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[1.3.0, 1.2.2] G-Effects: blackouts, redouts, G-LOCs [v0.4.2] (2017 Jun, 25)


How do you like sounds in the mod?  

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  1. 1. How do you like sounds in the mod?

    • It's nice that the mod has sounds but some of them definitely need to be replaced
    • Too annoying, I disabled them
    • I don't like the mod completely

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This is a cool mod! But it keeps giving me NullReferenceExceptions when I go on EVA, if you'd like my output log then I can post it here if you'd like.

You don't need to, I reproduced that. Need some time now to localize the trouble and fix it. Hope it doesn't bother too much.

Question. Is it possible to make Pilots more resistant to G-forces as they gain skill? Is this something that the mod already does? I ask because I didn't see it anywhere on the mod page.

The mod makes difference by specialization only (i.e. between Pilot, Engineer, Scientist and Tourist) and gender (if you specify that in the config file). I know that people would like to have levels affect the ability to withstand g but I didn't implemented it for now because it's not quite realstic: in reality an astronaut trains for years but in the game a Pilot gains a level just after one flight. Also one tends to lose his fitness condition while in space, not to gain. That's why the level system doesn't work well for it. But there's a mod named Keepfit that's scope is g training and I'm taking attempts to communicate with it. If that fails or shows insufficient for some reason I'll have to implement my own system may be taking levels into account.

Suggestion: Could ambient sounds (jet engines etc) become fainter as you lose consciousness?

Oh, I've tried that at the early stage of development and there was a bunch of troubles with it. But I agree with you, that would be realistic so may be I should look better. Also I've tried to find a way to shut Chatterer up but had no response from its author.

Edited by Ser
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  • Fixed exception when on EVA.
  • G effects are now applied on EVA as well, though that's hard to achieve.
  • Acceleration damping implemented to prevent weird G effects caused by weird physics when going on EVA, undocking etc.

P.S. Was surprised by the fact that kerbals go on EVA at acceleration of 572G. Actually that's equivalent hitting a concrete wall...

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Sigh. When I pull negative G's I get red out but whenever i pull positive G's I get nothing. No black out or tunnel vision etc. I have my cockpit as the root part. Jeb is the pilot. No matter how fast or how hard I pull a positive G turn, nothing happens. I don't even hear the kerbal straining.

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Sigh. When I pull negative G's I get red out but whenever i pull positive G's I get nothing. No black out or tunnel vision etc. I have my cockpit as the root part. Jeb is the pilot. No matter how fast or how hard I pull a positive G turn, nothing happens. I don't even hear the kerbal straining.

Are you experiencing that with the new version only?

What values does your G meter show when you try to achieve a black out?

Copy and post contents of your config file here.

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Are you experiencing that with the new version only?

What values does your G meter show when you try to achieve a black out?

Copy and post contents of your config file here.

My G meter spikes to well over 12 G's on my hardest turns. I keep doing a hard bank to pull these G's for as long as I can but no matter what I do I never seem to get my Kerbal to even START blacking out.

This mod didn't work for me the last time either. I updated to the newest one and it STILL wont work.


gResistance = 300 //Expresses the ability of the blood system to resist G effects. Value of 100 is equal to a rookie not wearing a g-suit

downwardGMultiplier = 1.0 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal downwards

upwardGMultiplier = 2.0 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal upwards

forwardGMultiplier = 0.5 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal forward

backwardGMultiplier = 0.75 //Multiplier of a G force that pulls a kerbal backward

deltaGTolerance = 3 //The G effects start if the G value is below 1 - tolerance or above 1 + tolerance

gDampingThreshold = 100 //Threshold for damping unnatural acceleration peaks caused by imperfect physics (in G per frame)

gLocStartCoeff = 1.1 //How much more our poor kerbal should suffer after complete loss of vision to have a G-LOC

gDeathCoeff = 8.0 //How much more should a kerbal suffer to die of a sustained over-g

gDeathEnabled = true //Will the critical conditions and g-deaths take place or not

IVAOnly = false //If set to true visual and sound effects will be rendered in IVA mode only but physical effects like G-LOC and loss of control will remain in all views

gLocFadeSpeed = 4 //Speed of fade-out visual effect when a kerbal is losing consciousness

gLocScreenWarning = UNCONCIOUS //Text of a warning displayed when a kerbal loses consciousness. Leave empty to disable.

redoutRGB = 180,0,0 //Red, green, blue components of redout color (you can change it even to greenout in case you are certain that green men must have green blood)

//You can disable specific sound effects by specifying 0 volumes.

//Volumes are specified as a multiplier to KSP voice volume global setting (less than 1 means quieter, greater than 1 means louder)

gruntsVolume = 0.8 //Volume of grunts and breath when a kerbal tries to push blood back in his head on positive and frontal over-G

breathVolume = 0.8 //Volume of heavy breath when a kerbal rests after over-G

heartBeatVolume = 1.0 //Volume of blood beating in kerbal's ears on negative over-G

femaleVoicePitch = 1.3 //How much female kerbals' voice pitch is higher than males' one

breathSoundPitch = 1.6 //Pitch of heavy breath's sounds

//Kerbal personal modifiers are used as multipliers for the gResistance parameter and also affect the speed of G effects accumulation

femaleModifier = 1.0 //How stronger are females than males

//Modifiers by specialization traits. You can add any specialization here with the name matching its description in the game:


Pilot = 1.3

Engineer = 1.0

Scientist = 1.0

Tourist = 0.6


enableLogging = false //Enable this only in debug purposes as it floods the logs very much


Edited by TeeGee
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Everything looks normal. That's a kind of mystic, if you say that redouts are ok at the same time.

