isolation was really fun and immersive.

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This is the tipping point where KSP could become one of the biggest games ever,mwith a great community.

Or another minecraft. Or a plain out failure.

seems to me that tipping point was way back in 0.90 if not earlier when squad was selling out in secret and rushing the release so that they could announce the port

Edited by passinglurker
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I have to admit that I'm concerned about this, and annoyed about the heat gauge bug/memory leak/crash that is still in the "complete" "full release" version after a literal month and a half.


Why bring Kerbal Space Program to PS4?

As the fanbase of our game has grown, we’ve received a constant influx of pokes and requests from people asking us to bring our game to PS4. With the power of current generation PS4 and the flexibility and ease of use of the Unity engine, bringing KSP over to the PS4 is simply a no brainer. Space is for everyone, regardless of how you prefer to play.

What power? It's essentially a 1.6GHz Bulldozer. A five year old laptop has more CPU power for KSP's two threads.

Edited by Bobnova
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