Are you sure you don't disable graphics overlay (F2 or Alt-F2)?

Post other mods you have installed, may be some of them cause that behaviour.

And could you do the following: open the config file, change enableLogging to true.

Launch KSP and try to hold positive 12G+ for a pair of minutes and while doing that press Alt-F4 (on MS Windows) to shutdown KSP. After that find the file \KSP_Data\output_log.txt and post a link to it.

Than don't forget to disable logging because it floods the KSP logs much.

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Everything looks normal. That's a kind of mystic, if you say that redouts are ok at the same time.

Are you sure you don't disable graphics overlay (F2 or Alt-F2)?

Post other mods you have installed, may be some of them cause that behaviour.

And could you do the following: open the config file, change enableLogging to true.

Launch KSP and try to hold positive 12G+ for a pair of minutes and while doing that press Alt-F4 (on MS Windows) to shutdown KSP. After that find the file \KSP_Data\output_log.txt and post a link to it.

Than don't forget to disable logging because it floods the KSP logs much.

No F2 is not touched when Im pulling these g's.

I've tried this mod out NUMEROUS times with many install variations and none of them worked.

I have:

Collision fx

DPSoundFX (docking sound fx)

Engine Light




LackMisc (SXT) for KSP ++

Persistent Rotation


RWSaturable rxn wheels

Real Plume

Audio Muffler

Texture replacer with Window Shine

Wheel Sounds

Most of my mods are either sound or visual enhancements.

I thought that maybe it was due to the pilot resist ability for Jeb so I switched to Bob and bill but still didnt work. Red out = ok. G LOC due to black out = not working.

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Seems like it is something very specific. Are you on win or mac?

It would be nice to see the output_log.

One more thing you may try is to reduce gResistance config parameter to 100 or even less and set deltaGTolerance to 1 or 2 to see if it starts to black out.

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Seems like it is something very specific. Are you on win or mac?

It would be nice to see the output_log.

One more thing you may try is to reduce gResistance config parameter to 100 or even less and set deltaGTolerance to 1 or 2 to see if it starts to black out.

Im on a windows computer.

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Yes, TeeGee, it's hard to say anything without having full information on issue. The log could show possible errors and actual accelerations affecting your vessel.

Over g over g over g! Pull up!

I thought about implementing Bitching Betty in KSP but without enough knowledge on warnings used in space vessels it would be too militaristic and unrealistic thus.

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  • Sounds are muted on G-LOC
  • Improved breathing effect algorithm
  • A kerbal can survive extreme G for longer period now
  • Removed several weird sounds
  • Some minor tweaks and fixes

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Yes, TeeGee, it's hard to say anything without having full information on issue. The log could show possible errors and actual accelerations affecting your vessel.

I thought about implementing Bitching Betty in KSP but without enough knowledge on warnings used in space vessels it would be too militaristic and unrealistic thus.

You should make an RPM/ALCOR version with betty, as the ALCOR pod, and all pods with ALCOR props, already have her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since there's nobody here long enough I'll talk to myself :)

Most of the time I play with all my own mods installed as I would unlikely implement anything that I'm not going to use. That's true for G-Effects also. Though, I try to play KSP in realistic and not a racing or heavy aerobatics manner so I haven't expected the mod to affect my gameplay much.

On that sunny day (are there different ones on Kerbin?) I had a contract by which some agency wanted me to take a crew report from a point within 100 km of KSC and above 16000 meters. Since it was so close it wouldn't be wise to use rockets as an airplane should do well, and I already had a proven simple design for that. The only difficulty was that with FAR and AJE installed it could climb at a maximum of 11000-12000 meters high. So the plan was to get around the needed area under the target and engage a rocket engine specially installed on the aircraft for that mission.

After modifications were made I've checked FAR's stability derivatives and took off to do some inflight testing. As the flight was going fine I found myself too lazy to go on with tests and decided to head straight to the mission area. When I climbed to 11000 and got close to the target having it at about 45 degrees high I fired the rocket engine and what the hell? Since it had been installed higher than CoM it started to push my plane's nose down. So I had to roll 180 degrees to have it pushing me up instead. After struggling hard through the instability due to a major loss of lift caused by a roll at the critical altitude I managed to pull it up. Had to act fast though before that rocket guy ate all of its fuel. Finally I had the target right in front of me and I was climbing towards it by a long arc path being flipped upside down. And then came something that was not planned at all - a redout. My sight was nearly totally red, just a little blue spot left of a sky. Now I was trying hard not to lose consciousness because I had to complete the mission and level my aircraft up after that climb for not to overstress it on the imminent rapid descend. Thanks to Analog Control mod, I could have a smooth control over that, holding the g load high enough to reach the target and low enough for not to go unconscious. But there was a moment when I nearly thought that I won't make it, but I did, thanks to Jeb's pilot training. After taking a crew report it took some effort to level up and get back to KSC safely. A good funds gain with a minimum spend but plenty of valium.

That's how G-Effects mod took it's part in my gameplay unexpectedly even for myself.

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Yes , the same for me Ser and that's a reason why I love your mod. Usually I'm very careful with my Kerbal, they have to stand no more than 3G on every mission. So, it's beautiful and unexpected when, doing some acrobatic flies near the Space Center or during a particular heavy atmospheric reentry the red shadow suddenly appears and I try to save the crew ASAP. A real gameplay enhancement!

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